Eposide Guide Season 7
7th Heaven World


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133.Monkey Business

Annie was off her HRT therapy and ready to make out with her husband.  Eric was too worried about his kids though to be interested.

Mary was hiding the fact from her family that her new boyfriend was around Eric's age.  She didn't want him to come to the house, but airplane pilot Capt. Jack Smith showed up unexpectedly.  Mary never told her family that Jack was her boyfriend, but Kevin suspected and got the truth out.  Against Annie's advice, Eric chose to call Ben to tell him that Mary was dating a much older man.  Ben got angry and told Eric to tell him to tell Mary that he was going to start going out with his old girlfriend.  Ben's old girlfriend showing up was Mary's excuse to Kevin as to why she broke up with Ben.  Kevin tried to tell her that Ben wasn't interested in his old girlfriend, but Mary didn't believe him.

Lucy was jealous of Kevin's new partner, a beautiful young blonde named Roxanne.  Kevin insisted that their relationship was strictly professional and had invited her over to the house immediately to meet Lucy so Lucy wouldn't get jealous.  Lucy tried to call Det. Michaels to get him to replace Kevin's partner, but Kevin stopped her before she could embarass him.  When Robbie saw Roxanne outside of the house, he remembered her from 7th grade.  He told her that he spent the 7th grade thinking about making out with her.  After Kevin and Lucy talked, Lucy went to talk to Roxanne and saw her making out with Robbie.  The four decided to go on a double date, where Roxanne told Kevin that Lucy use to date Robbie.  She didn't realize that Kevin didn't know and Kevin got upset.  On the date, Kevin was distracted and took Roxanne to confront Mary and her new boyfriend.  Kevin was now living in the garage apartment.

Simon made out with a girl from school throughout the episode to warm up taking her out to make her boyfriend jealous.

Ruthie pretended to have a boyfriend to trick her dad into letting her keep Eisenhower, the chimp from across the street.  She was so distracted that she initially missed that Capt. Smith was Mary's boyfriend.  Eric refused to let Ruthie keep the chimp.  It worked out when Eisenhower's owner showed up with a new girl chimp to keep Eisenhower company.

Robbie became jealous when he heard Kevin call Annie mom.  Annie had asked Kevin to call her Annie until he was actually engaged to Lucy, but Kevin insisted on calling her that saying that he would eventually marry Lucy.  In the upstairs hallway when Robbie and Simon were talking, Annie told them goodnight.  As Robbie walked back to his room, he called out "Love you!"  Annie replied, "Love you too!"  Robbie then smiled as he went to his room.

134.Monkey Business Deux

Mary got up early to sneak out, but Eric caught her and lectured her in her car.  She kicked him out and he yelled at her, causing neighbors to call the church and complain.  Lou confronted Eric about the complaints.

Simon was running an escort service where girls were paying him to take them out.  Ruthie overheard what was going on when Robbie was lecturing Simon and Kevin busted her.  Kevin told Robbie he should move to the garage apartment and that he would take his room.  He was concerned because Mary had told him that Lucy had spent the night in Robbie's room with him before.  Robbie assurred Kevin that he wasn't interested in Lucy, that the only Camden girl he ever liked like that was Mary.  Kevin convinced Robbie that he still had feelings for Mary and Robbie tried to tell Mary.  Robbie refused to move out and Kevin asked for the apartment but Annie refused to let her 16 year old have his own apartment.  Eventually Kevin and Lucy sat down to have a serious talk.  When Cecilia asked Simon out, he said it wouldn't be right for him to date someone who had paid him to take her out.  Cecilia eventually went to Eric and told him that she paid Simon to take her out.  Simon angrily stormed in the house and yelled at his son.  Simon said he would pay her back and pay back all of the others.  Then it hit Simon that Cecilia hadn't told his parents about the others and Simon was in even bigger trouble.  After being lectured, Simon went outside to talk to Cecilia where he expressed that he was mad at her for telling on him.  Cecilia told him that one of the girls he'd taken out for his escort service and that she wanted to go out with Simon so that she could say he was the father.

Kevin took it upon himself to keep after Ruthie about her bad behavior.  Ben came to Glen Oak because of Kevin's advice and said he put in a transfer to the Glen Oak fire dept.  Kevin told Ben that he would drive Ben back to Buffalo if things didn't work out with Mary.  Kevin told his brother he was thinking he should have never come to Glen Oak because Lucy wasn't ready for as serious a relationship as him.  Ben told his brother not to give up.

Eric had gone to talk to Capt. Jack Smith.  Later at home, he announced to Annie that Mary was not going to return home.  That she and Jack were moving to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, where Jack lives.

135.The Enemy Within

Eric was working on his sermon about the enemy within, meaning a person's worst enemy is themself.  Mary's new boyfriend, airplane Capt. Ken Smith showed up at the house and angrily told Eric and Annie that Mary seduced his son.  He threatened to put up businesses around Eric's church that would send parishoners away.  Ben and Kevin came in to ask permission to take the twins on a walk and Ben told Ken all about Mary's old boyfriends and not to be worried about Mary's relationship with Jack lasting long.  When he went to leave, he couldn't find his hat.  He asked the twins if they had the hat and they said no.  The Camden's hunted around the house for the hat.  (Side note, you can see the twins stealing the hat in the background right after they run out.)  Ken finally came back later and asked if his hat had been found.  He apologized to Eric.  He said that Mary and Jack had broken up.  Eric was excited that Mary had broken up with Jack and went to tell Annie who was excited too.  They sang and danced.  The hat was finally found on one of the twins when Sam pulled it out from his pants.

At school, Cecilia told him that everyone thinks Claire is pregnant and that Simon got her pregnant since he had taken her out when he was running his escort service.  Simon finally approached Claire and said he wanted to help her.  Claire tried to deny she was pregnant then explained she couldn't be because her dad would literally kill her and probably her mom too.  Simon showed up at the police station to ask Kevin for some help, but Det. Michaels sent Kevin and Roxanne to Ruthie's school before he could listen to Simon.  Roxanne told Simon that if it was about a woman, Kevin might not be the best person to ask.  After she left, Det. Michaels approached Simon and Simon said it was a class project to find out about the program where a person could drop a baby off at a hospital without questions asked.  Det. Michaels was suspicous that it wasn't a class project and told Simon that in California, all a person has to do is take a baby to an emergency room, fire station or police station and there will be no questions asked.  Claire called the Camden house and talked to Annie who handed her over to Simon when he walked in the door.  She asked Simon for good news.  That night, Simon hung out in his room with all the phones waiting for Claire to call.  She finally called and told Simon she was leaving the baby in a phone booth for him to find.  Simon sat outside the hospital in his car with the baby, crying, before finally going in to give the baby to a nurse who came out to meet him.  Unknown to him, Det. Michaels was watching.

Ben read Lucy's journal.  Lucy walked into her room to find Ben asleep on her bed with her open journal on his chest and got angry.  Ben told Kevin what she had written about him.  When Lucy talked to Kevin about it, he said he didn't keep a journal because he told Lucy everything he's thinking.  She then asked Kevin if he ever slept with anyone and Kevin refused to answer.  When he came home he told Lucy he would love her even if she'd been with another man.  Lucy said that wouldn't work because she hadn't and he told her that was personal information that he didn't need to know.  Lucy finally went to the den to tell her dad goodnight and that she was giving up trying to find out if Kevin had ever been with a woman.  Eric was shocked that Lucy would make that an issue.

At school, a girl named Linda teased Ruthie by calling her Monkey Lover.  Ruthie tried to explain that Eisenhower was a chimpanzee, not a monkey but Linda wasn't interested.  Jake showed up and stood up for her, saying he was Ruthie's real boyfriend.  He told Linda not to call her Monkey Lover or else Ruthie would punch her.  Ruthie told Linda she wasn't worth punching and walked away.  Ben showed up to pick Lucy up from school.  Linda showed up and called Ben a big ape.  Ben then told her to watch who he was calling names and a Vice Principal came out asking what was going on.  Linda pretended to get upset and lied that Ben threatened her and called her a munchkin.  Ben explained he was picking up Ruthie and Linda said she thought he was lying and the Vice Principal said she would have to call the police.  While waiting for the police, she tried calling the Camden's but the phone line was constantly busy as Robbie was on the phone with Mary.   Kevin and Roxanne finally showed up at the time when Annie called the school and all checked out okay.  After Ben and Ruthie finally showed up at home that night, Ben said he was definitely going back to Buffalo.

136.Bowling For Eric

Eric talked with a doctor who informed him that he would need open heart surgery.  Eric wanted a second opinion, but the doctor informed Eric that he was his second opinion.  When the doctor told Eric he should tell his family and put his affairs in order because there were risks with any surgery, Eric feared he would die in surgery.

Eric went to ask Doc's help.  Doc treated Eric like the surgery was not that big of a deal.  He got Eric to tell himself that he was going to be fine.  Eric called Annie to tell her to assemble the kids for a family meeting.  When Annie told the kids, Simon and Ruthie wanted to know why and thought Annie knew though she didn't.  Lucy didn't want to join the meeting because she had a paper to write about her accomplishments and was totally dreading it.  Eric went home thinking he was going to be fine, but then suddenly started to doubt again.  Kevin came home and Robbie tried to get him to get rid of a traffic ticket for him, but Kevin refused.  Annie and the kids all assembled in the living room and Ruthie said that Eric was in the back yard.   Annie went out to talk to him, then all the others rushed out to join him.

Annie told Eric they needed to talk alone but Eric wanted to talk to everyone together which upset Annie that he wouldn't tell her first.  Eric wimped out and said that they were all going to go bowling.  Eric called Doc on the phone to tell him what was going on.  Doc told Eric to just tell them and get it over with and Eric told him he wanted one more normal night with his family before everything changed.  Lucy realized that there was a problem between Kevin and Robbie because Robbie didn't come to dinner.  When Kevin wouldn't tell her, she assumed they were fighting over her.  Kevin told her that it wasn't about her but she refused to believe him.  She then twisted the discussion around to ask him again if he had ever slept anyone and again Kevin continued to refuse to say.

In the kitchen, Simon begged Annie to restrict him from going bowling but she told him he was going.  He said he hated bowling.  Ruthie said she loved bowling and family.  Robbie came in and Annie asked him what was going on with him and Kevin but he wouldn't say.  He tried to get out of bowling but Annie told him he needed to come.  Kevin then told Annie he didn't want to go bowling because of Lucy being there.  Annie convinced him to come.

Eric called his brother-in-law Hank to just tell him he meant a great deal to Eric.  Hank was suspicious and asked what was wrong.  Eric asked if he couldn't just call to tell Hank he loved him and Hank told him he couldn't.  When Annie walked in, he said he had to go bowling and hung up.  Annie told him they were all ready to go bowling.  She asked Eric what was really going on but he refused to tell her.

At the bowling alley, Simon talked to Eric and Eric said he'd be on restriction for another weak or two.  Lucy faced Kevin and said she now was convinced he'd been with another woman.  Robbie tried to make a deal with Kevin by telling him he'd make things okay with Lucy if he'd take care of Robbie's ticket.  Annie said she was going to take a lane next to everyone to let the twins role some balls.  She accused Eric of being sick and he said no.  She asked if he was lying and he said no.  She asked him then why Hank was there and Eric went to talk to Hank.  He told Hank the truth and Hank didn't think it was that big of a deal, that many people have open-heart surgery.  He told Eric to tell his family and that he loved Eric too.  Eric decided to split into teams.  When Robbie and Kevin refused to be on the same team, Eric made them team captains.  Lucy refused to be on either team and said she'd play with Annie and the twins.  Eric finally threw that idea out since the teams would be uneven and had Kevin, Robbie, Simon and Ruthie all play against him.  Simon was terrible at bowling and Ruthie was a pro.  Annie and Lucy had their hands full with the twins.

Ruthie told Eric that nobody but her liked to bowl including him.  She asked him if he was okay and told him not to lie or she'd be very mad at him.  Eric told her he was okay.  Annie approached Eric and asked him one last time to tell her what was really going on.  She asked if it was health related and he told her everything was fine and she told him she gave up and told him she wasn't talking to him anymore.

At home, Eric tried to talk to Simon about his bad attitude and what was wrong.  Simon angrily told Eric that he'd be happier if Eric wasn't around.  In his apartment, Robbie asked Kevin why he didn't just tell Lucy about Robbie's request and Kevin told him that if Robbie really was like a big brother to Lucy, then it wouldn't be right for him to make Robbie look bad to her.  In her room, Eric helped Lucy write her paper by telling her all her good attributes.  She told Eric he should talk to mom and Eric told her she should talk to Kevin.  Lucy said why he wouldn't talk to her not knowing he was behind her in the doorway.  Eric left and let them talk.  Eric went and tucked the twins in bed and they told him that they loved him.  Eric went to his room and finally told Annie about the open heart surgery.  She cried and held him.

137.The heart of Matter

Eric requests Elvis music when the nurse asks him what kind of music he wants during surgery.  As he falls asleep, he starts dreaming he's on a stage with a totally black background dressed and singing as Elvis into a microphone.

Annie called home to talk to Ruthie who was babysitting the twins.  She told her that her dad was doing well and Ruthie said she refused to go to the hospital because she was mad at her dad for lying to her.  She hung up because Sam was trying to put David in the dryer.  Lucy expressed her fears of something happening to her dad to Robbie in the hospital cafeteria.  Her fears of losing her dad grew into fears of losing Kevin.  Lucy told Robbie she was ready to marry Kevin.  Robbie didn't want to be the first person to have that information and told Lucy to take it back.

Simon brought Annie some coffee and expressed frustration that Matt and Mary weren't there.  Annie assurred Simon that Eric didn't want Matt to miss his mid-terms.  Annie told to Simon to let go of his guilt.  Simon told her he wasn't feeling guilty and that he wasn't angry at himself then left.  Lou showed up and asked Annie how they were going to deal with Eric's absence at the church.  Annie angrily told Lou not to make this her responsibility and to wait for Eric to come out of surgery.  Lou left and Annie walked out in the hall to see Ben who told her he was there to see how he could help.

At home, Ruthie lectured her brothers not to put each other in the dryer.  At the hospital, Sarah showed up and Annie was excited to see her.  Kevin showed up at the hospital because Robbie called him.  Robbie told Kevin that Lucy was ready to get married.  Kevin got angry at Robbie for calling him away from work for that.  Since he had already cleared his schedule thinking it was an emergency, Kevin stayed.  Robbie told Kevin to go ask Lucy to marry him and Kevin said no.

Lucy asked Annie how to know when a guy is the right one to marry.  Annie told her she would just know and Lucy told her that Kevin was the one.  Sarah brought them food and asked where the guys were.  Annie said that guys don't like to wait and Lucy said she's kept Kevin waiting long enough and was going in search of him.  Sarah asked Annie if there was anything she could do and Annie sent her to convince Ruthie to come to the hospital.  Ben found Kevin in the cafeteria and told him that Lucy said she was ready to get married.  Kevin explained that he wasn't going to ask her because she was feeling ready because she was afraid of losing her dad.  Kevin also told his brother that he wanted a more romantic place than a hospital to propose and that he also wanted to ask Eric's blessing first.  Ben laughed at that and tried to explain that he was romantic because he'd worn a tie when he proposed to Mary.

Robbie asked Simon what his problem was.  He told Simon that if he didn't want to talk to him that he should talk to someone and get past his attitude problem.  At home Ruthie answered the door to find Sarah.  The twins called their sister-in-law Aunt Sarah when asking what she brought them.  Sarah convinced Ruthie to come with her and that if Ruthie wasn't convinced to go to the hospital, that Ruthie could have Sarah's horse.  Lou came back to the hospital and told Annie that he and the deacons decided to close the church for the next to Sunday's.  Annie didn't think they should close the church.  Lou left and Simon came in to tell his mom he had to go talk to someone.

Kevin finally talked to Lucy who tried to beat around the bush before finally asking him if he was going to ask her to marry him.  He said no and she asked if he wanted to break up and he said no.  She got angry trying to figure him out and he left.  Everyone left at the hospital sat around together in a waiting room and Lucy told Kevin that he needed to leave Glen Oak right then because he was no longer welcome at her house.  Kevin said they should talk.  Lucy asked him if he was going to ask her to marry him and when he said no, she told him they talked.  She yelled at him and finally stood up to leave.  After she left, Kevin left.  Annie told Robbie and Ben to go talk to Kevin and Lucy.

Sarah took Ruthie to meet a friend of hers named Susan.  Simon met with Det. Michaels and told him about taking a baby to the emergency room a couple weeks before.  He expressed that he wanted recognition for the good thing he did but couldn't.  Det. Michaels assurred Simon that God knew about the good thing he did.  Susan told Ruthie about her rocky relationship with her own dad and Ruthie finally decided to forgive her dad and go to the hospital.

Ben brought Lucy to where Kevin and Robbie were sitting in the cafeteria.  Lucy and Kevin managed to talk to each other through Ben and Robbie until they would talk to each other directly.  They finally talked alone and Kevin knelt down to propose, but then realized he couldn't.  He told her he wanted to ask her in his own way which would have been better and a surprise.  Simon ran in the cafeteria to tell Lucy, Kevin, Robbie and Ben that Annie wanted everyone.  Sarah and Ruthie showed up when Annie was in with her dad.  Lucy announced that Kevin would ask her to marry him someday soon.  Everyone said they wanted to be the first to talk to Eric.  Annie came out and told them everything went fine and took Ruthie back first as Sarah went to call Matt with the good news.  Ruthie and Eric apologized to each other then Ruthie kissed him.  Kevin then came in and asked for Eric's blessing and got it.  Lucy came in and asked her dad if Kevin asked him and she hugged him.  Simon came in and apologized again for what he had said to his dad the week before.  Eric said they could talk once he got out and Simon said they didn't have to because he let it go.  Robbie came in and told Eric he looked good.  Ben came in and Eric asked about Mary, but Ben hadn't heard from him.  Eric told Ben he was family to them.  Sarah showed up and Eric was excited to see her.

Annie told Eric that the deacons were closing the church.  Sarah said her dad was willing to fill in and Eric went with that.  Annie said she would call Lou.  The nurse came in and kicked everyone out.  Annie stayed behind a little longer to talk to Eric.  Eric asked Annie to forgive him for lying.  Annie did, but warned him not to ever do it again.  Eric fell back asleep and dreamt he was Elvis singing "Rock-a-Hula" with a Hawaiian scene background and his family dancing around him.

138.Regarding Eric

While the kids were eating breakfast, Annie told them to make Eric feel needed by going to him with their problems.  After Annie left Lucy said she didn't have any problems and Ruthie told everyone that they had problems and what each person's problem was.  Annie walked in on Eric taking off his pants and asked him what was wrong.  He told her that it was that no one needed him and that he felt well enough to start back.  Annie asked him to help her out but he told her he didn't want to do her work but his work.  Robbie went to Lucy to see if Kevin wouldn't help him to know what to say to ask Roxanne out because of her.  Lucy told him that she wasn't going to help him make Roxanne a part of the family.  Robbie talked to Kevin who told Robbie that he and Lucy were not stopping Robbie from dating Roxanne.  Kevin then decided to call Roxanne to put in a good word for Robbie and Roxanne got very angry thinking that Robbie had asked Kevin to call her for him.  She called Lucy on the phone and threatened her.  Later she came by the house later and confronted Robbie angrily in the back yard.

Lucy helped a developmentally challenged man named Paul to convince his family to let him work for a black light musical theater company.  It was a challenge but Lucy finally convinced them to let Paul do it.

Eric tried to help Simon out by inviting Cecilia over without Simon knowing about it.  Simon didn't want her over and avoided her all day until she figured she was invited over because Simon wanted to be her best friend and she was excited about it.  Simon wasn't happy with it which he told his dad about after Cecilia went home.

Ruthie went up to Eric and told him that Simon had a problem and needed some help.  After everyone figured out that Ruthie had been going to Eric telling them that they needed help, Kevin convinced her to go to Eric with her own problems.  She made up a problem of a friend who was being starved by her parents.  She thought Eric would just give her some advice to pass on, but when Eric pressed her for her friend's name, Ruthie panicked and said one that came to mind.  Eric called the police and Roxanne showed up later with the girl and her parents.  Ruthie was called into the living room and Eric demanded an explanation as to why she lied.  She finally explained that she wanted to make Eric feel needed.  Realizing it was a family problem, Ruthie's friend and her parents left and Eric soon learned that it was Annie had told everyone to make Eric feel needed.  He talked with Annie alone where he told her he blamed God.

Kevin tried to figure out why Ben wouldn't go home.  When he told Ben he couldn't stay with him, Ben got Eric's permission to stay with the Camden's.  After Kevin talked to their mom, Ben told Kevin that his mom and her boyfriend had walked in on him and his girlfriend at home and it was awkward which is why he didn't want to go home.  Kevin told Ben to go home but to get his own place.

139.Gabrielle Come Blow your Horn

Eric  is stunned to find out the church has hired a new associate pastor, Chandler Hampton (London), to help out while he recovers. Meanwhile, Lucy ( is furious when she and Ruthie (Mackenzie Rosman) spot Kevin (George Stults) and Roxanne (Rachel Blanchard) in a jewelry store; Simon listens, unenthusiastically, while Cecilia (Ashlee Simpson) tells him all about her new French boyfriend; and a loud, chain-smoking housekeeper (guest-star Phyllis Diller) arrives to provide order in the Camden household.


140.Peer Pressure

Eric  and Rabbi Glass (Richard Lewis) pay a visit to the church to spy on the new associate pastor (Jeremy London). Meanwhile, Ruthie is in big trouble when she's caught slow dancing with her boyfriend when she's supposed to be babysitting Sam (Nikolas Brino) and David (Lorenzo Brino); and Kevin  has some explaining to do to Lucy (Bafter he runs into his ex-wife (guest-star Mindy Burbano, Entertainement Reporter on "The KTLA Morning News").

141.Lost Souls

Eric's strange post-surgery behavior leads him to make a life altering decision that both shocks and worries Annie . Meanwhile, Lucy (turns to the new associate Pastor  for advice when she sees Kevin  and Roxanne  dancing together; and Simon and Cecilia's  date comes to an abrupt end when Kevin  enlists their help in locating Lucy  who has mysteriously disappeared.

142.A cry For Help

In the midst of a career crisis and much to Annie's dismay, Eric takes a job as a talk DJ at a college radio station, but things become serious fast when Eric and his producer (guest star Usher) find themselves counseling a male student who calls in threatening suicide. Meanwhile, Lucy refuses to spend time with Roxanne  which puts Kevin  in an impossible situation; Ben (Geoff Stults) is almost arrested when he accompanies Simon and Cecilia  to an underage club; and Ruthie  tries to figure out a way to breakup with her boyfriend (guest star Oliver Adams) without making him cry.


Eric ( gives Annie his manuscript to read but she's not happy to learn that he's been spending his time writing "smut" instead of his comeback sermon. Meanwhile, Simon  and Cecilia discuss having sex for the first time and naively share the news with their parents; while Lucy  sets out to spy on Roxanne  and Chandler  on their first date.

144.Back in Saddle Again

Eric begrudgingly agrees to see a therapist in order to appease Annie  who is at her wits' end with him. Meanwhile, Simon is ecstatic when Cecilia's  father agrees to let him see Cecilia, but feels hurt and confused when she starts avoiding him; Roxanne  becomes suspicious when a pretty girl seeks council from Chandler ; and Ruthie  is shocked to learn that her new friend Katelyn (guest-star Katelyn Salmont, Rosman's real-life half-sister) suffers from cystic fibrosis.

145.It's not always About You

Annie is plagued with curiosity about what goes on during Eric's  therapy, but panics when his doctor invites her to attend one of their sessions. Meanwhile, Lucy  tries everything to get excused from jury duty, upsetting Kevin  in the process; Chandler confesses the extent of his feelings for Roxanne after she is stabbed on the job; and Ruthie  fears that her parents may be heading for divorce court after overhearing them fight.


Eric reaches out to Chandler after learning that his father is dying of lung cancer, but Chandler refuses his help and pushes him away. Meanwhile, Lucy  accepts a dinner date with Chandler's chain-smoking tattooed twin brother Sid (guest-star Jason London) in an attempt to make Kevin  jealous enough to propose; Annie is shocked when she finds a pack of cigarettes in Simon's room; and Ruthie's  friend Peter (guest-star Scotty Leavenworth) begs her to lie and not tell his mother that he smokes.


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