Eposide Guide Season 4-6
7th Heaven World


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Season 4
67. The Tattle tale heart

The episode opens with Eric in a hospital room telling someone in bed that everything will be alright.

 Eric's parents are in town after a long vacation they had taken.  Eric has been nervous all summer over this as he's scared about what reaction his dad might have when he learns that Eric's younger sister Julie is now married and pregnant.  Unknown to him though, Ruthie blabbed it to the Colonel already and Eric's dad decides not to say anything, seeming to find it humorous that Eric is trying to hide this from him.  Meanwhile, Eric decides it's finally time to move out and he and friend John Hamilton decide to find an apartment they can share as roommates.  Simon, with his new haircut (short and spiky) is very upset over Matt moving out while Mary and Lucy both fight over Matt's new room.  The room situation is resolved that Mary and Lucy will both move into the attic and share the room, Ruthie will then move into Mary and Lucy's old room, and the twins will now move from Eric and Annie's room into their own room where Ruthie use to be.  The entire episode gives rising action to Eric's sudden heart attack towards the end of the show when he and Annie are outside with his parents, Julie, and Julie's husband Dr. Hank Hastings.  Eric's is surprised at how well his parents seem to be taking the news about their daughter.  As they all laugh, Hank turns around to see Eric with his hand on his heart and his skin turning a gray color.  When Eric falls to the ground, Hank rushes to help since he's a doctor as the others gather around to help.

At the end, we learn that the man we saw Eric talking to at the beginning in the hospital, was himself.  Eric was visioning himself sitting in the chair next to his hospital bed as he has done so many times for other people in the hospital.  Annie and Eric's parents come in to visit and the prognosis is good, Eric just has a mild heart attack and will be fine with some modifications to his diet.  That evening at home, the kids all gather on Eric and Annie's bed to support and encourage each other through this tough time.  Annie joins them and then lets them talk to their dad on the phone.

68.Life is to Beutuful

Eric was home from the hospital and high on life.  His renewed enthusiasm for life only irritated his family as he was oblivious to the struggles all of them were facing.  Mary got a low grade in geometry and rather than bothering Eric, Annie tried to help but didn't understand it either as the two cried it out.  Simon was upset that Matt was undermining his authority at home since Simon now saw himself as the man of the house since Matt was gone and Eric was recovering from a heart attack.  Ruthie only got annoyed at Simon's bossiness.  When Mrs. Beaker kept poking her nose around the Camden's, Annie finally let her in to help them out and she was able to help Mary understand geometry.  Lucy befriended some outcasts and found that she enjoyed working with Habitat for Humanity.

69.Yak Sada

Eric started counseling again for the first time since his heart attack which made Annie nervous.  The couple he counseled was engaged, but when Eric opposed to the man's dominance over the girl, the couple decided that they didn't want Eric to counsel or marry them.  The guy's mom showed up later at Eric's house and introduced herself.  She called and got the young lady engaged to her son to show up at the Camden's.  There, she announced that she wouldn't be getting married.  The guy's mom also announced that she was going to get a divorce.

When Matt learned that Shana was meeting with her dad and hoping to be a part of his life, he didn't support it.  He tried to get his dad involved and Eric informed him that Shana's dad checked out okay.  When Shana asked her dad for some help going to college, he refused, and she realized that he wasn't the dad she hoped he could be.

When Annie was out driving, she saw Lucy in a protest walk, protesting the way women were being treated in Afghanistan.  Annie took an active interest in the subject and brought along Mary and Ruthie to join in the protest.  On Sunday, Eric let Annie deliver the sermon and she talked about what was going on in Afghanistan with the Taliban's ruthless rule over women.

Simon was bummed out that he was the only boy in home economics.  He tried to get his parents to give him a note to transfer to wood shop, but they wouldn't let him.  Annie finally gave in and let him transfer though.  Ruthie was playing football, but telling her family that she was playing soccer.  Mary found out first and promised to keep it a secret from Annie, but told Lucy.  Annie then found out and used it to play a trick on Mary.

70.Come drive with Me

Eric and Ruthie went out to look for a new vehicle and while there, took a joy ride in a red convertible.  When the deacons of the church saw Eric driving it and also found out that they were doing some remodeling at the house, the jumped to the assumption that the Camden's had plenty of money and decided not to give Eric an annual raise.  When Ruthie rode her bike down to the church, she informed them what really happened and that they did not own the red car and that Annie and Mary and Lucy were building a bathroom in the attic which didn't cost much money.  The church agreed to give Eric his annual raise.  Ruthie finally decided on an environmentally safe automobile.  Meanwhile, Matt became really annoyed with his job at the hospital when he found out that his roommate John got a better job at the hospital.  A patient accidentally overheard Matt complaining and Matt shared why he didn't like his job with the patient.  The patient encouraged Matt to ask for a better job.  Matt went to his boss to find out that the patient had sent her a letter to try and help Matt out.  His boss was upset that Matt was telling patients that he didn't like his job and Matt refrained from asking for a better job.  When Matt complained to John about what happened, the patient overheard and went to talk with Matt's boss.  The patient went in for surgery and when he woke up, he discovered that Matt had taken his advice to climb a tree.  Matt was sitting in the tree outside the patient's window and told the patient that he decided what he wanted to be when he grew up.  He wanted to be a doctor.  Meanwhile, Simon found out that a girl at school liked him when his best friend Jim handed him a notebook the girl left on the bus with his name scribbled all in it.  Deena encouraged Simon to be her friend and he tried that, but at his age, felt it was complicated to distinguish the difference between a girl who was a friend and a girlfriend.

71.With Honors


Mary got home with a cut lip from catching a basketball with her mouth.  She discussed with her parents the acceptance speech that she was suppose to work on for winning a special basketball award.  She hoped that since she and Corrie were sharing the award that perhaps she could give the speech.  Lucy came in and asked for help because she didn't want to work in the attendance office because she didn't want to give up her study hall to do it.  Her parents refused to help her.  As Eric and Annie left the room with the twins, they found Simon and his friend Lee in the hall.  Simon asked if Lee could stay for dinner and Annie told him just to call his mom which he informed them that his mom died when he was a baby.  Simon bragged that Lee's dad (Jeff Patterson) was a private investigator who worked with the local police and the FBI.  At school, Matt agreed to tutor a guy and after he left, Shana informed Matt that the guy cheats.

Ruthie ran to her mom and asked for $29.99 to buy walkie talkies that she saw on tv, but Annie wouldn't give it to her.  Later she asked Eric who said she should try to earn the money.  At school, Simon invited Lee over to his house again that evening and Lee told him that his dad use to work for NASA.  Meanwhile, Lucy faced a good looking guy (Tyler) in the attendance office who wanted a hall pass and didn't have a valid excuse.  Meanwhile, a friend of Mary's told her that Corrie had a baby when she was 14.  Corrie overheard the conversation and ran out as Mary chased after her.  Matt tried to tutor the guy, and he gave money to Matt to bribe him to help him cheat.  At home, Eric talked to Sgt. Michaels who said that the police department didn't hire outside help.  He also told that the only Jeff Patterson he knew was arrested by the police.

Matt went to class and saw the guy he tried to tutor cheat on the exam.  Meanwhile, Mary went to Corrie's house and met her daughter Bernadette and talked to Corrie about it.  What Corrie said was the hardest was having her friends talk about her behind her back.  At home, Lucy answered the door to find Tyler who asked to take her to the fall fling dance and Lucy agreed before he kissed her on the cheek.  As Matt and Shana left the exam, the professor pulled Matt aside to tell him that some of the students thought that he and a couple other students were cheating.  Lee came over and accidentally dropped his backpack and some stuff, including a baggie of marijuana which Eric found as Annie looked on and Simon came down.

Later in Simon's room, Lee told Simon that the pot belonged to his dad, but told Simon he couldn't tell anyone.  Matt walked into the kitchen and told his parents the situation with his class.  Sgt. Michaels came by and told Eric that Lee's dad had been arrested for possession and was released on probation.  He said that Lee's mother was alive and had given up custody of him when he was five.  He said that Lee and his dad moved in with Lee's grandmother who has two jobs.  Matt saw the guys who cheated at the pool hall and confronted them.  The guy who Matt had tried to tutor said that his dad was talking to the professor and would get him out of having to retake the mid-term and made fun of Matt.

At home, Tyler called and asked Lucy to give him access to the school's main computer by getting him the password.  Annie talked to Simon and Simon told her that Lee said the marijuana was his dad's.  Meanwhile, Eric and Sgt. Michaels took Lee home where they talked to his grandmother.  Lee's dad came in and was condescending towards his son and told Sgt. Michaels to leave them alone.  At home, Lucy told Mary about Tyler and Mary told her what she already knew.  Corrie called and then Mary found Annie and told her that they wouldn't give the award to Corrie because they found out she had a baby and they didn't want to endorse teen pregnancy.  Mary said that she didn't want the award either then.  Eric opened the back door to find Lee who said he ran away and told Eric that he lied the night before and that the marijuana really belonged to his dad.  Eric then called and talked to Sgt. Michaels.

At school, Matt and the other guy were both called into their classroom.  The guy's dad came in and took Matt's side.  At school, Lucy turned Tyler down flat because he was using her.  Matt came to the school and found Eric and told him that he was okay.  The whole family went in to the award ceremony.  When Mary went up to accept the award, she turned and gave it to Corrie.

Mary earned the money by getting it from Simon by getting Lucy to mow the yard for Simon by getting Mary to loan her new pink sweater to Lucy by getting Annie to loan her earrings to Mary.  However, when Mary didn't want the earrings after all and Lucy didn't need the sweater so she wouldn't mow the lawn, Simon wouldn't give her the money.  Back at the Camden's home, Lee's dad showed up to talk to Eric and Sgt. Michaels with Lee and his grandmother sitting nearby.  Lee and his grandmother pleaded with Jeff and the grandmother set down rules for him.  Jeff finally admitted that he needed help.

72.Just you Wait&See

Ruthie went to check the mail and found an orange tabby kitten which she snuck into the house.  Lucy got her drivers license in the mail and it had a terrible picture.  Eric had a check-up and everything looked good.  Pregnant Julie showed up on the Camden's porch and told Eric and Annie that she was leaving her husband.  Eric left to talk to Hank, Andrew called and asked Lucy to pick him up on a date which she got approved to take the car, and Mary got approved to take the kids in the mini van to get dinner, but realized that Eric had taken the mini van.  Julie gave Mary the keys to her car.  Mary and Simon went to get Ruthie, but she said she wanted to stay and watch the twins when in truth she wanted to stay with her new kitten.

Lucy picked up Andrew and got the third degree from his dad.  Then on the date, he acted rudely, making her pay, expecting her to open doors for him, and that sort of thing.  Eric finally found Hank at the hospital who was just as unreasonable as Julie.  Eric decided to hang around the hospital with Hank while Annie spent time with Julie.  While Mary and Simon ate dinner at the pool hall, a 15 year old girl from Mary's school hit on Simon.  Eric took Hank out to eat to talk more about the situation and Matt joined them.  Mary got suspicious when Ruthie had the door shut with Happy scratching the door outside.

Annie realized that Julie was going into labor and tried to page Eric or Hank at the hospital, since Eric forgot his pager, but they were gone.  And since there were no vehicles at the house, Annie couldn't drive them.  Deena and her dad walked into the pool hall when Simon was helping the 15 year old shoot her pool stick.  Lucy took Andrew home and he gave her a great kiss as her parents walked out.  Andrew asked if she was free the following week and she said no.  Mary and Simon rushed home after answering a phone call, but it was too late for Annie to rush her to the hospital.

At the restaurant, Matt rushed in to tell Eric and Hank that Julie was at the house having her baby.  Julie was in Eric and Annie's bed, wanting Hank.  A moment later Hank and Eric rushed in and Julie asked for Hank to leave.  He sat down to talk to her as Annie literally had to shove Eric out the door.  The doorbell rang and a neighbor with her son Billy came looking for their kitten and Ruthie had to give the kitten back.  Billy's mom gave Ruthie $20.  In Eric and Annie's bed, still waiting for the ambulance, Julie gave birth to a baby girl who they named Erica.


Matt and John were annoyed by the new neighbor's loud music.  Matt was annoyed because no one had gone to the store to get food or laundry detergent.  When he couldn't find clean work clothes, he sprayed furniture polish on them which everyone noticed.  Matt began to think about moving back home and told his parents, John, and Shana.  John asked Matt to give him some notice when he was done thinking about moving out.

At basketball practice, Mary and her team watched the coach lock them out of the gym until they raised their grades.  Mary told her family after they saw it on tv.  After that, Matt found Mary in her room and gave her a lecture and she kicked him out.  Mary found out that the league rules state that students must have a 2.0 GPA or higher to play, which the team players met.  Eric and Annie joined Mary and the other players with their parents for a meeting with the coach, athletic director, and principal.  Mary got upset that her dad spoke up in favor of the coach's decision since the coach had given the team pre warning and Mary blew it.  At home, Simon overheard part of a phone call of Mary's where Mary said something was a bit extreme.  Simon knew it meant something, but he and Ruthie ran out to go to Guys Night Out at Matt's and didn't say anything to their parents.  That night, Mary and her friends trashed the gym and were caught and arrested by the police.

Lucy served on the student court at school.  Eric gave Lucy some advice as to how she should approach being on court.  Lucy told Rod and Shelby the truth about why the basketball team had been locked out and made them promise not to tell but as soon as Lucy left, they started to tell people.

When Annie and Ruthie went to pick up Simon from school, they and the school principal saw him show the fingers.  At home, Annie told Eric about it and said "your son" and Simon took that to mean that Annie didn't want him to be his son anymore and got very upset.  In a meeting with the principal, the principal put Simon on a three day suspension from school which Eric and Annie both voiced their opposition to the principal about the issue.  Simon was surprised when he heard his mom call him her son.  When they got into the van, Eric got out to let Annie and Simon talk about it and make up.

Ruthie, after seeing Simon's gesture, wanted to understand more of what it meant to be a guy and started doing gross stuff to the dismay of Annie and the rest of the Camden's.

74...And expiation

Eric and Annie bailed Mary out of jail and Sgt. Michaels informed them that they were going to need a lawyer.  That night, Mary confessed to Lucy that she helped trash the school gym and was in serious trouble.  Simon and Ruthie felt they were somehow to blame for Mary's mistake because they knew she was planning something, but didn't know what, and never said anything.  They went roaming around town to different churches of different denominations and religions for answers before finally confronting their parents who had found out about their little venture already.  Eric and Annie got a lawyer to come to the house who got them in touch with a probation officer for a diversion program.  Mary was approved and got community service, however, she lost her basketball scholarship to college.  Matt planned to move home, but decided to stay at the apartment with John in the end after realizing he wasn't needed at home.  Together, they went to their neighbor's apartment to talk to them about their loud music.  The episode ended in student court where Mary and her guilty teammates faced the consequences for their actions and Lucy gave a moving speech.  The girls were not expelled and ended up helping to clean up the gym.

75.Dirty Laundry

Ruthie got a call from two of her friends on three way calling.  They told her that if they all wanted to stay friends, she would have to get it too.  The reason they called was to tell Ruthie that Sarah couldn't follow them around anymore because she was uncool.  And they were afraid that Sarah would make them look uncool.  Matt brough Shana over to do laundry, but Shana was really uncomfortable with doing her laundry with Matt.  Mary and Lucy overheard some of Matt and Shana's conversation in the kitchen and jumped to the wrong conclusions.  Simon was very sad after reading a book required for school that talked about people in the world starving.

Shana showed up at Matt's apartment to hand him a shirt she said was his that got mixed in his laundry.  Shana told him that she thought they should slow down and see other people.  At school, Ruthie's two new friends were totally rude to Sarah.  They told Sarah she wasn't a girl but a bird.  At school, Lucy overheard a couple of girls talking bad about the girls basketball team.  Lucy confronted them and they apologized because they didn't know her sister was on the basketball team  They invited Lucy to their party but she couldn't bring Mary.  Lucy turned down the invitation.

Eric invited a lady to his office at church who left a check for $20,000 under his office door the night before.  She told Eric that the money was reperation money from the government because as a child, her and her family were put in an interment camp even though her brother was fighting for the U.S. in the war.  She said that when they got out, her dad was a broken man and her mom had to work hard to support the family, but both parents died before the reperation money came.  She didn't want the money because she considered it blood money.  Back home, Ruthie found her dad in his office who decided to tell her about interment camps.  While they were talking, Annie walked in and said Ruthie's teacher called and said that her and her friends made a little girl at school cry.  Annie tried to reason with her and tell her to apologize, but Ruthie refused and walked out.

Annie found Matt in the kitchen who told her that he and Shana had a fight.  Lucy walked in to get a snack and made a comment about leaving because their conversation would probably be too intimate for her.  Matt got angry and blew up at his sister.  Lucy put the snack down and stormed upstairs.  Lucy cried as she told Mary how Matt has never yelled at her like that before.  Mary told Lucy that she wasn't the only one who knew what it felt like to be left out.  Mary went downstairs and Matt gave her a message for Lucy, but Mary told him she wasn't his messenger.  Matt then made a rude comment to Mary that hurt her feelings.  At school, Mary apologized to Lucy for what she had said to her.  When Mary realized that Lucy was considering going to a party with some girls who were trying to exclude Mary and the other basketball players, she got upset.  At Ruthie's school, she told Sarah she was sorry, but nothing more.  Sarah thought Ruthie would want to be her friend, but Ruthie said Sarah wouldn't want to be her friend.

At home, Matt told Annie a little more about his problem with Shana.  Annie said she would try to talk to Shana.  At the church, Eric had a meeting with a Japanese man of importance to help the woman he had talked to.  At home, Annie and Shana talked as they folded laundry.  Shana told Annie that she had seen therapists and Matt hadn't, and she was afraid to air her dirty laundry about her life to Matt.  She also said she was uncomfortable about doing physical laundry with Matt.  Matt took the man over to the woman's house but she wouldn't talk to him.

At home, Lucy and Matt apologized and she told them that she would have to be practically married to a guy to let him see her dirty laundry.  It hit Matt and he ran off to talk to Shana.  Eric got home and said hi to Annie and Simon before running back up.  Matt met Shana with kisses and they sat down as Shana told Matt about her life.  At home, Ruthie called Sarah and really apologized and wanted to be her friend.  Sarah had conference calling and tried calling her two friends, but they hung up.  Ruthie didn't care and decided to stay friends with Sarah.  Matt went home to apologize too Mary.  Then Mary apologized to Lucy.

Eric was finally able to get the woman to talk with the man.  She was greatly encouraged by the man and he asked to take her to dinner.

76.Who Nose?

Eric received a phone call from someone at NYU who called to ask about Shana since she had listed Eric as a reference.  The man told Eric that they were going to offer Shana immediate transfer in January.  Shana got the call and asked Eric not to tell Matt, but to let her tell him, but she was afraid to.  Matt realized something was wrong with Shana and when he realized that she had been talking to Eric, he asked Eric what the talked about.  Eric told him that he couldn't say and that he should talk to Shana.  Matt did and Shana told him and Matt got angry.  The next morning Matt went home and asked Annie if she had known that Shana got accepted and she said that she knew.  Matt got angrier and stormed out.  That evening he angrily confronted his dad about his giving a good reference for Shana.  Matt finally cooled down and talked to Shana and said he would support her going to NYU.

Mary met Robbie Palmer doing community service.  Eric saw the two of them together and was concerned.  Mary told Lucy about Robbie and told her not to tell their parents.  The next morning Eric confronted Mary about it and Mary told him about Robbie.  At school, Mary blamed Lucy for telling, but Lucy said she didn't tell.  Mary then assumed their dad must have seen her with Robbie.  Robbie came by the house to talk to Eric and Annie and ask permission to call Mary.  Mary asked about it and Eric said that he and Annie needed time to think about it.  The next evening Mary came home and complained to Lucy because their parents had gotten Robbie transferred to another project.  She got more upset because Lucy sided with their parents.  Mary confronted her parents who explained that community service was her punishment and that she was there to serve community, not to server herself.  They also told her that after the first phase of her service, if she got a good review, that they would let Robbie call her.  She was content with it.

Simon asked his teacher if she could give him some extra credit for turning his paper in early, but she told him that she didn't give extra credit for that.  But she told him he could help the visual arts guys paint a mural after school for extra credit.  Simon did and he soon learned that the four guys there liked to huff spray paint fumes.  They threatened to make his life miserable if he told and Simon got worried when one boy got a bloody nose.  But when the boy (Pete) said that it was normal, Simon figured it wasn't a big deal.  At home, he told his mom that he was going to quick working with the art guys because he didn't fit in.  Annie strongly encouraged him to stay with it though not pursuing the real reason why Simon didn't want to go.  Simon reluctantly agreed to stick with it.  The next day Eric drove Simon to school and the teacher came up to the van to say that Pete had collapsed and had a bloody nose and trouble breathing.  She said that Pete's mom took him to the hospital.  She asked Simon if he knew anything.  Simon saw the three other guys looking at him and he said that he didn't.  Eric then took Simon to the hospital and they saw Pete's mom.  She was angry at Simon because Pete told her that it was Simon who gave him the spray paint.  Simon talked to Pete when he woke up and told him to tell the truth, but he said he couldn't get the other guys in trouble.  Later at home, Annie apologized for pushing Simon to stay with the group.  Eric came in and told them that Pete confessed the truth to his mom and that Simon wouldn't look bad to the other three guys.

Ruthie had an art project at school.  She made molds of the noses of everyone in her family and turned it into a sculpture.  She won a blue ribbon to the surprise of her parents.

77.Forget me Not

Ginger showed up at the Camden's house and told Eric and Annie that she didn't know where Charles was.  She gave them the news that she had been afraid to tell them since the diagnosis - that Charles was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.  Eric called Sgt. Michaels to keep a lookout for Charles.  Charles called the next day and talked about where he's been and where he is.  Charles finally showed up and Annie talked to him alone.  She told him that Ginger told them about the Alzheimer's.  Charles replied that Ginger was diagnosed with it and Annie believed him.  Later, Eric talked to Annie because Ginger was really upset.  Annie said that she had confronted Ginger that she was the one with Alzheimer's, not Charles.  Eric said that he had just spent five minutes with Charles and that there was definitely something wrong, but Annie refused to listen to him, believing that Ginger, not her dad, had Alzheimer's.

Ruthie was scared about Y2K because of all the horror stories she had heard about what might happen from a classmate named Ben.  She talked with it about Simon, then Mary, then Ginger, and finally got Grandpa Charles to help her with a project of learning to cook over an open fire.  They started a fire on the barbeque and Ruthie went in the house to get some food.  As she was inside, Charles saw one of the kids bikes and walked away from the barbeque as he remembered when he taught Annie to ride a bike.  The whole family rushed outside at the smell of smoke to find a huge fire on the grill.  Eric brought out the fire extinguisher to put it out.  Annie went to her dad a few feet away and he didn't know anything about the fire.

Back in the house, Eric talked to Ruthie about the fire and why she helped to start it and she talked about her fear of Y2K.  Eric told her about the radio program "War of the Worlds" and she got the idea.  Annie confronted her dad that she had Alzheimer's and he yelled at her that he didn't.  Eric came down and asked Annie how her dad was and she said in denial like she had been.  Later, Annie and Ginger had a serious talk about Charles' condition.  Ginger said that the hardest thing was getting Charles to accept the fact.  Charles overheard the conversation and heard about how scared his wife was and he came in and talked with them and faced up to the truth.  Eric took Ruthie to her friend Ben's house to talk with Ben and his parents, but it was clear that Ben's paranoia came from his parents.  Eric and Annie went with Charles and Ginger to see a doctor who was a gerontologist.  She helped by telling them a little bit more about what to expect with Alzheimer's.  She also provided them with pamphlets of information.  Back at home, Annie and Charles looked through a family photo album.

Shana was going away to New York for the weekend.  Simon was excited because he was going to spend the weekend with Matt at his apartment - he had really missed spending time witth Matt since he moved out.  However, because Matt was so depressed about Shana that Simon was miserable.  Shana called and Matt got upset because she said she found an apartment to live in with a bunch of guys.  Simon finally called Eric to come pick him up and take him home.  Simon left as John came in, John then decided that Matt needed some tough love.  On the ride home, Eric gave Simon a lecture that change is a part of life.  The next morning, Matt showed up and apologized to Simon.  John showed up and said that he invited Nigel and the four of them were going to have a new tradition - Big Brother, Little Brother Day. ; The four of them were going to a Crawford Basketball game.

Eric and Annie told Mary that she passed her 30 day evaluation for community service.  As a result, they would let Robbie call her.  Mary asked for permission to go on a date with Robbie, but they said no.  Later, Eric told her she could invite Robbie over to the house so they could get to know him better too and after awhile, they would reconsider the dating issue.  Mary called Robbie and told him that they couldn't go out, but could see each other if he came over to her house.  Robbie didn't think it would work because he believed that her parents would never look at him as anything other than trouble.  He told her that she didn't want to come over to her house.  Matt asked Mary if Robbie was coming over and she said no.  He asked why and she accused him of not caring why, that he got what he wanted - her and Robbie not together.  Eric informed her that wasn't true or he would have never allowed Robbie over in the first place.  When Eric went to the store to get milk, he found Robbie working there and asked him to come to the house the next day.  Robbie came over the next day to Mary's surprise.  He said that he had a long talk with Eric the night before and he agreed to come over.  Mary asked if that meant they were back together and Robbie kissed her.

Lucy was excited because Brad Landers wanted to take her out for helping him in math class.  Brad was above the A list of guys at school, the only problem was that she had already made a commitment to install toilets for Habitat for Humanity when he asked her out for.  She told the other girls involved with the project that she couldn't make it because something just came up.  They said that it wasn't a problem and that they would cover for it.  On the date, Brad said that he's had a crush on her since the 9th grade.  When the other girls saw her on a date in the pool hall, they all got angry at her for blowing of the project for a guy.  After telling her dad she apologized, but he told her to apologize to them, not him.  She called one of them and apologized and the girl told Lucy that if she was going to be a part of Habitat, she would have to be serious about it.  Lucy called Brad and he invited her to the movies the next afternoon.  Lucy apologized, but told her she had prior commitments and couldn't see him anymore.

78.All By Myself

Annie got fed up with everyone coming to her with every little problem that they could deal with themselves one morning at breakfast.  She finally said to everyone she needed a time out and stormed out of the kitchen.  She later explained to Eric that with the two new babies, his heart attack and her dad's Alzheimer's, she just needed to get away for a couple of days.  She said she was going to go to the beach where she use to go with her parents.  Eric suggested she take Happy with her and she agreed.  At the angel, Annie broke down crying and met a lady named Hattie.  Hattie was able to comfort Annie and give her some much needed guidance, advice and friendship.

Matt helped Shana pack for New York.  Annie pre-warned Eric not to shatter his dream that the long-distance relationship thing would really work but to give him a call later to encourage him.  He had a really hard time letting her go.  He made it a little romantic by showing up at her door like the first night when he delivered food from the Dairy Shack.  They said good-bye the night before she left.

Mary and Lucy were upset because Robbie and Brad hadn't called them.  Annie pre-warned Eric not to tie up the phone.  While waiting for the boys to call, Andrew Nayloss (who Mary called the "girly man") called to ask Lucy out on a date.  But Lucy said she couldn't because her mom was gone and she had to watch the twins.  Mary asked her why she didn't just tell Andrew the truth and Lucy said she might want to go out with him if Brad never called.  Brad finally called on Saturday and took her out.  There she saw Andrew who was upset that she didn't call him to go out and followed them into the movie theater.  After the movie, Andrew kissed her then left.  Brad came out from the restroom and Lucy asked him to kiss her.  He did and she felt no chemistry between them.  He asked to come over the next day and she said that they needed some time apart.

Deena wanted Simon to wear his blue shirt to school because she was wearing hers and she wanted them to match, but Annie hadn't done laundry so Simon wore something else.  When Simon got to school, Deena was mad at him for not wearing his blue shirt.  She told him that if he had really cared about her and their relationship, he would have washed his shirt himself the night before.  Annie pre-warned Eric that Deena and Simon were entering some new phase in their relationship that she didn't know what, but she smelled trouble.  The phone was off the hook for much of Saturday and Deena showed up in the evening and said she'd been trying to call all day.  Simon was rude to her, not even interested.  Simon called later that night and apologized and promised to wear his blue shirt on Monday.

At school, Ruthie pulled a boy's hair and said he cried like a girl.  When the principal asked her to apologize to him, she refused and asked to be expelled.  Annie pre-warned Eric that Ruthie would try to get out of school to go with Annie so he should be expecting a call from her school.  Ruthie was mad at her mom for leaving, but seemed to get over it eventually.

79.Who Do You Trust?

Matt was depresed because Shana didn't call when it was her turn to.  John invited two girls who were new to their apartment building to dinner with him and John.  Matt didn't want to because he wasn't interested in any other girls.  Shana finally called and Matt yelled at her for not calling.  John fixed dinner and was annoyed with Matt's bad attitude.  The two girls came over and Matt broke down crying.  John got annoyed because Matt had both girls all over him in sympathy as he talked about his long distance relationship with Shana.  Annoyed, John pulled Matt out into the hall to tell him to leave.  While out there, Shana called and one of the girls answered and asked if it was Shana and if she was looking for Matt.  When Matt got on, Shana was a little jealous as she asked about who it was that answered.  After the girls left, Matt tried to call Shana but she wasn't there.

Mary and Robbie really wanted to go on a real date together and not just hang around the Camden house, so they came up with a plan.  Eric and Annie agreed to let Robbie and Mary go out on a double date with Lucy and Robbie's brother Rick.  Lucy didn't really want to go.  When Mary wasn't around, Lucy called Rick to talk to him about the situation.  Rick told her that he already had a girlfriend and that he told her that him and Lucy going out was just a pluetonic thing.  Lucy agreed to that.  When Rick and Lucy met, they were instantly attracted to each other.  Robbie and Mary started making out in the theater before the movie began and Rick and Lucy got sick of seeing them and left the movie to sit outside and talk.  There they decided to start kissing and Eric saw them sitting there making out in the crowded area.

When Robbie came out of the theater, he saw that Lucy's hair was all messed up from making out with Rick.  He pulled Rick aside to ask why he had made out with Lucy when he was just being pluetonic.  When Mary came out, she tried to hint to Lucy to go freshen up, but wouldn't outright tell Lucy how she looked so Lucy was ready to go home.  As the four of them got home, they could smell cigarette smoke.  They all said goodnight before the girls went in their house.  When the girls got in, Eric and Annie rushed into the kitchen to talk to their daughters.  Eric pointedly went to what Lucy had been doing that night and Lucy got angry because he had been spying on her.  Then Mary got mad because she knew Eric wasn't there to spy on Lucy but on her.  Mary got mad because they would never trust her no matter what she did and then stormed upstairs.  Lucy then yelled at them that they had no reason not to trust her.  Then Annie spoke up that Lucy had already created a bad rep for herself with them because it wasn't the first time she'd been caught making out in public with a guy she had just met.  She was spared a more lengthy lectured when her parents smelled the smoke.  That night in bed, Mary and Lucy talked about how they didn't like not being trusted.  Lucy said that she didn't like how Rick cheated on his girlfriend.  Mary admitted that she didn't trust Robbie, but didn't know why.  At Robbie's house, when he and Rick got home, Robbie's girlfriend showed up and told her he had just been out with Rick and no one else.

Simon and Nigel decided to buy cigarettes as their class project to report on how easy it is for kids to buy cigarettes.  Simon and Nigel came home as Annie was fixing dinner and she sensed that something wasn't right.  Eric walked in and she told Eric to find out.  As Eric went upstairs, he saw Simon and Nigel with cigarettes and heard Simon say, "I can't believe we pulled it off."  Eric told Annie about it and Annie said that they were probably only thinking about smoking and not actually smoking, though she wished that Eric has busted them when he found them.  Eric was sure that the boys were planning on trying the cigarettes.  Simon and Nigel came in for dinner and Simon asked why they were eating in the kitchen.  When Eric said it was more intimate in the kitchen that it would give them a chance to talk, the kids assumed that someone was in trouble.  Eric's pointed questions at dinner made Ruthie feel guilty and she confessed to breaking her mom's china box two months earlier.  When Ruthie realized that they weren't after her to confess, she realized that they didn't know about the china box but now she would get punished for it.  Later, Simon said to Nigel that he didn't feel right about their choice for a project.  He said that their parents would never let them continue the assignment if they found out about it.

Nigel began to pressure Simon into them trying to smoke the cigarettes so they could write a paper on what got them to try smoking and how awful it is.  Simon didn't want to get into trouble but Nigel pointed out that they already were in trouble.  Simon wasn't sure because they might like it and become addicted.  Nigel's reasoning was that that would be an A+ guarantee, especially if they had to start wearing a patch or chewing the gum.  Nigel thought that it could even lead to them testifying in Congress.  Simon still said that they couldn't on the grounds that it was wrong.  Just as Simon and Nigel lit a match in the garage, Annie walked in.  They quickly put it out and hid until Annie left.  Simon and Nigel came in from the garage and Eric asked them where they had been and Annie said that she had sent them to the garage to take something out for her.  Eric got angry because he thought that her sending them to the garage was an invitation to light up, but Annie stood by her son, believing that he had a good reason for having the cigarettes.  As a result from being caught, Simon wanted to smoke all the more even though he knew it was wrong.  Eric and Annie finally caught them smoking and Simon explained that they hadn't told them because he and Nigel were afraid they would disaprove of the project if they found out.  Eric pointed out how illegal what they did was and that they would have a $75 fine and 30 hours of community service if they had been caught buying cigarettes.  Annie asked how smoking the cigarettes fit in and they gave their explanation.  Eric said that if they had turned in that assignment that they could have made themselves open to being prosecuted.  Nigel suggested that they could involve Sgt. Michaels and be a part of a sting but Eric pointed out that it didn't work that way.

Ruthie had a science experiment in a paper sack all tied up in the fridge.  She charged people one dollar to find out what was in it.  Eric's curiosity got the best of him so he paid Ruthie a dollar to find out what it was and then paid her another dollar so she could tell her mom.  Nigel was the next to pay Ruthie a dollar.  She then asked Simon if he wanted to know but Simon said that Nigel would tell him, but Nigel said he wouldn't.  Simon left walked out without knowing.  Later, Simon finally felt pressured enough to pay Ruthie a dollar to hear what it was.  She said that she was making alchemy - turning ordincary stuff into gold.  She had straw in the bag and her gold was the money she'd earned from people who wanted to find out what the project was.


The Glen Oak Community church welcomed a new family to the congregation - the Carver's.  They left the serrrvice early because their son Bobby had an outburst problem.  They explained to Eric and Annie that it was due to his ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).  However, Eric got some advice from another member of the church who informed him that Bobby actually had Tourette's Syndrome, not ADD.  Eric had a hard time convincing the family to have Bobby tested, but they did and Bobby was able to get better treatment.

Matt was struggling with something Shana had said to him on the phone the week before and now he was avoiding her phone calls.  He finally picked up the phone and talked with her and he told her he wanted a break from her.  Matt talked to Annie about it later.  Shana called Matt and apologized, but Matt hung up and greeted Heather at the door.

Mary was mad at Simon because he called her "big butt."  Lucy gave Simon a hint later as to why Mary was mad at him, but left it for him to figure out.  At school, Mary watched her friends make fun of people.  When one person heard them teasing her, Mary later walked up to talk to her and told Mary that by sitting by and doing nothing, it was just as bad as if she did it.  Mary finally apologized to the girl and invited her to a party.

Ruthie confided in Lucy that her teacher called her stupid at school.  Lucy then sought Mary for advice who told Lucy to tell mom though Ruthie asked her not to.  Lucy finally told Annie which made Ruthie mad. Annie approached the teacher and they got into an argument which led to getting the principal involved.  When Annie got home, she told Eric about it and how the teacher also called her stupid.  Annie comforted Ruthie and Ruthie told her that her teacher called other kids stupid as well.  Annie called other parents and they all approached the teacher about it.

81.Loves Me,Loves Me not

Ruthie wasn't excited about the twins first birthday and got more upset when she knew Lucy was making a big present for them when she never had made a big present for her.  Ruthie was suppose to come up with a present for her brothers, but gave them raw eggs which Annie took away before they could grab them.  What Lucy ended up making was a playhouse that she gave to Ruthie, despite Ruthie's extreme rudeness to her little brothers..  Lucy also pleased her mom in her maturity towards what she wanted out of a relationship.

Deena was upset that Simon had given her a love bite that wouldn't go away so she gave him one back.  Both of them tried hiding it under turtlenecks until they went away which made everyone suspicious, especially since Simon didn't own any turtlenecks and had to wear Lucy's.  Deena's parents found out first and punished her by sending her to the twins birthday party without a turtleneck on.  They showed them to Eric and Annie at the twins birthday party.  Eric and Annie then took Simon to the kitchen to talk to him about it.  After they left, Deena came in and Simon finally told her that he loved her.  Eric and Annie listened in and agreed to still punish him.

Matt saw Heather at the hospital and was happy to see her and took her back to the apartment to find out that Shana had been calling.  She told him that she was transferring to the local university.  When Shana called the Camden's house to talk to Matt, she got Mary who told her that Matt left.  When Shana asked Mary if Matt was seeing anyone else, Mary told her that Matt was just hanging out with Heather as friends.  When Matt and Heather were out getting cappachino's, they saw Robbie with another woman who he claimed was his brothers girlfriend, but they could tell wasn't.  Robbie called Mary first to give his version of it before Matt got a chance.  After Robbie hung up, he told the girl he was with that he called his mom.  When Matt got through, Mary told him that she told Shana about Heather.  Matt finally talked to Shana on the phone and they broke up.  Afterwards, Heather came by and asked to talk to Matt alone.  She asked Matt not to tell Shana she was back but he told her they just broke up.  After she left, Matt tried to call Shana, but she wasn't there since she had just left on a date with Brett.

Robbie called Annie and asked to take Mary out on a special date for Valentine's Day to a special coffee house to meet his parents.  She agreed, not realizing that he was lying to her.  Robbie then called Mary and said he wanted to come to the twins birthday.  After arriving for the party, Robbie told her that her parents would let him take her out for the night and that they trusted both of them.  When Mary found out that Robbie had lied to her and her parents and taken her to a cheap motel where his parents met on their first valentine's day together to make love even though they were both married to other people at the time.  When Mary realized what he expected, she hit him.  When she got home she was crying and found her parents in the kitchen as she told them what had happened.

The episode ended with Ruthie giving the twins her baby blanket which she had turned into two blankets.

82.Say a Little Prayer For Me

Eric got a letter from a kid named annonomously who asked Eric to pray for him.  Eric encouraged the kids to start praying.  None of the kids wanted to hear it, but Eric managed to finally get Annie to listen to it when they were in bed that evening.  It was addressed to "Man who works for God."  Eric hoped that he could find this family so he could help them.  Eric talked to Sgt. Michaels who got a list of families who had a child suffer a violent death.  Eric used it to start knocking on doors to see if he could find the family, but he couldn't find the kid who wrote the letter.  When he got home, he told Annie about his bad luck and she suggested that maybe he wasn't suppose to find the family.  Sgt. Michaels finally called Eric with the kids information.  The kid who wrote Eric was named Jonathan.  Eric talked to him, but the kid said that he didn't sign his name because he wrote to people who worked for God all over the world to pray for him.  He didn't think there was anything Eric could do, but that God could help him, that's why he needed people to pray for him.  Eric decided to use the experience as the basis for his sermon on Sunday and asked people to pray for all the kids of the world for the reason Jonathan had stated to him - for all the kids who have suffered from violence.

John Hamilton decided to pray to God for a woman to have dinner with.  After that, Matt decided to pray for the same thing for himself.  The next day, they were together when they met a girl.  They both fell for her and each thought that she was interested in him.  They both went to dinner at her house and it became clear to Matt that she was more interested in John.

Despite Mary's problem with Robbie taking her to a cheap motel, she wanted him back and wanted to make things right with him.  The rest of her family thought it was a bad idea and thought that Robbie was a really bad guy.  She decided to pray for God to bring Robbie back to her and in good with the family.  When Lucy said to her that mom and dad were probably praying the opposite and Mary went down and yelled at Eric about it.  Mary kept praying and finally decided she would stop because she didn't think it was doing so good.  Lucy talked to her about it and found something about Robbie she would pray for.  Then Eric and Annie came in and Mary asked them to pray for Robbie to become good and they said they would try.

Lucy tried to raise her siblings spirits by getting them out of the house.  She asked Mary and then Simon to go with her to take the twins out to help mom out.  They both were too depressed and turned her down.  She asked Ruthie, but she didn't want to either.  She decided to take the twins out herself.  While out, she had several people look down upon her because they thought she was a teenage mother.  It put Lucy in a totally terrible mood.  Lucy asked Mary to pray for all the teenage mothers out there.

Simon decided to pray to get in good again with Deena's family after giving her a love bite.  Mary asked her why she didn't just call Deena and Simon said that her parents said he couldn't until they said he could.  Later, Simon prayed for God to teach him right from wrong and to stop him before he did something stupid.  Simon finally decided to call and apologize to Deena's father, though he didn't realize how late it was.  He decided to let Deena talk to Simon on the phone.

Ruthie took Eric's advice to start praying to pray to God for a pony.  She believed that if she got a pony, then God heard her prayer and if not, then he didn't hear her.  Annie finally asked Ruthie why she wanted a pony and she told her that she needed the pony.  She said she needed it because she needed the feeling of being carried somewhere, like the feeling of being carried by angels when she came earth which she claimed to remember.  Annie wanted to give Ruthie this dream and arranged for her to ride a horse on Sunday morning during church.

MORAL TO THE STORY: Sometimes praying is the best thing we can do.  To let God fight and work where us humans can't.

83.12 Angry People

Annie got a phone call from Sarah's mom saying that Ruthie had cut Sarah's hair.  Annie got upset at Ruthie, but Ruthie couldn't understand why because she thought she was helping Sarah out.  Annie sent Ruthie to her room until she could understood why what she did was wrong.  Ruthie protested for several reasons including that she was suppose to see Mrs. Hinkle in the afternoon.  Annie told her that she would just have to tell Mrs. Hinkle she couldn't make it.  Annie got more upset when Ruthie came home from going to Mrs. Hinkle's to tell her in person that she couldn't come over.  Ruthie said that she didn't have Mrs. Hinkle's phone number so she had to tell her in person and when she realized it was a mistake, she ran up to her room.  While in her room, Ruthie got Mary to come in to tell her she was going crazy and that she had done nothing wrong.  Ruthie said that she was just like Mary because she had a bad rep like Mary and once you have a bad rep, you get punished for things that aren't bad.  Annie came in and saw Mary there and told Ruthie she couldn't talk and have visitors.  Later when running from Lucy, Mary hid in Ruthie's room and asked Ruthie why she was wearing a hat.  She that if she did unto others she should do unto herself that way she'd be off the hook.  Lucy came in and saw Ruthie and both were speechless.  Annie came in and found Mary and Lucy and asked why they were in there, then saw Ruthie.  Horrified, she asked Ruthie if she cut her hair.  She said she thought about it, but didn't because she thought she'd have to be crazy.  When seeing Annie's face, she suddenly realized why what she had done was so wrong.  Mary and Lucy left and Annie stayed to talk to Ruthie.  Ruthie was willing to let Sarah cut her hair, but when Annie called Sarah's mom, Sarah's mom didn't believe that two wrongs made a right.  Ruthie was relieved.

Eric was on jury duty to determine if a man was guilty or not guilty of murdering a police officer.  At the beginning, 11 people voted not guilty and Eric voted guilty.  Because all 12 did not vote the same way, they had to stay longer to talk and debate over the evidence.  Eric argued with them all day as he slowly got each one to vote guilty.

Since John had a bunch of friends over to watch a basketball game and Eric wouldn't be at the church, Matt went home to get the keys to the church from Annie so he could work on his paper in the quietness of Eric's office.  At the church, Matt spilled coffee on his pants so he took his pants off and wore his dad's preaching robe.  During the course of the evening Matt kept distracting himself with everything from pretending his pencils were drum sticks to playing the organ.  While playing "Chopsticks" on the organ, Lou, a church deacon, came in and asked Matt what he was doing there.  He came because a neighbor heard the organ music and was worried.  Matt said he had been using his dad's computer to write a statistics paper.  Lou stuck around and helped tutor Matt so he would understand statistics.

Mary and Lucy asked Annie for permission to go down to the promenade for a cappucino, but Annie said no because she didn't want them to drink it and knew there was a bigger reason.  Upstairs, Mary told Annie that Lucy hoped to run into her old boyfriend and Lucy slapped Mary's arm then told Annie it was Andrew Nayloss she hoped to see.  Then Lucy said that Mary hoped to see Robbie and Mary slapped Lucy hard in the eye on accident, but it caused Lucy a lot of pain and gave her a black eye.  Mary felt bad and wanted to make it up to Lucy.  She offered to call Andrew Nayloss for her and set him and Lucy up, but Lucy refused.  Mary then asked Lucy to call Robbie for her and she said no.  Mary went to get Lucy some tea and when she came back, she told Lucy that she had called Andrew but talked to Andrew's dad instead because Andrew was gone.  Mary said he said that Andrew had a girlfriend he was going out with who he really didn't like but Andrew's parents liked because they figured that meant they wouldn't be making out all the time.  And he said that making out led to sex and that Andrew wasn't ready for sex.  As a result, Lucy called to tell Andrew's dad that she wasn't ready for it either and came to realize that Mary never called him thus it made Lucy look like a big fool.  Lucy chased Mary around the house because of it and later they talked about it.  Lucy then told Mary that she called Robbie and that Robbie wasn't home so she left a message.  Mary made Lucy repeat to her the exact message she left.  Mary said she was going to clobber Lucy if she called him and Lucy asked why and she said because she realized that Robbie was a bad guy.

Simon was in good again with Deena's parents and they allowed for Deena t come over.  Simon asked Annie for permission to have Deena over and Annie was reluctant but finally gave in.  Simon and Deena played the board game "Life" at the kitchen table.  Simon and Deena got into an argument because she put his blue peg in the back of her car instead of the front next to hers.  Later, Simon wanted to end the game early and Deena didn't.  This led into a big argument where Deena explained that she was still very angry at him for biting her.  Simon apologized and she said that that was the first time he ever apologized directly to her.  Deena finally said it might be nobody's fault but her own and that she was guilty.

84.Hoop Dreams

The episode began with Mary dreaming she was playing with the L.A. Lakers.  When she woke up, she got a phone call from the High School girls basketball coach to bring some sweats and show up after school.  Mary assumed that her dream was prophetic and that he was going to suggest her to a scout for the WNBA.  In fact, when she showed up after school, he was taking her to help prepare some girls to play for the Special Olympics.  She made friends with a girl named Molly who told Mary that her dad was a scout for the WNBA.  Mary then assumed once again that she had been set up to be viewed by a scout.  At her dad's suggestion, Molly apologized for misleading Mary and Mary explained that Molly didn't mislead her.  Her dad told Mary that he didn't think she was WNBA material yet, but should play some college ball.  He had asked for Mary because his daughter had been a fan of Mary since she watched Mary play Varsity Basketball.

Matt decided that he should move to New York to be with Shana.  To raise money, he went through his parents basement (yes the Camden's have a basement) for stuff to sell.  He hoped to make $200 and ended up with $20.  John tried to talk him out of the idea and eventually Matt decided he should stay in Glen Oak and focus on college.

Lucy hurt her mom's feelings when Annie overheard her say that she didn't want to be "just mom."  Simon hurt Eric's feelings when he said that he didn't want to be a minister.  Eric took his implication to be that ministry was ridiculous.  Annie tried to get Lucy to understand there was much more to her and Lucy ended up wanting to be her mom.  Eric and Simon spent half a day together after Eric got Simon out of school early and Simon got his dad to start questioning if he was ever suppose to go into the ministry.  At Annie's suggestion and advice, Simon went to talk to his dad.  He explained to Eric that being a ministry was a ridiculous idea for him because he wasn't patient enough to work with people.  But it was the right kind of job for Eric.

Ruthie had a dream about being the Queen of England and believed whole heartedly that she would one day become the queen.  Annie taped a biography of the queen off of tv and when Ruthie watched all the videos, she decided that she didn't want to be the Queen of England.

85.Talk to Me


A teenage girl shows up at Eric's office, very timid, and decides to leave without talking to Eric.  She tells him that she might be by tomorrow to talk with him.

Eric concerned for her, goes home and explains the scenario to Annie.  They then decide they need to have better communication with their kids.

Mary, Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie come home from school and Eric, Annie, and the twins meet them in the kitchen.  Eric and Annie ask the kids how their day was.  The kids all get suspicious and run away.  Upstairs they discuss that someone must be in trouble.  Downstairs Eric and Annie conclude that the kids must be up to something because of their suspicious behavior.

Matt, who now works as a quarterly at the Hospital, is in the Hospital cafeteria during lunch when Hank Hastings walks in and tells Matt he needs to talk to him.  Hank's beeper goes off and he leaves.  Matt goes to Hank's office to talk to him and sees a nurse.  They discuss Matt's status with Shana and his prior desire to move to New York - which Matt says he doesn't plan to move - and she leaves to tell Hank that Matt is there waiting.  Julie walks in and sees Matt and gets upset that Hank wanted to talk to him instead of her.  She knows Hank's been keeping something from her.  She storms out.

Ruthie sees Eric out on the street talking to Sgt. Michaels in his car.  She then goes to tell Simon and together they go upstairs to tell Mary and Lucy.  Mary doesn't want any part of it because she knows she didn't do anything and wants to have a quiet weekend.  Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie pressure Mary to confront their parents about what is going on.  Mary caves in and the four of them go and find Eric and Annie out on the lawn.  Eric tells them that he and Annie thought that the kids were up to something because of their behavior and the kids reply that they thought one of them must be in trouble because Eric and Annie never ask them how their day was unless someone's in trouble.  Eric explains that he talked to Annie and they both agreed that there should be better communication which is why they had asked the kids how their day was.  Relieved, Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie all tell their parents that they would love to tell them all about their day.  Mary, now acting suspicious, tells everyone that because of all the trouble she's been in this year, her parent's already know everything about her.  Eric and Annie agree, but Eric still feels suspicious.

Hank shows up at Matt and John's apartment telling them that thanks to Matt telling Julie that he wanted to talk to him, Julie kicked him out.  Matt and John are less than thrilled to have Matt's uncle staying with them but Hank whips out his credit card and orders dinner for the three of them.

Annie listens to Simon's story about a classmate of his named Luke who got the whole class to give a new substitute teacher a lot of problems.  Annie is less than thrilled about Simon's behavior but Simon doesn't understand why and tries to re-explain the story again.  Annie later starts to talk with Lucy and Lucy tells Annie that she and Mary thinks that Simon pretends to be Luke.  Mary walks in when Annie and Lucy are discussing Lucy's involvement with Habitat For Humanity and one girl's name who Lucy works with is mentioned.  Mary mentions the girl and Lucy informs Mary that she knows this girl a lot better than Mary.  Mary shrugs and walks away and Lucy comes to the conclusion that the secret Mary's been keeping from her all evening concerns that girl.  Lucy dismisses herself quickly and runs after Mary.  Mary refuses to discuss the situation and won't play the guessing game with Lucy.

The girl who showed up at Eric's office is sitting on a bench at night, bundled in many clothes.  A young man approaches her and says hi and she screams at him to leave her alone.  Sgt. Michaels who is right nearby hears the screams and comes running out.  The young man informs Sgt. Michaels that he didn't do anything and walks away.  Sgt. Michaels recognizes the girl from the verbal description Eric gave him earlier that day.  Michael's checks out the girls ID and gives Eric a call.  Eric receives the call as he's listening to Ruthie's long talk about a girl in her school who stinks and  he's grateful for the break in their conversation.  Mary listens in to the phone call until Eric, who can tell someone is listening in, tells whoever is on to hang up.  Mary hangs up and tells Lucy that it was for dad.  She then goes downstairs and bumps into Eric and Annie in the hall.  Mary tells Eric that she was the one who told the girl to go talk to Eric and Lucy knows nothing about it.  She tells Eric that she knows why the girl went to go see him, but she can't tell him.  Eric respects Mary's decision not to tell.


Matt wakes up and John tells him that he has to get rid of Hank.  Hank comes out of the bathroom and says he's going to work and is going to teach that day so he won't be back until 3.  After Hank leaves, Julie calls and she urges Matt to find out what Hank knows.  Matt says okay and leaves.  Right after he leaves, Julie calls again and John asks her to tell him what's going on.

Annie confronts Simon about Luke and tells him that Mary and Lucy think that he's really Luke in his stories.  She then rushes off to answer the door, leaving Simon standing there looking perplexed.  Annie answers the door to find Ruthie's stinky friend.  The friend hands Annie a sack of meat and follows Ruthie upstairs.  Simon goes into Mary and Lucy's room and asks them why they told Annie that they thought he was Luke.  Mary says that Lucy thought that, not her.  Mary re-emphasizes that she wants no part in any of this - "I'm in Switzerland" - and Lucy gripes to Annie for telling SSSimon what she said as Annie walks into the room.  Annie apologizes, telling Lucy that she didn't know it was a secret.  Mary storms out of the room, not wanting to be a part.  She comes back in seconds later, asking what the smell is.  Annie tells her that it's Ruthie's friend.  Frustrated, Mary storms out again.

Eric has gone to his office, despite it being Saturday, hoping the girl would show up.  She does and he invites her in, now knowing her name and who she is.  She sits down and finally confesses to Eric that she feels dirty from being molested last Christmas by her mother's boyfriend.  She and her mom already filed a lawsuit against the man who had lied to them about his real name, and she was receiving help already from counselors and therapists.  She came to Eric because she wants to talk about what happened with her mom, but her mom doesn't want to be involved.

Annie is feeding the twins when Ruthie and her friend walk in.  Ruthie explains to her mom that her friend stinks because she lives with her grandma and she has mothballs and other old smelling stuff.  Ruthie's friend then tells Annie that her parent's aren't very good people and that she's grateful to be able to live with her grandma.  They leave and Simon walks in and tells his mom that Luke is a real person and then brings Luke (the class clown) in.   Annie who is laughing from the reason why Ruthie's friend stinks laughs even harder at Simon's funny friend.  Simon and Luke give each other a strange look and leave.  When Ruthie and her friend come back through, Annie asks about the meat and the friend tells her that they live across from a meat store and the guy is dating her grandma.

Matt finds Hank, Julie, and Erica in the Hospital cafeteria.  He tells Hank he looked all over campus for him and Hank explains that he teaches at the Hospital.  Matt sees Erica and picks her up.  Hank tells Julie and Eric that the secret he's been keeping is that he's a Jew and that his family doesn't yet know that he didn't marry a Jewish girl.  Matt, not wanting to be involved, starts walking for the door.  After a few steps, he realizes that he's still holding his baby cousin and takes her back and puts her in her seat before leaving.

At home, Simon and Luke shoot hoops outside.  Luke tells Simon that the reason he's so funny all the time is because he has a deaf brother and that was his way of entertaining him.  After that, it just stuck to be funny.  Simon tells Luke that his brother's ex-girlfriend was deaf and both boys would like to learn sign language.  In their room, Mary walks in and tells Lucy that she's taking her out for pizza with money that Annie gave them.  Lucy's suspicious and asks Mary what she wants to talk to her about.  Mary doesn't want to say but finally gives in and tells Lucy that she just wants to show her some appreciation for being such a wonderful sister.  Lucy jumps up and throws her arms around her sister.  She asks what they're going to talk about now that she knows and Mary gives her a look to which Lucy replies, "Boys!"

The girls mom comes to Eric's office and Eric facilitates as mother and daughter do most of the talking.  The daughter tells her mom how she feels and that she wants her two older brothers to know what happened to her.  Her mom isn't sure she can tell her sons about the molestation, but finally agrees to take that first step and go to counseling and therapy with her daughter.  She stands up to hug her daughter and tells her daughter that it wasn't her fault, as the girl blames herself  for what her mom's ex-boyfriend did to her.  Eric also assures the girl that it wasn't her fault.


Eric was excited after receiving a phone call from a local newspaper who wanted to do a feature story on the Camden family.  The article would be in the family section of Sunday's paper.  He first told Matt on the phone who wasn't excited about it, but said he would talk to the reporter if that's what his dad wanted.  He then told the other kids when they got home from school and none of them wanted to do it.  Annie went to talk to them and told them that they were going to do it.  She told them to think beforehand about what they would say.  They did and all told each other what not to say about them.  But when finally interviewed, they told about themselves what they told everyone else not to say.  Mary told all about her troubles with the law and community service.  Lucy talked all about her boyfriends.  Simon talked about getting in trouble and school and trying smoking.  Ruthie talked about her Aunt Julie.  After receiving a phone call from Ruthie's teacher, they talked to Ruthie and found out that she told the reporter about Aunt Julie.  They then talked to the rest of the kids and found out what they talked about.  Eric later went over to Matt's apartment to find out that Matt told the reporter that he had to get out of the house to be a man and that he entertains many women friends.  The reporter, Sam Robbins, let Eric have a first look at the article which was highly scandelous.  Eric said he didn't want it to be printed and Sam totally understood and said it wouldn't be printed.

The story was printed anyway and the Camden family didn't know why everyone seemed to be staring at them when they walked into church.  Sam Robbins came in and went to the front of the sanctuary to hand Eric the paper to look at.  Eric then handed it to Annie who passed it down the aisle for her kids to look at.  Eric addressed it to the congregation and said what they read was pretty much true.  He then said he was going to go hug his family as a special guest singer, Contemporary Christian Music artist Sandi Patty, sang his favorite hymn, "I'll Fly Away."

At work, a new employee named Elizabeth kept spreading lies about Matt around to people.  Things like he was unstable, had an anger problem,  and did drugs.  She also spread some rumors around about John.  When she saw John give Matt some money that Annie gave John to give to Matt, Elizabeth started spreading lies that John was a drug dealer.  John saw a local politician on tv misquoting some lines from famous African-American people and got upset.  When Elizabeth lied to Matt's boss about Matt, she called Annie and voiced some concerns and asked Annie to talk to Matt.  Annie did, but no one told Matt what was going on.  When John saw the politician on a tv at the hospital, he started yelling at the tv and security escorted him out and he was fired because of the accusation he did drugs.    When Matt was called into his bosses office, he was finally able to get things straight and got John rehired.

At school, Ruthie was given an assignment to share a short story about her family.  The winner out of the class of the best story would receive a five dollar cash reward.  Ruthie's friend Chrissy couldn't think of any story about her family so she asked Ruthie what she was going to talk about.  Ruthie shared about the story about her Aunt Julie.  In class, Chrissy volunteered to tell her story before Ruthie got to and she stole Ruthie's story, changing a few details.  Chrissy won the prize and when Ruthie tried to take the money from her, the teacher called Ruthie's mom which led to the parents unveiling what their kids said to Sam Robbins.  Ruthie later approached Chrissy on the playground to tell the truth and give back the five dollars so it could be given to someone who deserved it.

87.Love Stinks{Pt1}

Matt saw Heather at church and talked with her a little after church before going off to meet Shana at her new apartment where she would be staying over the summer.  Matt took Shana to the pool hall for lunch and was tired that Shana kept talking about one of her roommates, Brett.  Then suddenly Brett showed up and said he got a job in Glen Oak for the summer though he was initially going to work in New York.  When Shana got back to her apartment, Brett was waiting outside her door for her.  She told him that it was over between them as she had told him the day she left.  Brett replied that it would never be over.  She tried to get rid of him, but he wouldn't leave.  Matt got home and complained about Brett to John.  John informed Matt that he wasn't jealous of Brett because she wasn't in love with Shana anymore.  John told him that he was still in love with Heather.

Heather later showed up at Matt and John's apartment.  There, Heather said to Matt that she was in love with him.  John took that as his que to leave.  Matt was taken by surprise and Heather told him to have fun at the movies with Shana before she left.  At the movies, Shana told Matt that she really wanted to try and make their relationship work.  The next morning, Matt showed up at Heather's house.  Heather's mom answered the door and told him not to hurt her daughter.  Matt said that he wouldn't because he loved her.  Heather came to the door and Matt told her that he loved her and that he made the decision to break up with Shana.  She said that it was good because she loved him too and that he would have to break up with Shana for good so that it would be really over if they were to have a relationship.

Robbie and his younger step-brother Ronald showed up at the Camden's church on Sunday morning which deeply upset Eric and Annie.  After church, Robbie told Mary that the reason she hadn't heard from him in the past three months was because he was busy turning his life around.  He told her he started going to church every Sunday, not just for God, but because church was such a big part of who Mary was.  He thanked Mary because he was a better person because of her.  Mary later drove to his house and welcomed him back into her life.  At home, Eric received a phone call from Mary's guidance counselor who said he was calling because Eric didn't respond to the letter he sent home with Mary.  Eric said that was because he never received the letter.  The counselor told Eric that the letter contained a list of good junior colleges Mary might want to apply to for the following year.  Eric said that Mary was going to Crawford in the Fall.  The counselor told him that she lost her space when she didn't send in her acceptance forms and that she didn't fill out any financial aid or grant forms.  Eric said that when he talked to her directly that she said she wasn't going to attend college in the fall.

When Mary got home, Eric and Annie met her inside the front door.  She told them that she had some important information to tell them and that was that she and Robbie were back together and that he was changed.  Eric then confronted her about why she hadn't turned in any college forms so she didn't have a college to go to in the Fall.  Annie asked Mary to tell them that there was a big mistake.  Mary said that there was no mistake, that she wasn't going to college.  Later Eric and Annie confronted Mary again and Mary confessed to telling a lie by omission which Annie pointed out was still a lie.  Mary said that she didn't know what she wanted to do with her life and didn't want to waste her parents money while she tried to figure it out.  As Eric was taking out the trash, he saw Robbie coming towards the house.  Eric blatantly accused Robbie that his "changed man" routine was a scam.  Mary came out and told her dad that mom said they could go out for ice cream.  Mary Robbie after Eric left that he was mad at her because she told them she wasn't going to college.  He asked her why and she said because she wanted to spend more time with him.

On their date, Robbie told Mary that he was accepted to Crawford.  He thought that while he went to school there, she could figure out what she wanted to do with her life.  He told her that he would never lie to her again and she replied that she trusted him.  As they walked away, Robbie's ex-girlfriend saw them; a girlfriend he had broken up with just one week before.  Her friend told her that she should go tell him off in front of his new girlfriend, but she said she had a better idea.  At home the next morning, Eric and Annie talked with Mary and said that they agreed with her decision on not going to school.  However, they told her that if she wasn't going to college, she would have to start paying rent to live there beginning in September if she wanted to live there.  Later, Cheryl went to Robbie and said that she was going to go to Mary and tell her everything so that afterwards, Mary would hate him.  Mary came home after school and she told her parents that she was going to move in with Robbie as roommates.  She was all excited, but her parents were not.

Lucy met Ronald after church and even though Andrew Nayloss tried to get in their way, she agreed to let Ronald call her.  That afternoon Andrew was at the house to tell Lucy that they were right for each other, but she walked past him and into the house.  That evening, Ronald came over to the house and sat on the couch in the living room with Lucy.  Eric walked in on them when they were kissing.  He interupted them and Lucy introduced Ronald to her dad.  Eric straight out told him that he didn't like Ronald's family.  Ronald replied by telling Eric that he would never take Lucy to a motel.  Eric left and they went back to kissing.  At school the next day, Andrew approached Lucy to say that they were right together and that she and Ronald weren't right together.

Deena was suppose to show up at church, but she didn't.  After church, Simon's friend Wade said that he had seen Deena the other night at a mall hugging an older looking guy.  Simon said it was probably brother, but Wade said the hug didn't look like a brotherly kind of hug.  Simon tried calling her at home, but her dad answered and said that she wasn't there.  After her dad hung up, he told Deena that she really should tell Simon what was going on but she said she couldn't.  Deena finally came over to the house and Simon let her in.  She said she had to tell him something and didn't want to tell him over the phone.  She told him that the guy she hugged at the mall was her cousin.  She told him that she thought they should see other people.  Before she left, she told him that it was over.  He didn't understand, she wanted to be friends, but he wanted to be her boyfriend.  She then left.  That night, Simon called a girl from school, Cynthia, because she knew everything that went on in the 8th grade.  He asked her to find out if Deena was seeing someone else.  Cynthia called back later and told Simon that Deena was going out with someone else.  She said it was some older boy from another school.  After she hung up, she told Deena who was in her room that she should tell Simon the truth.  At school, Simon approached Deena at her locker.  He gave her an early birthday present, a promise ring, even though she said that she wanted to see other people.  She wanted to give it back, but he wanted her to keep it.  She said that she didn't want to break up and gave him back the ring and ran off, leaving Simon totally confused.

Bert saw Ruthie at church and said he was excited to be doing an assignment for school with her.  After church he showed up at the Camden's house to work on it with her.  While working on their project, Bert gave Ruthie a present - a glass cat.  He then asked her to be his girlfriend and she asked him why she would do that and he said because he gave her the cat.  Ruthie agreed to be his girlfriend if he did everything she said - namely if he kept bringing her presents.  He agreed with her.  That night after Bert had gone home, Ruthie told her mom that Bert would do anything she wanted for her.  She said it was great, like having her own dog.  Annie faced her daughter that Bert was not a dog and that she should treat him with more respect.  At school, some of the kids started making fun of Ruthie because she was in love with Bert.  She told them that she wasn't.  When Bert walked in, she asked Bert what he'd been telling people.  He said that he'd been telling people that she loved him because she was his girlfriend.  She told him that she was only his girlfriend so he would do stuff for her.  He turned away from her and started to cry.  When he turned back around after she asked him what he was doing, everyone saw that he was crying.  He then ran off and the kids who had been teasing her told her that she was in big trouble.

88.Love Stinks{pt2}

After having told her parents in the previous episode that she planned to move in with Robbie, Eric and Annie chased after her.  Eric vocalized his opposition to it while Annie embraced her in making her own decisions, while not agreeing with it, which confused Mary and frustrated Eric.  Lucy told Annie about her situation with Andrew and Ronald and got frustrated with Annie's response.  Simon asked Eric for advice about Deena but he didn't understand the whole situation.  Ruthie told Annie about her situation with Burt.  Matt and John talked and John kept telling Matt to break up with Shana.  Simon's friend Cynthia dropped by the house and told him the bad news that Deena was moving back east at the end of the week.

Burt's mom came by to talk with Annie about Burt and Ruthie and Annie suggested that they let the kids work it out on their own.  Mary talked to Robbie on the phone about Cheryl's approaching her and Robbie told her that Cheryl was his ex-girlfriend.  Mary then told him that she didn't tell her parents everything about them.  She then told her parents that she was engaged which Eric blew up over while Annie congratulated her.  Simon went to Deena's to confront her on the truth.  Lucy and Ronald hung out at the pool hall where he informed her all about Mary's situation.  Lucy decided to leave until she saw Andrew put his arm around another girl, and then decided to stay to make him jealous.  Ruthie called Burt to talk with him and in a sense, played phone tag with him.  Simon asked Eric to get Deena's mom a new job so they wouldn't have to move and then asked him to adopt Deena.

Mary sought out Annie to tell her the truth and Annie finally told Mary what she really thought.  Cheryl called and Mary found out that Robbie had only broken up with her a week earlier.  Eric talked with Deena's dad to find out he was in the process of divorcing his wife.  His wife is moving back east not for a new job, but for a fresh start near her family and is taking Deena with her.  He planned to follow them soon.  Deena came in and Eric left so her dad could tell her the truth.  Lucy came home late and told Annie that Ronald dumped her.  Lucy then realized that she was the crazy ex-girlfriend and asked Annie for advice.  Ruthie sought out Simon for advice about Burt as Eric went to Robbie's place to talk to him.  When Matt came home, he found the chain locking the door.  John told him he couldn't come in until he broke up with Shana.  Lucy called Andrew's house and got his dad who lied for him.  Matt finally knocked on Shana's door and as he waited, the neighbor called the police on him.  When Shana answered, her shirt was on inside out, her hair messed up, and another guy (Brett) in the apartment which made Matt storm off.  At home, Simon talked to Eric, telling him that Deena told him about her parents divorce.  Annie found Mary outside and Mary explained how the whole engagement thing came to be.

When Shana and Brett left the apartment building, they found Matt outside.  Matt told Brett to go away and he did and let Shana and Matt talk and they officially broke up.  Burt came over and talked with Ruthie and they made up.  They tried to kiss and missed to the relief of Eric and Annie.  Matt and John talked the next morning and Matt told John to get his pants on, that they were leaving.  Simon and Deena said good-bye to each other at school and Andrew and Lucy talked.  They kissed in the school hall and got some looks from others.  Mary gave the ring back to Robbie and told him that they weren't ready to get married.  Heather asked Matt if they should have told their families, but Matt said no.  John came to the car and they all went into the Oakwood Wedding Chapel.


Season 5
89.Here We go Again

Annie told Eric that she had already enrolled in a college class so she could earn teaching credentials in early childhood education.  Eric got upset because of it and was also upset that Mary wasn't going to school.  He figured out later that he was mostly upset about Mary.

Lucy started her senior year of High School and was excited that Andrew Nayloss would be back from Europe.  However, she found out from other kids at school that Andrew was not coming home.  Andrew showed up at Lucy's house that night and told her that when he found out that Lucy had been dating so many guys over the summer, that he got angry and got a girl in Paris pregnant and was going back.  Simon his freshman year of High School and was not excited about it because Nigel was in a different school district and Deena was in a different state.  At school, Simon saw his friend Jim who invited Simon to go to a cheerleaders that evening.  Eric caught Simon with a backpack full of toilet paper, but allowed Simon to go.  Simon and Jim later showed up at the Camden's house with Sgt. Michaels.  Ruthie started fourth grade to find she had been stuck in class with the same teacher she had the year before who called her stupid.  Later, Ruthie got the chance to speak to her class and stood on her teacher's desk to preach about kids rights.

Matt came home and confessed to Eric that he and Heather had planned to elope last May, but she backed out at the last minute.  He had been upset with her ever since.  Later that night, Annie tried to break up with Matt for Heather and Matt realized it.  The two of them finally talked and broke up.

Mary didn't like that she couldn't borrow a car to go to her new job at the pool hall.  She was so impressed with her first day tips that she went out and bought a very expensive car to her parents disappointment.


Matt got a D on his organic chemistry test and blamed everyone he could think of except himself as an excuse so he wouldn't have to admit he didn't understand the material.  Matt finally went to the professor and asked for help and admitted to John that he was blaming others for his own lack of understanding.

Annie had her first big test and got an A.  Eric really picked up and helped around the house.  Eric and Annie got a note from Ruthie's principal for them to come in to a meeting.  Eric went to find out that Ruthie had tested off the charts in a basic skills test, meaning she was extremely intelligent.  The principal felt she would do better at Eleanor Roosevelt private school for girls.  Ruthie didn't want to go, but after a visit to the school, she decided she did want to go.  Ruthie was able to go on a full scholarship so her family didn't have to pay.

Lucy was nominated for homecoming queen and loved High School. Simon however was tardy on his first day of school because he got confused in the hallways and hated high school.  In an effort to help Simon out, she let Simon help her with her campaign to become homecoming queen and that helped boost his social status.  Lucy found out that he promised an underclassman girl that Lucy would go to her party.  Lucy was informed by a friend that if she went to the party, she would lose the votes of the upperclassmen.  Lucy agreed to go to the party anyway because she loved her brother more.

Mary was fired from the pool hall.  She lied at first and didn't let her family know she'd been fired.  The Colonel showed up at the house and no one knew why at first, but learned that it was about Mary.  When the Colonel took Mary to the pool hall to get some food, Mary admitted that she'd been fired, but lied about the reasons.  Mary thought the Colonel was offering to help her by giving her money to pay her debts, but he refused to give her money.  His offer to help was to help her through school, but she turned him down flat, getting angry that he wouldn't give her money.  On the phone, Mary literally screamed at someone warning her what would happen if she didn't make her payments on time.


Lucy brought home a bunch of college catalogs so she could apply for early acceptance and Eric was very happy.  Lucy invited over a guy, Mike, she met in the counselor's office at school named Mike so they could go over catalogs together.  Mike made an offer to show Lucy how to fill out college applications in a way that maximized the possibility of acceptance in return for her being his date for every major event for the rest of their senior year.  Lucy wasn't so sure because they didn't know each other and had never been on a date, but finally agreed.

Mary's lost her job from Pete's Pizza, but is still hanging out with Frankie and Johnny.  She spent all day at their trailer and while there, she saw Frankie smoke marijuana.  After Mary got home, Lucy could smell smoke on her.  Mary changed the subject by telling Lucy that her new friend Mike Pierce use to be in her grade but missed a year of school because he was in a hospital because he tried to kill himself.  Eric got a phone call from a police officer later that night telling him that Frankie and Johnny had been arrested for possession of marijuana.  Eric talked to Mary later and Mary lied that her new friends didn't smoke pot.  When Eric confronted her with the truth, Mary told him that she saw Frankie smoke it that evening and that she didn't immediately leave, but that she didn't smoke any with her.  Eric went and helped them out.  He met Mike at the door on the way out and Mike told him that he had tried to kill himself and after Eric left, Mike talked to Lucy about it.

Simon took Matt up on his free offer to drive Simon on a date.  Simon made a quick date with a Spelling Bee champ from school named Marsha.  However, Simon got annoyed when Marsha took total interest in Matt and not him.  When Simon and Marsha came out of the movie, they saw Matt and Marsha invited Matt with them to get pizza.  Simon tried to keep Matt away, but Marsha insisted and Matt agreed.  Simon walked Marsha to the door and he was ready to walk back to the car, but she stopped him and kissed him.  However, as she kissed him, she turned so she could see Matt's reaction.  Afterwards, Matt suggested they go to the promenade to pick up chicks.  Simon agreed and by doing so, disobeyed his mom.  Marsha later called the Camden's house and talked to Eric and asked to talked to Matt and Eric informed her that he lived on his own.  She then asked for Matt's phone number and Eric told her that Matt didn't give them his phone number but that he would give him hers.  She said it was listed and he asked what time they dropped her off.  When Simon got home, he held out a piece of paper and told Eric that he got a phone number.  Eric took the paper and ate it and told him that Annie had told him not to hang out with Matt to pick up chicks.

Ruthie secretly wrote in a diary that she kept well hidden.  She was writing in it for school.  She snuck around the house and wrote down things about other family members.  Lucy later informed Eric and Annie that Ruthie was keeping a diary and that she had watched them having sex and wrote about it.  Annie took the page out and told Ruthie that it was not funny, but Ruthie kept saying it was funny.  Annie then came across Matt and Simon in the hall and Matt informed her that all the kids had seen them at some point in their lives.

Eric and Annie watched a movie together when the rest of the kids didn't want to do a family movie night.


Friday Night:
Matt saw a girl in the library, Kim, who seemed asked if he had dated Heather and then ignored him.

Ruthie asked if she could have her two best friends spend the night.  Rachel from her new school and Sarah from her old school.  Annie agreed when Lucy volunteered to take responsibility for them.

Julie called Annie who handed the phone to Mary who asked Aunt Julie to baby-sit Eric the next day while Hank and Julie were moving Hank's office.  Julie was hesitant because of Mary's recent behavior, but finally agreed.

Ruthie informed Annie and Lucy that her two friends would also be spending the entire day over which Lucy didn't like.  Eric and Annie were thrilled at Lucy's taking over so they could have the whole day to themselves.  Lucy asked Simon to help her, but he said he wouldn't.  When Rachel and Sarah arrived, they hated each other.  Lucy got fed up with the two girls fighting with each other and sent both of them home that evening before the actual sleep over.

Simon was determined to change his image from nice-looking to tough looking.  Simon cut the sleeves off of one of his good church shirts and Lucy told him it was a bad idea because mom would make him pay for it.  Simon's friend talked him in to going out with him and Simon got his ear pierced.  Simon got home and Lucy lectured him for going out without anyone knowing.  She freaked when she saw the earring.  Ruthie laughed at it and said he looked like a girl.  Eric and Annie told him he had to take it out and he was upset about it but said fine.  Eric and Annie asked Lucy if she was available the next weekend and she said that she needed to get a boyfriend.

Frankie called Mary at home and asked her to baby-sit her daughter Mercy.  Mary told her that she couldn't because she was baby-sitting for her aunt and uncle and they wouldn't like it.  Frankie told Mary to lie, but Mary refused.  Mary arrived at the Hastings home and was drilled over what to do in any situation.  They told Mary that they'd go out for dinner and wouldn't be back until 9-10 that night.  Frankie came over and asked Mary in person to baby-sit for her.  She said that she thought Johnny was cheating on her and needed one hour, two max, to follow him and find out.  Mary agreed and was surprised that Frankie had left Mercy alone in the car.  Mary got annoyed that everyone kept calling to check up on her.  When going through Mercy's bag, she found a beer bottle.  She then fretted over drinking it or not after she opened it.  Later as Hank and Julie were at the restaurant waiting to order, they tried to call Mary only to find that the phone was off the hook.  They decided to leave right then to go home.  Hank and Julie came home to find two babies left unattended with the phone off the hook as well as an empty beer bottle.  Mary rushed downstairs when she heard them.  Mary told them that Frankie drank the beer.  They sent Mary home and she asked them not to tell her parents.  Mary went to Frankie and Johnny's and hung out, even though Eric told them to stay away from Mary.

When Eric and Annie were out, they saw Johnny with another woman and Johnny was suppose to be in drug and alcohol counseling at that moment with Frankie as terms of their agreement for getting out of jail.  They followed him around and finally followed him into the pool hall.  Annie wanted Eric to just go over and talk to them so they could stop following them around, but Eric said that wasn't his way of doing things.  Eric finally went over and talked to Johnny when Annie stepped out of the room.  As they talked, Frankie came in and saw the girl that Johnny ushered out.  The two got into a big argument and started  yelling at each other.  When Johnny grabbed Frankie's shirt, Eric jumped in the middle to make him let go of her and Johnny hit Eric in the face.  Annie rushed to Eric to see if he was okay and the pool hall manager asked Eric if he wanted him to call the police.  Eric said no and Eric ended up talking with Johnny while Annie talked with Frankie.  Frankie and Johnny apologized to each other and decided to tell Eric and Annie exactly what they wanted to hear.  Eric and Annie knew though that they were telling them what they wanted to hear.  Eric asked them to stay away from Mary.

Matt talked to John about what happened at the library.  He thought Heather must have said something to the girl.  Matt went out and got Kim's phone number by telling the head librarian that Kim had his book that he needed back.  He called and she was upset because her number was unlisted for a reason.  She told him to leave him alone and hung up, but Matt didn't give up.  Matt went over to the apartment and Kim's brother met him at the door.  He said that Kim had asked him to come over and told Matt that Kim was blind.  He let Matt in to talk to Kim.  Kim explained to him about her eye disease RP.  She thought Matt was into women with disabilities which is why he seemed interested in her.  They agreed to be casual acquaintances.


Mary's problems were causing tensions around the Camden house.  Eric and Annie were fighting which made the kids uncomfortable and nervous.

Lucy answered the phone and a lady asked for Mary.  Lucy told her that Mary wasn't there and the lady asked who she was.  Lucy asked who was calling and the lady answered, "I asked first."  Lucy hung up and when the phone rang again, didn't answer it.  Simon came in and told Lucy it was for her and the lady called her Mary.  Lucy informed her that she was Mary's sister Lucy, but the lady wouldn't believe her.  She asked Lucy, calling her Mary, why she wouldn't pay her credit card bill.  Lucy finally hung up on her again when the lady wouldn't be convinced that she wasn't Mary.  When Mary finally got home, Lucy told her about it and told Mary to pay her bill.  Mary said okay and asked Lucy to loan her fifty bucks.  Lucy said no and Mary reacted like a total jerk to her.  She then asked Simon for fifty bucks who told her no.  The phone rang and Lucy gave Mary the phone, telling her it was the collection agency.  Mary tossed it back and Lucy gave it back, telling her to take care of it.  Mary hung up before taking the call.  Ruthie then got her attention and told her that she could give Mary her $20 in birthday money.  Mary took the money.  Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie didn't know what to do, so they called Matt.  He came over and they met.  Later, the collection lady called and Matt pretended to be her attorney.  After the call, Ruthie came up with the idea to use Sam and David's savings fund to pay Mary's bill.

While her siblings all worried over Mary's situation, Mary blew her money at the movie theater.  Mary got home and they gave her the money from the piggy banks.  When Annie paid off her credit debt, she allowed them to raise her credit line which raised her interest rates while lowering her monthly payments.  At the car place, she signed up to have her loan extended.  It would lower monthly payments, but make her pay more in the long run.  After leaving the car insurance place, she saw a help wanted sign in a window and went in and got hired.  A lady then walked in and told him he couldn't hire anybody and would have to call Mary and tell her that.  When Mary got home, she told them that she got a new job and that everything was going to change for her.  After getting to her room, Mary got a phone call telling her that the position had already been filled.  Lucy asked who was on the phone and Mary said that it was a wrong number.

At the police station, Sgt. Michaels told everyone that they were going to set up road blocks for possible drunk drivers.  After he was done, one officer went up and talked to Sgt. Michaels about when he pulled over Mary Camden.  Sgt. Michaels later found Eric and told him about what the officer told him.  They ate at Pete's Pizza and the owner told Eric about why he fired  him.  He also told them that Mary, Frankie, and Johnny had all lied to him about staying away from each other.  Eric later was at Julie's house and Julie told him about the baby-sitting incident.

At their apartment, John expressed to Matt that he was upset with Mary because she tried to borrow a significant amount of money from him which he didn't loan her.  He also saw her a couple nights before at the promenade with a couple of people who were drinking beer and smoking.  Matt thanked John for telling him.

At the market, Annie saw an insurance agent from her church who told her that Mary was driving without insurance.  Annie stopped at the pool hall later and found out that Mary had lied about quitting, but was actually fired.  Annie stopped at the hospital in search of Eric and found Hank.  He took her to his office and told them about Mary's trouble when she baby-sat for them.


Eric and Annie were on a mission to find out where Mary got the money to pay her debts.  They questioned everyone they can think of, including the kids.  The kids lied about it to their parents, claiming that they didn't know, even going so far as an elaborate cover up to the truth.  However, Eric and Annie were on to the fact that their kids knew more than they were telling and the kids found out.  Eric and Annie invited Rev. Hamilton and his wife over for the evening and while they were there, Annie and Patricia walked into the twins room to find Ruthie filling the twins piggy banks with rice.  The Hamilton's showed themselves out as Ruthie tried to cover up the truth by taking the blame on herself, before Matt finally let it out and Lucy and Simon were there as well.  They finally admitted that they all conspired with Mary to take the twins savings of $500 to pay Mary's debts.  Eric and Annie had a meeting with them and waited for Mary to come home. Mary had been gone a lot, claiming to be out looking for a job, but throughout the episode, we saw her at the movie theater, seeing the same film over and over again.

When Mary finally came home, Matt, Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie, mostly in tears, shared their feelings and thoughts with Mary.  Eric and Annie finally dismissed the other kids so they could get down to business with Mary.  Eric and Annie informed Mary then that they had made the decision to send her to Buffalo to live with the Colonel and Ruth.  They informed Mary that she was flying out that night and that two suitcases were waiting for her in her room so she could pack.  She got very upset and refused to say good-bye to any of her brothers or sisters.  At the airport, she made it clear that she blamed her dad solely for this decision.  Once she boarded the plane, Eric finally broke down crying as Annie sought to comfort him.


The episode opened in church on Sunday morning where as Eric preached, many people in the congregation told terrible, untrue rumors about Mary.  After church, Eric and Annie talk about Mary in his church office and overhear a couple ladies walk by, gossiping.  Outside church, Matt meets a woman in a wedding dress who asked directions to St. Monica's Church.  As Lucy and Ruthie served drinks inside the church, they had to face two teenagers who were talking about the gossip and wanted to know the truth, but Lucy didn't want to talk about it.  Meanwhile, Simon's friend told him that he could use Mary's "bad girl" reputation to get the girls and got him set up with the Murphy twins (played by Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen).

At home, Annie told Eric that she was going out with Robin (an old boyfriend).  Eric was against it, but Annie went anyway.  Lucy's boyfriend Mike came over to study and told her that she could make up a rumor to diverge people's attention from gossiping about Mary.  Lucy decided not to, but Ruthie who overheard the conversation decided to try it and spread all sorts of untrue rumors to her school principal about her family.  She said that Lucy had a lot of disabilities, Simon was mute,  that Matt lived in his car and had been in jail, that Eric lost his job and they don't have any money and her mom is an alcoholic.  Matt re-met the woman in a wedding dress in the pool hall and decided he was going to marry her, but she left before he got her name.

One of the gossiping church members, Mrs. Beaker, brought her niece who was a family counselor to the Camden house, thinking Eric and Annie might want someone to talk to about Mary.  Lucy struggled with Mike being her boyfriend because of all the gossip that went around about him since he had tried to kill himself.  She broke off their date for the dance.  Simon and his friend managed to get a date with the Murphy sisters.  They planned to meet each other at the promenade since the girls dad wouldn't let them go out except with groups.  Simon was surprised that they weren't going to meet up with a group, but that the twins had tricked their dad.  The girls ended up causing all sorts of trouble for Simon as he watched them shop-lift, took the blame for one of the girls pinching someone, snuck into a movie with them, and ran off before paying the check at a restaurant.  Sgt. Michaels finally caught up with them.

When  Eric went out to Baskin & Robbins for ice cream, Ruthie's principal confronted him about what Ruthie had told her.  Mrs. Beaker and her niece walked in the pool hall to find Annie sitting at a table with another man.  They got a table and called more ladies from the church who joined them.  They had more to gossip when they saw Eric walk in with Ruthie's principal.  The principal sat down with Robin while Eric and Annie went off to talk about Ruthie.  As they talked, Eric spotted the ladies from church all staring at them.  Eric, fed up with them, went over and told them that they were dating other people, Annie - her ex-boyfriend and Eric - Ruthie's principal.  He told them the truth about Mary going to his parents because of financial trouble and that they were just using that up as a cover-up story.  Later, Mrs. Beaker went to Eric and apologized.  An employee at the pool hall called Matt to tell him the woman's name and where and when she wanted to meet him.  She wasn't there, but when he got home he found her in his apartment with John.  John left and they spent the night doing nothing but kissing.

Sgt. Michaels beeped Eric because he had Simon at the promenade and they left to go there.  They then went to the school dance where they found Ruthie and confronted her on her lying.  After confronting her, they decided to stay and Eric and Annie danced with each other.


Matt got a note from Heather that she wanted to meet with him and he was anxious about it.  He thought Heather wanted him back and he didn't want to start a relationship with her again.  Matt found Simon hanging out on a sidewalk with a bad group of guys from his school listening to bad rap.  He tried to take Simon home, but Simon refused and told Matt that it wasn't his business who his friends were and what music he listened to.  Back at his apartment, Eric showed up to give Matt some pants that Annie bought for him.  There Matt told Eric about the letter from Heather and hinted that Simon's new friends from school and choice of music could be trouble.

In a record store, one of Simon's friend called Lucy a really bad name and slapped her on the rear.  Lucy saw the guy with Simon outside the store and confronted him about it, but Simon saw nothing wrong with what his friend Norton did to her.  Annie walked up to them on the street and Norton rudely approached her, but she scared him off.

At church, Robbie brought Cheryl into meet Eric and told him that they wanted to get married.  Back home, Simon and Annie talked to Eric about Simon's friend Norton who harassed Lucy and harassed and threatened Annie.  Annie left and Eric had a serious talk with Simon, but didn't get through to his son.  Afterwards, Annie talked to Eric about Robbie's engagement to Cheryl.  Eric left to talk with them and Lucy and Ruthie asked Annie for permission to go to the concert which she granted.  John had an argument with a doctor at the hospital over a CD he wanted John to play.  John was able to get the doctor to accept his point of view.  After the doctor walked away, a girl named Priscilla Carter walked up to meet him and invited him for coffee in the cafeteria.

Annie found Matt with Simon in Simon's room and Simon said that Matt came to pick him up.  Simon pleaded with Annie to let Matt take Simon to confront Norton before she stormed off to confront him and his mom.  Annie reluctantly agreed and noticed Matt was wearing the new pants she bought him.  Matt brought up the letter he got from Heather.  While talking with Robbie and Cheryl, he learned that Robbie's mom had just taken off and Robbie was living with Cheryl.  Eric asked if the reason they wanted to get married was because they were living together.  Robbie admitted that they were going to have a baby.

Lucy called for Ruthie to go to the concert and Ruthie came downstairs dressed procatively like the band members of the concert they were going to.  Eric and Annie walked in and refused to let her leave like that and Ruthie refused to change.  Annie stood her ground and Ruthie rushed upstairs.  At Matt's apartment, Matt and Simon talked about the issues involved with the kind of music Simon was listening to while they waited for Simon to show up.  At home, Lucy went up to Ruthie's room and told her they could still make the concert.  She still refused to change and Annie walked in to talk with her girls and was able to get through to Ruthie.  Back at the apartment, John showed up smiling and told them that he just came from a date with Miss Right who he believed would be his future bride.  Matt told John that Simon's friend Norton was coming over and John said that he forgot to tell Matt that Heather was coming over.  They all quickly rushed downstairs and outside where they saw the guys surrounding Heather who had Norton pinned with his arm behind his back.  She let go of Norton and Simon tackled him to the ground.  A woman cop showed up and arrested Norton.

At home, Cheryl showed up to talk to Eric alone.  She told him that she wasn't pregnant, but didn't tell Robbie because she was afraid he wouldn't marry her if he found out she wasn't.  Matt finally talked with Heather who told him that she was dating someone.  Outside the apartment, John had a heart to heart with Simon until Annie showed up to pick Simon up.  Simon got in the car and before they took off, Simon apologized.  Back home, Eric had a heart to heart with Robbie in the back yard.  They were interupted by Lucy and Ruthie who were getting back from going out to a hamburger drive-in.


Eric stopped on the street to listen to a woman playing guitar and singing for money.  We he leaned over to drop money in her guitar case, he saw Robbie sitting in an alley doing homework.  Eric was going to leave him, but then took him to get something to eat.  They had a talk and Eric invited him home with him to the surprise of the whole family, especially Annie when Eric brought Robbie in when Annie was wearing lingerie.  When Robbie was in the kitchen, he saw Lucy come down in her underwear.  Eric talked over it with Annie and she agreed to let Robbie stay the night.  Eric took Robbie to a homeless shelter, but didn't like what he saw, so he took Robbie back home to let him live with them.  Robbie took Ruthie's room and Ruthie moved up to the attic with Lucy.

Simon was mysteriously talking on the phone to some girl all through the episode.  At the end of the episode, she came by the house to pick up Simon for a date and Eric was surprised that she was older than Simon and drove there.

Matt was annoyed by John and Priscilla's kissing and so Matt went back to his parents house and was upset to find Robbie.  He finally went back to his apartment to see John propose marriage to Priscilla.

Lucy's friend Mike got accepted to college and Lucy hadn't heard anything for herself.  Mike came over to tell Lucy and Lucy got jealous when she assumed Mike had been out on a date with someone else.  Later Lucy got her letter in the mail, but was too nervous to open it.  She felt that she needed to apologize to Mike for being rude and went over to his house.  There she met Mike's mom who suffered from major depression.


Mary's in Buffalo and Robbie's living with the Camden's after Eric found him homeless.  Mary assumes that Lucy is dating Robbie and calls Matt at his apartment to ask.  Matt has no clue and mentions to Mary that Robbie (her ex-boyfriend whom she still likes) is living there.  Matt's roommate John Hamilton pleads with Matt after he hangs up to stay for the evening to meet his girlfriend's parents.  Matt, who doesn't want to meet them, sticks with his decision to go home for the night.

Mary calls Ruthie and bribes her to give her information about Robbie and Lucy.  Ruthie confirms to Mary that Robbie and Lucy aren't dating and Ruthie makes it obvious that she likes Robbie.  After hanging up, Ruthie asks Robbie if he's going out with Lucy and he tells her no.  Ruthie then goes and asks Lucy who also confirms that they are not a couple and strongly tells Ruthie that there is no way that she'd ever go out with Robbie.  Ruthie is pleased and Lucy suspects that Ruthie has a reason for asking that she's not telling.

Eric presses Robbie to help out around the house and Robbie really pulls through and helps out a lot.  Annie begins to feel upset that she's no longer needed because Robbie and her kids are all taking care of everything.  Eric suspects that she feels this way because Ginger is completely taking care of Annie's dad and Annie wants to help take care of him.  Annie pleads with Eric to get Robbie a job so he can move out because she wants to feel needed.  Eric tells her he's working on it and he is, but it's Saturday and he can't get as much done.

Eric and Annie both are upset that Mary hasn't been calling them and feels more left out when they learn that Matt and Ruthie have both talked to her on the phone.  Eric decides to use Robbie to call her and Robbie is finally able to convince Mary that he and Lucy are not dating.  Mary doesn't mind that Robbie's living there which was the fear of Eric and Annie.  Robbie tells Mary she should call her dad.

Matt ends up going to Heather's house where she's with her new boyfriend.  Matt makes himself welcome when it's obvious he's not, but Heather plays a good hostess to him.  When John shows up to beg Matt to come meet his girlfriend's parents, Heather's boyfriend makes up a story that the girlfriend is the daughter of the owner of Carter's Sheets and is very wealthy.  Matt jumps at the opportunity then for a good meal and leaves.

Robbie and Simon go out for pizza so that Robbie could gain financial advice from Simon.  He tells Simon that he already has a job working at a day care which goes along with his major for early childhood development, the same major as Annie.  Robbie tells Simon that he loves kids and wants to work with them.  He tells Simon about his idea for using all his money so far on airline tickets for a day.

Matt shows up late to his apartment and apologizes to John for missing his girlfriends parents.  John, depressed, tells Matt how he blew it with her parents which all started because of the lie that was told about what her parents did.  Her parents were rich, but did not manufacture sheets.  As a result of their disapproval of him, they cut their daughter off totally financially.  She ended up showing up at the apartment to move in with John.  John confirms that he doesn't believe in pre-marital relations, but her parents have forced this.  John kicks Matt out.

Robbie and Simon come home and Simon hurries upstairs leaving Robbie alone in the kitchen with Eric and Annie.  Robbie tells them about his job which pleases them.  He then tells them that he bought plane tickets for Annie, David, and Sam to fly down to be with Annie's dad for a day.  He realized Annie needed to be needed and didn't want to leave the twins behind.  Annie thanks him and tells him he doesn't have to rush out to find his own place.  Mary calls and talks to Eric who is glad to finally hear from her.  She then asks to talk to Annie.  Matt shows up and tells his parents that he's moving back in, but his parents walk off smiling, not caring that he's coming back home or his reasons.

Upstairs, Ruthie spies Robbie reading the love letter she left for him on the pillow.  Ruthie priorly had a talk with Lucy and Lucy talked Ruthie out of pursuing the romance.  Ruthie rushes in and in an attempt to cover herself and tells Robbie that it's Lucy's handwriting.  Robbie, sighing, tells Ruthie that he should talk to Lucy (obviously starting to think that the rumor about them dating was because she liked him).  Lucy walks in at that moment and Ruthie runs out.  Robbie, shaking his head, says they need to talk.  Lucy, totally confused finally figures it out after a few seconds when realizing he's under the impression that she wrote the love note with only three words on it, "I love you."  Realizing that's the impression he's getting, she can't get the words out that Ruthie wrote it, but runs out of the room with the sense of the thought "I'm gonna kill her!" being felt

100.One hundred

Annie tries to get Eric out of the house so she can clean while he sits on their bed writing his sermon.  Knowing that she's up to something but not knowing what, he gives in and leaves.  Before leaving the house however, he calls to talk to Mary and George informs Eric that she's left to come back home.  George hangs up as Ruth scolds him for telling Eric.  When Eric continues to keep trying to call back for more details, Ruth and George don't pick up the phone until later when George forgets then tries speaking in Spanish to Eric.

Eric leaves the house in a bad mood, not sure why Mary's left his parents.  Annie, knowing he's not in a good mood, gets Matt and Simon to run an errand for Eric to take an elderly lady to the hospital.  Matt asks her why she came and she tells Matt and Simon to go away because she has a date.  Matt doesn't believe her and hunts her down throughout the hospital until he finds out she came in for a mammogram.  Simon inquires as to what a mammogram is and is told.  Lucy goes to her friend Mike's house to watch his depressed mom who doesn't ever speak.  After Mike leaves, his mom finally speaks to Lucy and begs Lucy to persuade Mike to put her in an institution and get on with his life.  Lucy explains the situation to Mike and shares her story of when her friend died how she blamed herself.  Mike goes to talk with his mom and assures her that it's not her fault that his father committed suicide or that he had attempted it.

Ruthie is suppose to help Annie clean the house, but chooses to sit around and watch tv instead.  When Annie keeps after her to work, she gets up.  Hearing a noise at the front door, she opens it to find a baby abandoned on their porch.  She sneaks the baby up to her room until Annie discovers what's going on.  Robbie walks in on Annie and Ruthie and recognizes the baby as Mercy - Johnny and Frankie's daughter.  Annie, angry, says that she'll take care of it.  Robbie discovers that Mary's flight is long delayed and calls Eric to confide in him that Mary is coming home and that he was going to pick her up but now Eric will have to.  Eric at this point believes that Mary is coming home to see Robbie.

Annie goes to Pete's Pizza and finds Johnny's uncle.  She tells him that the baby was abandoned on her porch.  When Johnny shows up, Annie gets angry at him, believing he hit Frankie and she dropped the baby at her house for safety.  Johnny gets angry and leaves.  Annie finds him outside and he confides that Frankie ran off with a drug dealer and though he's never hit Mercy, he has become afraid of his temper and left her there till he could cool down.  Annie tells him that he needs to swallow his pride and turn to his own parents for help.

Eric greets Mary at the airport and asks about her and Robbie.  Mary is surprised that Eric hasn't figured out the real reason for her trip was because of his birthday.  Eric then realizes that today is his birthday.  Because of her delays, Mary can't stay more than one hour before her return flight leaves, so Eric spends it with her before heading home.  At home he walks into a dark kitchen to greet his family and Robbie who all yell "surprise!"   He tells them about Mary's situation as to why she's not there.  As the family all moves to the living room, Lucy stops Eric to tell him that she's decided she wants to be a minister.  The two of them follow the rest to the living room where many guest stars from the show have returned for a huge birthday celebration.  Eric's old band sings "Happy Birthday" to him then sings the 7th Heaven theme song as Eric makes his way around the room shaking hands and hugging people.


Lucy got her acceptance letter to college and as their agreement stated, she and Mike had their first kiss.  However, Mike told her that it was like kissing his sister.  He then went on to ask Lucy to help set him up.  Eric got home and Lucy told him that she wanted to talk to mom because it was a guy thing.  Eric chased her and she told him about what Mike told her after they kissed.  He told her that it was great and she got frustrated and went to find Annie in the bathroom giving the twins a bath where she was trying to get them to call her mama.  Lucy told her it could wait.  Lucy found Ruthie sitting on the stairs to the attic and she asked Lucy how things were going in the bathroom.

Matt got home to find out that Robbie was going out to play pool with John.  Robbie invited Matt along but Matt refused, feeling a little bit jealous.  Matt went to Simon and asked him to go out and play pool, but Simon refused because he had to study.  At the pool hall, John told Robbie that he was miserable because Priscilla was changing everything at the apartment and driving him crazy.  Matt found Simon studying and asked to help him study, but Simon told him it was Shakespeare, but that Matt was wanting to find someone to play pool with.  He found Matt, but Matt didn't feel like playing anymore.  Matt went up and found Lucy and Ruthie in their room to talk to Lucy.  Ruthie informed Eric that she had talked with Lucy about it.  Mike called and Lucy waved her dad out.  Mike asked Lucy to set him up with a specific girl and in return, he would set her up with someone.  After they hung up, Eric walked back in and Lucy told him about the setting up for each other that they were doing.  Eric left when he realized that Lucy didn't want to talk and Lucy and Ruthie looked at the picture of the girl Mike wanted to be set up with.  The girl turned out to have a major acne problem.

Annie took the boys into their room and asked them to call her mama.  She then went into her room to find Eric and they realized they were both upset.  Annie let it out that she was upset that the twins weren't calling her mama.  Simon peeked in to see that Ruthie had taught the twins to call her mama.  The next morning, Ruthie went down into the kitchen and the twins started calling her mama while Annie was standing there.  Annie glared at Ruthie and Ruthie left for school.

Lucy found the girl at school that Mike liked, Alana, and set her up with Mike.  She thought at first that it was a prank, but when Lucy assured her that it was not, Alan started to tell all things she liked about Mike.  As a result, Lucy started to feel jealous.  Eric went to the hospital and found Matt.  He then told Matt that he felt a little jealous of Annie because it seemed all the kids went to her with their problems.  At home, the twins called Ruthie mama.  Ruthie asked Annie if any of her kids ever called an older sibling mama and Annie told her no.  After school, Mike found Lucy and Simon outside the school.  Mike thanked her for setting them up, Alana had already talked to him.  Simon went to wait by the car to let them talk.  Lucy then kissed Mike and Simon saw that Alana was watching.  That night, Mike came by Lucy's house and asked her what she did because Alana never showed up for their date.  Lucy didn't know why, but admitted that she told Simon that she had felt jealous.  Matt and Simon headed out to play pool and invited Robbie, but Robbie turned down the invitation.  After talking, Matt decided to go talk to John and Robbie and Simon went to the pool hall.  After Robbie and Simon left, Annie told Matt about the whole mama situation.  Annie told him that she was jealous of Eric because the twins called him dada.  Matt laughed and told her that Eric was jealous of her.

Robbie and Simon arrived at the pool hall and Simon saw Alana.  He went over to talk to her and told her the truth about what happened.  He talked her into going back to his house with him to wait for Lucy and Mike.  Annie went to find Eric and they talked about their jealous feelings towards one another.  Simon interrupted them kissing and asked for Eric's help.  He asked Eric to talk to Alana.  He talked with her to realize that she really didn't need his help.  Matt arrived at the apartment to see how Priscilla had changed everything.  He laughed and gloated over the fact that John was miserable because of her.  He was happy because he realized that John would never forget about him.

Mike and Lucy came home and the truth came out about what happened.  Mike and Alana left for their date, but before leaving, Mike told Lucy that they were still good friends.  John came home and Priscilla confronted him.  Annie ran into the twins room to find that the twins were calling Ruthie mama.  She asked why and Simon spoke up that Ruthie had taught them to do it.  Ruthie ran out and Annie chased her.  Lucy asked Simon why he didn't say something sooner and he said that he didn't know that the twins calling Ruthie mama upset Annie.  Matt arrived at the pool hall to find Robbie and sat down and talked with him.  John showed up and they talked as they played pool.  Annie finally found Ruthie and asked if Ruthie was in someway upset with her.  Ruthie told her that the only reason that she did it was to make a joke.

:Lucy talked to her dad and Annie walked by to see them hugging and was happy for him.  Mike and Alana talked about how many kids they wanted on their date.  Lucy answered the door to meet the guy Mike set her up with - Jeremy.  She invited him in for some cocoa so they could talk.


It was Valentine's Day and the twins second birthday.  Robbie had a date with Cheryl that he didn't want anyone to know about.  They ended up just sitting and talking before calling it an evening.  Deena was in town staying at her aunt's house and Simon called her to ask her out.  She thought she was asking her to double and she brought her boyfriend.  He ended up not going out.  Deena later showed up at the house and asked Simon to just be friends.  He took her into the back yard to talk.   Ruthie called Bert to invite him to the twins birthday party, but when she showed up at his house, he was sick so she went back home.  Later Bert showed up with a horse to give Ruthie a ride.  Lucy went out with her boyfriend Jeremy.  They had a nice dinner where Lucy's old boyrfriends Rod and Jimmy were working.  Later they saw Jordan on a sidewalk.  Finally Jeremy took her to a club where she got to sing on stage, though Jeremy was the only audience member.  Matt asked Robbie to get his date to get him a date, but she couldn't.  So Matt decided to hang out with John and Priscilla.  Priscilla wanted him to come but John didn't want him to.  Priscilla wanted Matt there so she could work up the courage to tell John that she had once been married, which she eventually told him after Matt left.  Later Cheryl thought of someone and hooked Matt up with a lady who didn't work out


Mary called home to let the family know she was coming home.  Her reason for returning was to ask Robbie to move to Buffalo with her, but he refused.  Mary was upset when no one seemed happy to see her.  Meanwhile, Lucy freaked out when she found a condom in a wallet that she pulled out of the dirty laundry.  She asked Matt if it was his and when it wasn't, they figured it was Robbie's and that he planned to use it with Mary.  The condom turned out to be Simon's and the family rushed to Sasha's house to spy on him.  When Simon saw Matt peaking in the window, Simon ran out and chased Matt down the street.  Passing them, Robbie jumped out of the car Mary was driving and chased Simon.  Eric finally caught up with them and the truth came out that Simon wasn't planning on using the condom and had asked Robbie to give it to him.  Annie, Mary, and Lucy ended the show with a heart to heart.


Lucy told her friend Ashley's mom Serena on the phone that she was upset because the man of her dreams, Jeremy, had moved back to New York.  After Serena gave the phone to Ashley, she asked about the three of them going out to play pool and Lucy excitedly agreed while Ashley was not excited.  Eric walked into Simon's room to find him and his friend listening to loud music.  He turned it off and told Simon to get his paper finished.  When he got downstairs, Ruthie asked him again to get a make-up kit which he informed her she was too young for make-up.  When Eric made his way into the kitchen where Annie and the twins were, he answered a knock at the side door to meet Robbie Palmer's dad Ed.  Later, Ruthie asked her mom who Robbie's father was and tried to ask her again about getting a make-up kit.  Eric interrupted them and Ruthie left, leaving Eric to talk with Annie about the situation with the Palmer's.  They both went to the living room where they had coffee with Ed.

Simon went down into the kitchen and found his mom making sandwich's.  She asked him if he finished his paper and he went back up right as Ashley's mom knocked on the back door to pick up Lucy.  Annie was surprised and uncomfortable with the idea of Lucy going out with her.  Eric walked in and was also surprised about the situation.  Ruthie called Mary in New York to ask her about how she could get the make-up kit, but Mary refused to help get her sister into trouble.  After they hung up, Matt walked into Ruthie's room and she conned him into taking her out, making him believe Ruthie wanted to buy a present for their mom.

At the pool hall, Lucy found Serena to be more and more cool while it became clear that Ashley did not like her mom's loose lifestyle. They both agreed to go with Serena to a party with a man Serena just met.  Robbie came home and was excited to see his dad.  Eric and Annie quickly picked up that Rick was a very dishonest individual.  Eric and Annie invited Ed to spend the night in their house.  Simon told Annie he was going out with Keith, then asked her and she told him he had to finish his paper first and then they would talk.

Robbie and Ed went out to have coffee and Ed lied to his son about why he left, but made Robbie believe him.  Lucy told her mom about her evening and asked her permission to go to a party that evening again with Ashley and Serena.  Annie continued to express her dislike for Serena, but allowed Lucy to make her own decisions and Lucy decided to go to the party.  Ruthie called Mary to tell her about how she got the make-up kit, but Mary continued to tell her to take it back and confess. Lucy left and then Simon tried to leave as a group of his friends showed up.  Annie asked Simon if he finished his paper and he said almost and Annie refused to let him go out.  Simon got angry, thinking his mom embarrassed him in front of his friends.  Annie got angry back and Simon went upstairs to work on his paper.  Meanwhile, as Eric was straightening his office at church, Robbie's mom called him and told Eric the truth about Ed.

Back at the house, Robbie and Ed came home and Robbie told Annie that he and Ed rented an apartment and would be moving into it together.  When Eric got home, Annie informed him about Lucy, Simon, and Robbie.  Eric and Annie were in agreement that Robbie could not move in with his dad because his dad was bad news.  It suddenly dawned on them that Robbie had become another one of their children.  Meanwhile, Lucy and Ashley are not enjoying the adult party at all, bothered that some older guys had been hitting on them.  Annie went to Simon's room to talk with him about the paper and found him acting immature about the situation.  As she went out into the hall, she found Ruthie with make-up stuck on her face and Ruthie confessed to buying make-up.  Annie took her to get the make-up cleaned off.  Meanwhile, Robbie went to tell Eric what he believed was good news - he was moving in with his dad.  Eric told him that he couldn't trust his dad, but Robbie got defensive as Ed eavesdropped.

In the bathroom, Ashley apologized to Lucy for her mom and Lucy finally realized that Ashley was upset about her mom.  When Matt got home, Annie informed him that Ruthie lied to him to get him to take her out to buy make-up.  Matt decided to confront and punish Ruthie.  Eric confronted Ed in the back yard, but Ed would not listen.  Mary called Ruthie right after Matt confronted her and tried to comfort her.  Annie brought the paper back to Simon after reading it and was disappointed at Simon's effort.  She gave him a lecture about working up to his potential.  The phone rang and Annie answered it to hear Lucy ask her to pick them up from the party.  Robbie called his mom and found out some truths about his dad.

As Annie, Lucy, and Ashley left the party, Annie confronted Serena about how to be a mom.  Meanwhile, Eric came back in the house and talked with Robbie in the kitchen.  Robbie decided not to move in with his dad and Eric and Robbie had their first hug as they really began for the first time to see each other as father and son.


Matt had to meet with a psychiatrist as a part of his entrance into medical school.  Matt was afraid that he might be certifiably nuts and didn't want to face the psychiatrist.  He asked Lucy's friend Mike for advice, then Eric.  Matt went to the office in the hospital and started talking to the man in the office who asked Matt to call him Doc.  It turned out that he wasn't a real psychiatrist, but a patient.  But he helped Matt out tremendously.

Ruthie got Robbie to take her back to her school though he didn't know why.  At school, Robbie realized it was a conference meeting with the principal.  The principal allowed Robbie to be in the meeting with Ruthie.  The meeting was about the fact that Ruthie was late to homeroom every morning.  Ruthie refused to tell, but Robbie figured out that she was covering for someone.  Robbie tried to get one of Ruthie's parents to come, but the principal had already called Annie and Annie asked for Robbie to take charge.  Robbie finally got her to tell him, but told the principal that he couldn't tell either.  The truth came out, Lucy was bringing food to a girl at school whose mom had been out of work and couldn't afford to buy food.  They were going to stop though since the girl's mom got a job.

Simon asked Lucy for advice on how to dump Sasha.  He told her that Annie wouldn't let him go out with her anymore and that backfired on him when Sasha showed up at their home to talk to Annie about it.  However, Sasha was so loose in her thinking that Annie didn't want her to go out with Simon.  Sasha finally broke up with Simon.

Eric met a man in the hospital who was told that he had six weeks to live.  He then confronted the doctor who told him that, then a higher authority.  When Eric heard Matt tell him about Doc, he decided to hook Doc up with the terminally ill patient in the hospital.

Lucy shared an article with Annie that was in a parents magazine about kids who are comedians turning into criminals.  Annie got paranoid that Ruthie might become one.  Later, when she realized Ruthie was conning everyone, she asked Eric to talk with her.  They realized the article was written by a comedian.


Robbie met a girl named Marie who looked just like Mary.  Mary saw Wilson in Buffalo.  Robbie made Mary feel jealous when he told her about Marie.  Mary decided not to tell Robbie about Wilson because of it.  Ruthie became the spy who decided to gossip about everything she heard to Lucy and Simon.  Matt met Cheryl, Robbie's ex-girlfriend working in a restaurant and spent the evening talking with her.  Robbie found out that Mary was out with Wilson by talking to the Colonel on the phone.  At home, Lucy was upset because Jeremy had never called her.  But in Buffalo as Mary waited for her train, she met Jeremy sitting on a bench.  At home, Matt avoided telling Robbie about Cheryl.  Robbie finally called Mary and confronted her about Wilson.  He told Mary that she should come home, but she said she wasn't ready to.


Serena dropped by Eric's office wanting to be counseled.  When Eric got home, Annie told him not to counsel her and he finally agreed.  When Serena called later that night, he told her that he would be referring her to someone else for counseling.  The next day, Serena stopped by the house and blamed Annie for Eric's decision not to counsel her and Annie shut the door on her.  At school, Serena's daughter Ashley expressed to Lucy that she was upset that Eric was referring her mom to someone else.  At home, Annie told Eric about Serena's visit and Lucy overheard.  Later, Lucy approached Annie, angry at her for making Eric not counsel Serena, but Annie refused to talk to Lucy about it.  Later, Annie went ahead and told Eric to counsel Serena, but told him to apologize to her when Serena made her move.  Annie also talked to Lucy and made up with her.

Cheryl told Matt that they wouldn't go out again until he told Robbie that they were dating.  Matt tried, but never told Robbie, and showed up at Cheryl's place anyway.  He told her that he didn't tell Robbie, but that he was sure Robbie knew.  Cheryl let him come in anyway.  Meanwhile, Robbie hadn't told Matt that he had a class with Heather and that they were studying together.  When Matt showed up at the hospital, he found Robbie.  He asked Robbie why he was there and Robbie told him that he was in a class with Heather and they were studying together.  He told Matt that Heather had been sick and that evening as they were studying, she got sick again and he took her there to the hospital.  John and Heather came up to them and Robbie told Matt that they were not dating. Matt, angry, walked away.

Simon found out that Annie had told Sasha's mom that he was a virgin and now everyone around school new and people were calling him "Virgin Camden."  Simon got angry and upset with Annie over it, but forgave her when many girls started calling him for dates because he had such a good reputation.

Ruthie was having trouble making friends.  She tried to make a friend with the girl she had brought food to a few weeks before (Julia), but Julia didn't want anything to do with Ruthie for fear that Ruthie would tell her new, rich friends that she had once been poor.  Ruthie confided in Annie and Annie called Julia's mom.  Julia called Ruthie and told her that her mom said that they had to be friends, but clearly Julia didn't want to be friends with Ruthie.  Knowing that, Ruthie told Julia she could just tell her mom that they were friends and they wouldn't really be.  Julia's mom overheard it and called Annie.  Annie confronted Ruthie who explained it and Annie was impressed that Ruthie had so much self-esteem.


The next morning, Eric went to Rev. Hamilton's church to tell him what's been going on.  He went through the events of the day before starting in the kitchen with a phone call that Annie had with Ginger.  She was suspicious that something was wrong.  Ruthie assumed that her grandpa and Ginger were breaking up and started the rumor.  Ruthie also was passing around a petition for all students everywhere to sign a petition to save one of her favorite teachers from being fired.  Annie signed it, but Eric was weary and wanted to talk to Ruthie's principal first.  Robbie came down and told Eric that he wasn't registered to vote and Eric got angry and told him to get registered.  Annie told Eric that she would love for her dad to move in with them while Eric was less than thrilled with the idea.

Morgan interrupted Eric's story and he continued with the phone call he had with Ruthie's principal.  She refused to tell him what was going on.  Eric hung up after his father-in-law walked in.  Charles acted funny and got very upset when Eric told him that Annie didn't like Wilson because he was a teenage father.  Charles finally told Eric that when he was a teenager, he got a girl pregnant.  She was sent off and had a daughter, but Charles never saw them again.  But now, his daughter had sought him out and he knew he had to tell Annie that she had a sister.

Eric drove by the Hamilton's church and saw Eric's van.  She stopped in and overheard the end of Eric's conversation with Morgan.  Eric realized he was late for a meeting with Ruthie's principal and rushed out.  Annie then went up and asked Morgan if Eric was having an affiar.  Morgan told her no.  Annie asked what was going on and Morgan told her that it was for Eric to tell her.  Annie rushed after Eric, who knew she was there from seeing her van parked behind his, but took off as Annie chased after him, calling his name.

At school, Lucy and Simon found themselves in detention with a bunch of other people, but no one knew why.  A teacher came in and told them they were in detention for signing Ruthie's petition.  At home, Robbie and Matt saw the news covering Ruthie's petition.  At school, Eric walked in on Ruthie yelling at her principal, showing her principal absolutely no respect.  The principal couldn't believe that Ruthie thought she was unfair and a racist.  She informed Ruthie that Ruthie did not have all the facts and information.  After she left, Eric sided with the principal.

In detention, they all found out that it was a bogus detention.  Everyone left except Lucy and Simon who asked the teacher what was going on.  He informed them that he was the brother of the lady they all signed the petition to try and keep as a teacher.  They got home and complained about the fake detention to their parents.  Matt came in and told them it was a mistake to sign the petition.  Grandpa then came in to everyone's surprise.  Eric told him that he hadn't yet been able to tell Annie.  They heard Robbie call that the news was on and everyone went in to see the teacher they all thought was being fired admit that she had advanced breast cancer and was resigning from her position to get medical treatment.  She had allowed the kids to think she was being fired because she didn't want them to know the truth.  Ruthie felt terrible and wanted to call her teacher, but Annie warned her that it wasn't a good idea.

Charles, Eric, and Annie sat down and talked after the kids all headed upstairs.  Charles finally told Annie that she had an older half sister.  Annie got very upset and stormed out and stated that she was her dad's only daughter.  Eric and Annie talked more about it later and Annie finally agreed to meet her after she found out Eric had invited her over.  At the hospital, Matt, Lucy, and Simon met with the teacher's brother.  Morgan Hamilton walked in and told him of the volunteer efforts being made for his sister.  Meanwhile, Ruthie called her principal to get advice on how to make her bad feelings go away.

Annie asked the kids to be there to meet her half sister.  Robbie, because he could size people up quickly.  Ruthie, because she was pretty good at judging character.  Matt, because he could make Annie feel better if she got down.  Lucy because she was a good listener when it came to matters of the heart.  Simon because he was good at giving practical advice.  The kids all liked feeling needed.  There was a knock at the door and Eric and Annie answered to greet Charles and Annie's half sister, Lily.  The kids learned that Lily's parents had recently died and since she was an only child, she had a hard time dealing with the grief.  At someone's suggestion, she looked up her birth parents.  She learned that her mother had already died, but her father was still alive.  Annie dismissed herself to the kitchen and Charles went after her.  Annie told him that this was the first time she looked at him as a person and not just her father and that she loved him more than ever.


Mary called Robbie to tell him she was coming home for the summer, but he wasn't excited.  John told his fiancé to invite her parents to the wedding which she didn't want to do.  Cheryl tried to convince Matt to tell his family about her.  Deena was back in town and she and Simon made a pack to be friends.

Wilson stopped Mary in the airport to beg her to stay, but she refused, claiming she was in love with Robbie.  Cheryl overheard Matt at the hospital talking to John about not telling his family about her and she got upset.  Simon got to Deena's where she told him her boyfriend just broke up with her.  Robbie told Eric that he was in agreement with Annie's decision that she shouldn't date Mary over the summer while she was living in the same house.  After he left, Serena dropped in unannounced and told him she was having a spiritual emergency.  Lucy met with Jeremy at the pool hall to find out he was leaving for school in New York in the coming Fall.

John's fiancé told him that here parents were already in town and would be coming to the wedding when she thought was bad.  John sat down with her and told her that his favorite grandmother had to go to a hospital for some tests and his dad flew out to be with her.  As Simon and Deena were out, they decided to start dating again.  Cheryl found Matt at the hospital and broke up with him.

John's fiancé's parents met with them for dinner to tell them they supported their marriage and were going to help with it.  Mary met Robbie at the airport who was less that excited to see her.  At the church, Serena totally came on to Eric.  Lou walked in and after she left, Lou cautioned Eric that he shouldn't see her anymore because she was after him.  Lucy sought Mike out to cry about Jeremy.  At home, Robbie told Mary that her parents said that as long as they live in the same house, they couldn't date.  She said she would talk to them but Robbie told her not to because they might kick him out.

As Annie was working on making an apartment in the garage, James Carver from the church stopped by to help her out.  Ruthie, concerned that he might come on to her, interrupted them and James left.  She then went to apologize to him and told him that her mom was taken.  Serena called Eric at the church and asked him to come by her house to finish their conversation and he agreed.  Matt sought Cheryl out to confront her and she explained to him why she was upset before walking off.  Lucy sought Jeremy out and proposed marriage to him and he agreed.  At Serena's house, Serena told Eric that it was her 40th birthday.  Eric agreed to stay to help fix her grill.  Mary asked Annie about the rule and Annie told her that they never made such a rule.  Matt walked in and told Annie, Mary, and Ruthie that he was dating Cheryl.  Meanwhile, Jeremy and Lucy picked out an engagement ring.

James Carver came over to get his blueprints and Annie invited him to dinner.  He agreed so long as he could help renovate the garage.  Annie then paged Eric.  Serena saw the page, but didn't tell Eric.  Mary confronted Robbie about why he lied and he said that he was afraid that if they broke up again, he'd have to move out.  Robbie told Mary that he had more experience with relationships because he has had adult relations.  Mary then informed Robbie that she had so as well to keep up with him in hopes of getting him to stay her boyfriend.  She then told Robbie about a specific guy she met in New York.  Robbie believed she was lying, but Mary stuck to her story - saying they broke up because the guy, Jeremy, said he had a girlfriend.  Matt showed up at Cheryl's and told her that he told his entire family that they were dating.  Cheryl agreed to go with him to John's wedding and then invited Matt in to take him to the next level in their relationship.

Eric tried to leave and Serena made up a story to try and get him to stay.  Serena finally came out and told Eric that she wanted him and believed he wanted her as well.  Simon took Deena home to find her ex-boyfriend Tim there who wanted her back.  John's fiancé came in to talk to John and complained to him that her parents were changing all their wedding plans around.  John told her that he didn't think they could get married.  As Annie and James worked on dinner, he confessed to her that he wanted to be with her and pulled her in to give him a quick kiss.  He left as Jeremy and Lucy walked in.  Mary and Robbie walked in still in an argument over whether or not she had had adult relations.  Mary and Jeremy saw each other and it came out that Mary said she had had adult relations with him, which he denied and Lucy spilled it out that she was engaged.  They got into a dispute as Wilson walked in to win Mary back.  Ruthie walked in and asked what was for dinner and the episode ended.


Simon walks all sad into his backyard and sees his sister Ruthie sitting at the picnic table with his dog Happy.  Simon asks Ruthie what's going on and she runs a basic synopsis of what occurred in the previous episode "Chances..."  She tells them that she doesn't know where dad is, but the guy working on building a room above the garage had fallen for mom, Matt's dating Cheryl, and both Wilson and Robbie were there and Mary had to choose between them and that she had told them that she had had "adult relations" with Lucy's now fiancé Jeremy when they were in New York.  Upon hearing all this, Simon turns around and leaves deciding he doesn't want to get involved and tells Ruthie that if anyone asks where he is, to tell them that he's at Deena's.

When Eric gets home, Annie informs him about Mary's situation with the guys and that Lucy's engaged to Jeremy because she plans to move to New York with him and attend school and figured Eric and Annie wouldn't buy into the idea unless they went there engaged.  Annie tells Eric that something strange happened to her and they need to talk about it, but then they hear the twins cry in the baby monitor and she stands up to leave.  Right after she goes upstairs, James appears at the back door and tells Eric he needs to talk with him.  James confesses in the den that he kissed Annie and is in love with her.  When Annie comes down she notices that Eric has left the kitchen.  She then hears a knock at the kitchen door and finds Serena.  Serena says that she needs to talk with Annie and they go into the kitchen together where Serena admits that she has attempted for the past several weeks to seduce Eric and then just that day she had attempted to trick him into staying in her house to come straight out with it, but informs Annie that all he wanted to do was to counsel her.

Meanwhile, Mary tries to explain everything to Lucy and that what she said about having adult relations with Jeremy was a lie, but Lucy refuses to listen to Mary, sticking her foot in her mouth by telling Mary she'll never forgive her and wishes she wasn't her sister.  Mary leaves, feeling helpless, and decides to track down Jeremy to explain things to him so he might smooth things over with Lucy.  He meets her in the pool hall and they talk.  Shortly later, Lucy shows up and sees the two of them together talking.  Lucy, getting jealous, leaves and goes to a friend's house for support.  Instead, her friend confesses to her that he's still in love with her and doesn't want to be just her friend and that if she won't be his girlfriend, he doesn't want to see her anymore.  He literally throws Lucy out of the house.  The next morning as everyone is getting ready for church, Mary comes up to Lucy and Ruthie's room.  Ruthie takes her cue to leave, but listens in to later inform their parents of their conversation.  Lucy tells Mary that she talked with Jeremy on the phone and that everything is alright between all of them.  Mary is happy and they hug each other.  At church, Lucy confirms to her friend that she and Jeremy are still engaged.

Meanwhile Matt is at Cheryl's house who keeps after Matt to hop in bed with her.  Matt is clearly uncomfortable with the idea and insists that they just talk.  They talk for awhile as Matt tries to get out of her why she hasn't told her friends that they are dating.  Cheryl won't answer him unless he tells her why he won't get in bed with her.  Later we see Matt come up to the second floor of the Camden's house and faces Eric.  Matt wants to talk with Eric, but is too tired and goes to his room.  Later, Annie walks in and hands the phone to Matt, telling him that it's Cheryl.  Matt talks with Cheryl on the phone and we learn that they never did get into bed together.  As a result, Cheryl breaks up with Matt.  The next day, Matt shows up at her place and invites her to church with him.  She thought they had broken up, but he tells her that he had never broken up with her.  He informs her that the reason he didn't want to get in bed with her was that he took that matter very seriously and had decided already to wait until he was married to do that.  He informs Cheryl that they barely know each other which is why he's so much into talking with her.

Meanwhile, Simon tries to deal with the rejection he faced with Deena.  When he showed up at her house at the beginning of the show, her dad came out to meet him.  Deena then comes out and asks Simon to let her dad take him home.  At home, Eric and Annie give him space to cool off.  Later, Simon sought Eric for advice, but Eric told him that he couldn't give advice for this.  They hug and move on.  At the end of the episode at church on Sunday morning, Deena confronts Simon and Simon informs her that he can't be just her friend.  He tells her that initially he said that to her in hopes that she would come back to him, but he has decided that he can't sacrifice his heart in that way and if they can't be a couple, then they can't be friends because he loves her too much.  Deena asks him what if she changes her mind and he informs her that it will be too late.

At church, Eric and Annie hook up James and Serena thinking they will make a good couple.  Since Lucy is determined on keeping her engagement with Jeremy and moving to New York, Eric has contacted the seminary in New York that he attended and has gotten Lucy in.  Mary breaks up with Robbie and the very last scene of the episode is Mary and Wilson standing in the kitchen as Wilson gets ready to leave.  Wilson informs her that he still wants to continue their relationship together, but only if she comes back with him to New York.  Mary stands there in thought and the episode ends.

Season 6

Lucy is back in Glen Oak, living with her family after breaking it off with Jeremy, but we don't know the details.  All we know is that she went to New York with Jeremy to go to school at a Seminary and now she's home and is very upset.  Robbie is depressed because he no longer has Mary as she went back to New York with Wilson.  In New York, Mary and Wilson have been talking about marriage, but haven't decided.  The Colonel suggested to Mary that she look to a career in public service since she wasn't going to school and if she married Wilson and something happened to him, she would be responsible for Billy.  Mary decided to become a police officer, but everyone was against the idea.  She then started wondering about other possible ideas such as fire fighting.  Back in Glen Oak, Simon had a total attitude problem and demanded to be treated like a man.  So Eric decided that Simon should be responsible for waking himself up on time in the morning for school and paying for his own meals and so on.  Simon also wanted to get his learner's permit but Eric told him he had to wait.  When Eric found out that Simon was hitchhiking, Eric put off Simon getting his permit even farther as punishment.  Annie was also highly emotional as she was going through menopause.  Eric was stressed out about everything but the doctor told him his heart was good, but perhaps he should seek some help before his blood pressure raised again.  Ruthie went through the entire episode talking about changes and Matt was laid off from the hospital and was out looking for a new job.  Eric disapproved of depressed Lucy and depressed Robbie being so close since they weren't really brother and sister.


Simon witnessed another student (Nick) at school being teased and he stood up for him.  After the guy being teased and the teasers all left, Simon saw a teacher walk out into the hall who had heard the whole thing and did nothing.  Robbie caught Ruthie sneaking his cookies and came up with a nickname for her, "Snookie."  Lucy came in and Ruthie begged her to tell why she broke up with Jeremy but wouldn't say.  Ruthie asked Robbie who said he wouldn't tell her because she couldn't be trusted.

Eric received a phone call from an old friend from High School, a woman nicknamed Bird.  She told Eric to call her back so they could see each other and Annie told Eric to invite Bird over for dinner.  After Annie left his church office, a couple came in where the guy only had one arm.  He told Eric that his prosthetic arm was stolen  from some guys at work who thought it was funny and wanted Eric's help.   At Matt's new job, one of his co-workers saw him kissing his girlfriend and nicknamed him "Hot Lips."  Cheryl drove on in Matt's car and found Simon walking on the sidewalk and offered him a ride.  She could tell something  was wrong, but Simon wouldn't tell her what.  Mary talked to Lucy on the phone and told Lucy she was going to be a firefighter.  As she told this to Lucy, her candle caught the curtain on fire.

Eric introduced Bird to his family at dinner that evening and Annie was not enthusiastic about Eric's good looking, old friend.  Matt came in and introduced himself to Bird and told her that she could call her Hot Lips because he was being called that at work, clearly not happy about it.  From talking about it, it came up that Cheryl was driving Matt's car and Matt told them that she was going to school which made Robbie laugh out loud.  Simon suddenly got very upset about teasing and name calling and stormed out.  Eric followed him upstairs and got interrupted by the phone ringing.  It was for Simon and he gave the phone to Simon, saying he wanted to talk with Simon later.  Simon talked to Nick on the phone who thanked Simon for standing up for him.  He also told Simon that he was planning to bring a gun to school and blow the teasers away.  Eric talked to Simon later, but Simon wouldn't tell Eric the real reason why he was upset, and Eric knew he wasn't telling him everything.  After Eric left, Simon called Sgt. Michaels to tell him about Nick.

Wilson called Mary to say goodnight and she told him about the fire she started which caused the fire department to come.  Wilson urged Mary to use humor in her interview with the guy from the fire department when she went for an initial job interview the next day.  Eric overheard Robbie talking on the phone to Cheryl about her going to school.  As they were laying in bed, Ruthie tried to get Lucy to tell her what happened in New York between her and Jeremy.  Lucy got upset with Ruthie's attitude and calling her "Lady Liberty" and told Ruthie that her nickname should be "Sneaky" not "Snookie" and that Robbie's nickname was just a nice way to tell Ruthie she was sneaky.  Ruthie got upset at that and cried.

As they laid in bed, Eric confessed that he got his feelings hurt earlier when Annie said he had a weak heart.  Annie immediately got upset and cried.  Simon went down and told Robbie he needed the phone, so Robbie hung up and went upstairs.  Simon called Sgt. Michaels who said he went to Nick's house and from everything he saw, Nick didn't have any signs of being a shooter.  However, he told Simon that he did the right thing and believed the kid could be capable of shooting someone.  Sgt. Michaels urged Simon to talk to Eric.  Simon didn't want to do that because the last time Simon involved Eric in a gun crisis, Eric got shot.  But he finally agreed to do as Sgt. Michaels suggested and to talk to his dad.

The next morning, Ruthie advertised she was coming into the kitchen.  Robbie tried to talk to her, but she ignored him, so he left.  Ruthie told Annie that she was upset because Robbie really thought she was sneaky.  Eric met a guy from the same workplace as the guy who lost his arm and Eric gave him a serious talk about teasing and really seemed to get through to the guy.  Simon overheard Eric's speech and instead of going in to talk to Eric, he left.  Annie caught Lucy in the hall and asked her to tell her about what happened in New York, but Lucy wouldn't tell her.  Matt picked up Cheryl and she told Matt that he was insensitive but didn't want to talk with him about it right then.  At school, Nick talked to Simon about the cop who came over.  Nick said he was just joking and wasn't going to really kill them, however Simon didn't believe him.

At the church, Bird stopped by to talk with Eric.  She talked to him about how her dad had a clubbed foot and had teased her brother Ben about his clubbed foot.  Her dad thought it would help Ben take teasing at school, though Ben wasn't ever teased at school.  She told him that her brother had a son the year before born with the same foot problem and her dad couldn't handle the problem and made a joke about the baby.  Ben and his wife took the baby and left town and she hadn't seen them since and then her dad died and she had no family left.  Bird told Eric that she was seeking Eric for help in forgiving her father.  Eric told her that people don't have the power to forgive, but God has the power to forgive, and urged her to turn it over to God.  And by turning it over, she could let it go and move on.  Simon interrupted and told his dad it was a matter of life and death.

When Robbie got home, Annie told him why Ruthie was upset at him, explaining what Lucy had told her.  She told Robbie that Ruthie really liked him and he said that she loved him.  Annie got all weepy and embraced Robbie, telling him that they all loved him.  At work, Matt told a lady not to call him Hot Lips because it could be considered sexual harassment.  She asked Matt if it was and he said no, she smiled and went on.  Cheryl called Matt on the phone and told him that she was teased growing up by her mom and her mom's boyfriend and wanted to prove to herself that she wasn't stupid like she'd been teased.  Simon told her not to make school about proving anything, but to learn.  Robbie went up to talk to Ruthie and she walked out without saying a word.  Robbie asked Lucy about why she said what she said.  Robbie asked Lucy when she was going to tell the others and she wasn't sure she would.  He told her she should.  Annie came up to tell Robbie where Ruthie was and he left.  Lucy then told Annie it was because Jeremy's family all teased her and made fun of her.

Wilson called Mary and she told him that because of all the jokes she made to try and convince them she had a sense of humor, they turned her down, thinking she wasn't serious enough.  Robbie found Ruthie hiding in the living room and told her that he didn't think she was sneaky.  Robbie told her he thought of her as a little sister and Ruthie referred to Lucy as an idiot which Lucy overheard.  Lucy said she deserved it.  Eric brought Simon home and told Annie that Simon was speaking ot all the social studies classes at school the next day about changing the world.

The next day, Simon talked to the classes on the issue of teasing as Eric with Sgt. Michaels, other officers, and the school principal, took Nick to his locker where they found a gun.


Simon boarded a bus and sat next to a girl he found attractive, Sally.  She asked if he wanted to go out sometime and he agreed.  He didn't realize until after she got up to leave the bus that she was very pregnant.  When asking advice from a guy at school, Simon realized that his parents had let sister Mary date an unwed father and could use that as a reason why they couldn't forbid him from dating Sally.  Simon next sought Robbie out for advice and Robbie told Simon that he was not going to go out with a pregnant girl.  At the clinic, Matt was talking with Sally when she told him she had a date that night with Simon.  Robbie and Simon came down to the kitchen arguing and Eric asked about the situation Matt kept calling to talk to Simon.  Simon finally went out on the date with her and when Annie found out, she got very upset with Eric.  When Simon was out, Robbie, Lucy, and Ruthie went out to spy on him.  As Simon and Sally were at the bus stop, Sally told Simon that she was pregnant with her third child.  When Matt got home, he asked Eric how he could let Simon go out with Sally.  Eric told Matt that he found out he was totally incompetent as a husband and father.  Robbie, Lucy, and Ruthie spotted Simon on a bus and yelled at him to get off at the next stop.  The four of them sat around at a bus stop and discussed the negative side to sympathy.

Annie agreed to letting Robbie have the room over the garage because he was the only one willing to pay rent, even though the room wasn't done yet.  Robbie stopped by the clinic where Matt was working and told him that he was going to pay for the room above the garage so he would be out of Matt's hair.  Matt told him that he wanted the room above the garage for privacy.  Robbie then agreed to pay the same amount and to give the room to Matt.  After talking to Ruthie, Lucy lowered herself by crying to try and get Robbie to give her the room, but Robbie refused and told her he already gave it to Matt.

Billy had a slight fever and Mary was eager to act like a mom and wife and take care of them.  Mary told Wilson that the Colonel made some phone calls and got her into the training sessions for the fire department.

Lucy was at the unemployment office and found a guy named Ray that she felt sorry for and brought him home for Annie to hire to finish the garage.  The guy was willing to do the work for even just a meal when Annie told him she couldn't afford to pay anyone.  Annie still didn't want the guy to work and he conned her into letting him just take a look.  As he was coming back down a ladder, he forced himself to fall and fake an injury.  Annie called Eric who got upset an Annie.  Lucy felt sorry for herself in her room for bringing Ray over and Ruthie was totally mean to her, trying to get her to move out of the house.  When Eric got home, he told Annie the situation and that he couldn't talk to Ray because Ray's attorney wouldn't let him because Ray was too depressed to talk with anyone.  Annie stormed out to go down and talk with Ray and had to be taken out by security.  Later, Annie went back to the hospital and snuck in and lectured Ray again before security escorted her out once again which led Eric to go pick her up a second time.  As they headed home, Eric told Annie that she was acting like she did when they first met.


Eric came home with roses and chocolates, excited to take Annie out on a date.  She told him she didn't want to go out and he arranged to get pizza for the kids and for Ruthie to keep an eye on the twins so he could fix dinner for the two of them at home.  Annie didn't want romance and Eric settled for just conversation with her.  However, as he was fixing dinner, Annie said she was going out to be by herself and Eric was worried that things weren't okay between the two of them.  While out, Annie bumped into Serena and got some advice.  Annie got home and told Eric she was quitting college.  She then went up and called someone to accept an offer she had previously turned down to teach a morals class at Ruthie's private school.  Annie went up then to talk to Ruthie and Ruthie told Annie that she had decided what she wanted to be when she grew up so she could write her essay.  She told her mom that she wanted to be Annie when she grew up.  Annie then asked Ruthie if she would mind if she came to Ruthie's school a few days a week and Ruthie was totally for it.  Annie finally confronted Eric about her decision in which he was totally supportive.

Matt was concerned about a lady, Gina, at the free clinic who kept coming in with stomach pains.  She didn't want to come because she always got the same doctor, Dr. Kent, who told her she had heartburn, but she knew she didn't.  And since she didn't have health insurance, she couldn't go anywhere else.  Matt tried to Dr. Kent who refused to discuss the situation with him because he was only an orderly.  Matt ended up calling his uncle, Dr. Hank Hastings, who came in and saw Gina and discovered that she had a much more serious problem which required surgery.  When Dr. Kent found out, he got very angry and told Matt that he was fired.  Hank came to Matt's rescue however, and fired Dr. Kent.  Since Dr. Kent was the only doctor there, Dr. Hastings agreed to stay and Matt volunteered to stay later than his shift ended without pay.

Robbie tricked Lucy into setting her up on a date with his friend.  However, Robbie didn't expect the two to hit it off as well as they did and Robbie suddenly found himself to be getting very jealous.  When Lucy went to use the rest room, Robbie told his pal Hugh that Lucy wasn't having a good time and that he should go home.  So Hugh went home and when Lucy rejoined Robbie, she asked Robbie where Hugh went. Robbie told Lucy that Hugh wasn't having a good time and went home.
When they arrived home, Lucy pressured Robbie to tell her the truth why Hugh left and Robbie admitted that he sent Hugh home.  When she asked why, he confessed his attraction for her.  He leaned in to kiss her and she backed away and moved quickly on into the house.

Simon was having trouble with his new job at the pizza place.  He was late for work, he messed up people's orders, he spilled food and drinks on customers, and he failed to get food out to people on time, giving them warm drinks and cold pizza.  When his boss stopped him to talk with him, Simon told him that he knew his boss was going to fire him and that he would quit, making that night his last night.  Later, his boss confronted Simon on  a paper Simon had written about how his boss could save money.  The boss was impressed and instead of letting Simon go, promoted Simon to a new position the boss just thought of which allowed Simon to do what he loved, to work with figures and money.

Mary wasn't doing well with her firefighter training and got a phone from the instructor who told her that he didn't think she would make it.  Mary was struggling with trying to take care of Wilson and Billy, which Wilson was taking advantage of her kindness towards them.  When Wilson realized she was frustrated and that he wasn't helping her, he proposed marriage to her.


Annie inadvertently gave advice to one of her students (Christy) that Christy misinterpreted to mean that Annie thought her parents should get a divorce.  The girl's parents got very upset when they found out, but refused to talk to Annie about it, even when Annie showed up at their house.  They were bent on getting Annie fired without even knowing all the details and how Annie thought the student was talking about a bad relationship she was having with a boy.  Eric tried to help, but Annie scolded him to stay out of it, though when Christy showed up at their house, she asked Eric for help.  Annie called Christy's mom to tell her where her daughter was and was able to tell the truth about what had happened.  Through it, Ruthie had pointed out to her parents that they fought a lot and Annie was able to tell Christy's mom that even her and her husband fought.

Simon's friend's girlfriend kept flirting with Simon and coming on strongly to him, even going so far as to kiss Simon.  She wanted to break up with her boyfriend and go out with him.  Simon didn't fall for it and ended up calling his friend and telling him all about it.  He valued his friendship more.

Matt and Cheryl decided to break up since they couldn't find time for each other and Eric's involvement in the issue from Cheryl approaching him for advice only made things more complicated.

A guy going through the same training program with Mary asked her to join the others that evening.  Mary turned them down, saying she had a date with her boyfriend.  The guy showed up at Mary's home to ask her again and she turned him down again.  Wilson called to cancel the date, but Mary still told the guy that she needed to stay home to study.  So he stayed with her to help her study.  Towards the end of the evening, Mary told him it was time for him to go and he snuck her a kiss.  She immediately took offense and slapped him, but then kissed him.  She was kissing him when Wilson walked in.

Robbie called Mary to tell her about his feelings for Lucy, but she made it obvious before he brought it up that she wouldn't like it, so Robbie never brought it up.  Mary told him about Wilson's marriage proposal and that she hadn't made a decision yet. In his attempt to get over Lucy, figuring they couldn't have a future together, Robbie went on a date with a girl from school.  Lucy, who had been trying to find him all day to talk with him since they had been avoiding each other all week, heard about the date from Ruthie.  Lucy tracked them down at Pete's Pizza and joined them.  When Robbie was away, Lucy told the girl about Robbie's sordid past and the girl freaked and left before Robbie came back.  When they got home, Robbie demanded to know why Lucy had chased her off and Lucy said she was upset that Robbie had gotten over her so quickly like that.  Robbie asked if she would run away again if he tried to kiss her and she said no.  Robbie kissed Lucy then backed away.  Lucy then pulled him in for another kiss.  Unknown to them, Eric was inside the house watching them.


Robbie and Lucy tried to tell the family that they were a couple, but the family already had seen them kissing all week.  They then debated over who would call and tell Mary.  Ruthie ended up telling Mary.  Robbie took Lucy out on their first official date and it was a total flop.  Eric and Annie were against them being together, but it all worked out when Robbie and Lucy decided they really didn't want to be a couple and broke it off before it began.

Simon saw Sasha on his way to work, but she ignored him.  He saw her later to find out that she was waiting around to get back together with her jerk ex-boyfriend Larry.  He hung out with her until Larry came and she remembered how nice guys could be.  She finally decided not to get back with her ex-boyfriend and told that to Simon over the phone later that night when he called her.

Julie and Erica stopped by unannounced and Annie soon learned that Julie and Hank were planning to get a divorce because he quit his job at the hospital to take a job at the free clinic without talking with her first.  It also came out that Julie was pregnant again.  Eric and Annie got Hank and Julie to talk with each other and they were happy once again.

Matt suspected a girl in his study group was being abused by her boyfriend.  When he approached her about it she kicked him out of the group.  He got Cheryl to go talk to the girl and he learned through Cheryl that the girl got all the bruises because she was a boxer.

In Buffalo, Mary made the list to continue on with her firefighter training.  Mary came home to be surprised by seeing Wilson, especially since she hadn't seen him in a week since he walked in on her kissing another firefighter, Ben.  Right after Wilson told Mary that he never wanted to see Ben again, Ben walked in the door to tell Mary to hurry up, since she was planning to go out with the other firefighter trainees.  Wilson got upset and wouldn't let Mary explain and he stormed out of the house.  Mary went to Wilson and apologized and then asked him to elope.  He agreed, but when his son Billy questioned why he couldn't come and why they were running away, Wilson decided to back out of eloping.  He felt they should have a big wedding with their families.


The whole family was meeting in the new garage apartment to see Annie's progress and Matt and Lucy argued over who should get it.  Mary surprised them showing up unexpectedly and only Annie was excited to see her.  Mary told Eric that she was home for good and Eric told Annie.  Annie was excited, but Eric was not.  Mary went up to the attic to find a place to put her stuff, but Lucy and Ruthie told her that there wasn't any room.  Simon found Mary sitting with her luggage in the upstairs hallway and offered to help her move it, but when she told him there was no room upstairs, he told her that there was no room in his room.  Matt then came up and she asked Matt if she could toss her stuff in his closet and he showed her that it was full.  Mary was surprised that he and Robbie had left all of Ruthie's "Hello Kitty" stuff all over the room.  Everyone wanted to know what was up with her and Wilson, but she wasn't ready to tell them yet.  Robbie walked past Mary in the hallway and didn't say anything to her.

When Eric announced that he was going to the church to work on his sermon, Ruthie asked if he was going to preach on the prodigal son and Eric decided to make that his sermon.  Eric and the other kids felt like they couldn't trust Mary, that even if she told them about her and Wilson, it could be a lie.  They all went behind Mary's back to try and call Wilson.  The only one who actually reached Wilson was Eric and Wilson wouldn't tell him.  Mary finally talked to Robbie and all they talked about was the fact that he was going out.

Annie soon realized how the rest of the family felt and was upset about it.  She informed Eric that she was giving Mary the garage apartment and he told Matt.  Matt then staged a protest to stay in the garage until Annie decided not to give the apartment to Mary.  Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie joined him.

Ruthie found Robbie with lip stick all over his face.  Lucy then saw him and got upset because they had broke up only a week before, but Robbie told her that they didn't break up because they never got together.  Lucy ran upstairs and yelled at Mary, Ruthie came up and heard.  Lucy then stormed towards the attic, then came back to ask Ruthie whose side she was on.  Lucy then went upstairs and Ruthie said to Mary, "you understand, don't you?" and followed Lucy up.  Mary then went downstairs and found Robbie with the lip stick on his face.  She then asked him in tears if they all hated her.

The next morning, Annie freaked out when she couldn't find Matt, Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie.  Eric, who slept on the couch because of an argument the night before, figured they were all out in the garage apartment.  She went out there and gave them a chance to go back in the house.  When they refused, Annie told them they had made a big mistake.  She kicked the four of them out to the unfinished garage with a week's worth of allowance, a change of clothes, and some school books and told them she was going to let Mary have her choice of any room in the house.  She also told them that they could not come into the house for anything but to use the toilet.  Mary talked some more with Robbie about the girl he was dating and she told him that she and Wilson broke up.

Eric preached on the prodigal son.  His goal was for Mary to take it personally, however, Annie, Matt, Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie all took it personally and Mary thought he was preaching at all them.  Robbie brought his new girlfriend home to meet the Camden's and arrived before they got home.

118.Ay Carumba

Joy's parents wanted to meet Robbie which made Robbie very nervous.  Joy told him he needed to tell his parents that he was in love with her and had the intention to one day marry her.  She told him she wasn't needing that kind of commitment because she was just wanting to have fun, but her parents needed to hear it.  Joy's dad was tough on him, but finally approved of Robbie.

Matt, Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie turned their time in the garage apartment into a game of Survivor at Ruthie's idea.  Lucy was the first to be voted out then Simon.  After Simon left, Mary came up and apologized to Matt and Ruthie (since she had already apologized to Lucy and Simon).  Ruthie accepted the apology and hugged her, then fooled them both into getting them both to leave.  Once Matt and Mary were out, Ruthie shut the door and locked it.  Mary told Matt that the Colonel kicked her out.  Mary ended up telling Matt and Lucy the most about what had happened in Buffalo.  The last people Mary ended up apologizing to were Eric and Annie.

Annie and Eric still continued to disagree about Mary.  When Annie overheard Mary and Lucy talking however, she realized that her perception of Mary hadn't been completely right.  She went and had a long talk with Eric and they made up.


At Ruthie's suggestion, Mary and Lucy asked their parents to find boyfriends for them to one day marry.  When Ruthie overheard Robbie yelling at Joy over the phone, she told Mary and Lucy that his relationship with Joy was in trouble.  Mary and Lucy then told their parents they didn't want their help, but when they realized that Robbie and Joy were doing good, they asked their parents for help again.  They came up with names, but never told their daughters.  Mary eventually called Wilson and left a message on his answering machine.

Matt and Simon in an effort to pick up girls, took the twins to the promenade.  However, since they took them there at night, they got more lectures from girls than anything else.  However, Matt found Heather and took her to his backyard where Eric found them kissing.  She told Matt that she was moving to New York, so a relationship with her wouldn't work out even though he was her first love.

Robbie found out that Joy had a little brother named Joseph who had disappeared two years ago.  When Joy and her dad heard a dog barking in Robbie's car, he told them that he found the dog on the side of the road and picked it up.  He had planned to drive to Arizona to return the dog to it's owner but Joy and her dad quickly recognized the dog as Joy's little brother's.  They contacted the police department and Detective Michaels (now upgraded from Sgt.) contacted Eric to help them out.  Eric went to Arizona and when he saw Joseph and a lady walk towards the house, he came up to them with the dog.  Then suddenly the police all came out and arrested the woman who was Joy's father's old girlfriend who angrily shouted that she had done the right thing in taking Joseph.  She thought she deserved Joseph and his father did not.


Eric forgot to tell Annie that her dad and Ginger were coming and neither had time to entertain house guests.  Annie was surprised that her dad was staying and that Ginger was going on a vacation.  Annie found out later what Eric already knew, and that Ginger had an appointment at the hospital to have tests run on her heart.  She discovered that she was just suffering from stress.

Matt had a problem with Robbie and Joy's relationship, but never said why or what.

Robbie told Lucy that Jeremy had called and would call back.  Lucy thought about calling him back and when Ruthie advised her against it, Lucy got angry at Ruthie telling her that she wasn't old enough to give her advice.  Ruthie's feelings got hurt and she got angry back.

The day came that Eric promised to take Simon to get his learner's permit, but with Charles and Ginger's arrival, he didn't have time.  He told Simon that they couldn't do it and asked him to watch Grandpa and Ruthie and clean up around the house.  Grandpa took Simon to get his learner's permit and when they came out of the place, he tossed Simon the keys and told him to drive.  So with Charles in the passenger seat and Ruthie and the twins in the back, Simon took the wheel for the first time.  A police car started following them, suspicious as to why they were driving so slow.  When Simon seemed to speed up, the officers thought that he was trying to get away from them and turned on their lights and sirens.  Charles told Simon that they did nothing wrong and that he should not pull over.  Charles took a nap and Ruthie urged Simon to pull over, but Simon said that he wouldn't.  He thought that when he got caught, he would lose his privilege to ever get a drivers license so he would stay in the car until it ran out of gas.  The chase soon grew to a major chase with many police cars and a helicopter chasing them.

At home, Robbie, Joy, Matt, and Lucy were all gathered around the television set watching Simon's car chase when Jeremy called.  Lucy told him that she would call him back.  Sgt. Michaels went to the hospital where Eric was waiting with Ginger.  He got Eric and they chased after Simon.  Eric got on the loud speaker and told Simon to pull over.  Simon finally pulled over and finally got out of the car.  Simon remarkably didn't get into any trouble with the police.

Lucy finally called Jeremy back and made a fool of herself because she thought he wanted her back.  In fact, he asked her for the engagement ring back so he could buy sheet music.  Lucy and Ruthie made up.

Mary had been trying to get into firefighter training with the Glen Oak Fire Department, but never heard back.  She talked to the fire chief face to face who told her that she wasn't cut out to be a firefighter.  Mary asked him what she should do with her life and he told her he didn't know.


Annie quit her job teaching at Ruthie's private school after realizing that teaching was no longer her dream.  Eric felt hurt that she didn't talk about it with him first, but supported her decision.

Ruthie got upset when she discovered that Miss Riddle (the teacher who called her stupid back at her old school) was going to be teaching at her current school.  Miss Riddle and Ruthie ended up having a heart-to-heart talk where Miss Riddle told Ruthie about her past and her efforts to let go of her anger.  Ruthie accepted her as a teacher at her school.

Lucy refused to take off the engagement ring Jeremy gave her until Robbie's brother Ronald showed up.  Mary refused to take the engagement ring that Wilson gave her off the necklace she wore until after fireman Ben showed up and she blew it with him.  The two of them ended up heading to the post office to mail their rings back.

Simon wanted to drive with his learner's permit, but Eric put him off.  Robbie let Simon drive his car, not realizing that Simon couldn't drive without a license driver who was over 25.  Simon rear ended Matt on the road and both he and Robbie got a ticket.  This led to a heavy conflict between Matt and Robbie which ended up with them finally talking about Matt's real problem with Robbie which was Matt's thought that Robbie had been trying to take over Matt's position as oldest sibling in the family.


Ruthie helps a muslim girl who was being terrorized by some older boys by taking her home and hiding her in the garage.  However, when the rest of the family found stuff missing, their trail led them to the garage to find Ruthie and her new friend, Yasmine, the whole family decided to chip in and help.  Eric and Annie talked with the Yasmine's mom, Mary and Lucy went knocking on doors to ask their neighbors to sign a petition of support for their muslim neighbors, and Matt and Simon decide to find the boys responsible for terrorizing the young girl.  Mary and Lucy could not find anyone to sign their petition but found more neighbors who were upset that there were muslims in the neighborhood.  Matt and Simon got over excited and jumped to the wrong conclusions and accused the wrong people.  Eric and Annie talked to Ruthie's principal about getting financial aid for the muslim girl so she could transfer schools, but the board refused it when many parents complained about the idea of having a muslim girl at their school.  In protest, Ruthie quit private school to go back to public school and her principal and teacher Miss Riddle also quit to teach at the public school.


In an attempt to be cool, Simon went to a wild party.  The only way Eric and Annie allowed him to go was for Simon to get his friend Morris to take him and look out for him while there.  At the party, Morris lost track of Simon when a couple guys took him out back and tricked Simon into drinking punch that had been spiked.  When Morris found him, he took Simon home, but dropped him off a few doors down so he wouldn't have to face Simon's mom after he had promised her to watch out for Simon.  When Simon got home, Matt, Mary, and Lucy saw him in the yard and realized that he was drunk.  They decided to take him in the house and cover for him.  Ruthie soon found out and got in on it too.  They sobered him up by his curfew and sent him out the back door to come back in the front door.  When Simon came in, he was surprised to find Morris there confessing the truth to his parents.  The lectured and punished Simon and sent him to his room.  There, Ruthie gave him a serious talk and he went back downstairs and apologized to his parents and took full responsibility.

Lucy got annoyed because Mary enrolled in all the same classes with her and invited herself to go along with Lucy and her two friends that evening.  When they showed up and realized it was a bar, Mary was uneasy and Lucy used her as her excuse to her friends not to drink.

Matt got two letters from two medical schools that he applied to, but was too nervous to open them.  He confessed to Ruthie that if he hadn't been accepted to either, then he didn't want to be a doctor.  Ruthie volunteered to open the letters for him and he agreed.  She opened and read them, then told Matt that he wasn't ready for what they said, and took off with them.  When Matt asked for the letters, she asked him if he had considered what he was going to do if they didn't accept him.  When she finally gave him the letters, she told him that one school had granted him a full scholarship and another school a half scholarship.

124.Hot Pants

It's Valentine's Day again and the twins are now 3 years old.

When Mary overheard Robbie talking on the phone, first to a hotel and then to Joy, she assumed he was going to make his first Valentine's Day with Joy like his first Valentine's Day with her.  She met with Joy to warn her, but Joy told Robbie about it and Robbie informed Mary that her plans to break them up would not work.  When Robbie arrived at the house, he was surprised to learn that everyone was gone and that the two of them were alone in the house.  Joy wanted to go up to her room and make out, but Robbie hesitated which led up to Joy getting upset and locking herself in the bathroom.  When the butler came home, Joy came out and Robbie finally got her to the hotel to meet his mom who had stopped in to get some medical records.  He informed Joy that he would be going to Florida quite a bit, but didn't explain why.

Matt visited Cheryl and Heather's mom and called Shana to find out want went wrong in their relationships.  Everyone told him that it was simply a case that he wasn't the one for them and that the right one for him was out there somewhere.

When Lucy saw Jeremy at school and he showed her the engagement ring, she thought he wanted her back, but he told her that he didn't.  He informed her that he had a date that evening.  Lucy decided that she wanted to see who and got Mary to come with her to the pool hall.  There, Lucy pretended that she and Mary had dates coming as she sat and waited with Jeremy, Mike and their dates.  While there, Mary sat at the bar and saw and old teammate from High School - Corrie (the one with a daughter.)  When Wilson came out, she realized that Corrie and Wilson were dating and their kids were really close, like brother and sister.  Lucy finally excused herself to the bathroom where she found Mary.  She didn't want to leave until after Jeremy and Mike left so they wouldn't know that she really didn't have a date, but they finally decided to let the guys go and left before them.

A senior girl (Maria Davis) invited Simon to the Valentine's dance, but he told him that he was baby-sitting his younger brothers.  She asked if she could come over and help and Simon asked permission and was told yes, so long as there was no making out.  As soon as she arrived though, that was all they did unknown to Eric and Annie who were in the back yard on a date.  When Annie got angry at an innocent comment made by Eric, she poured her wine on his head and stormed inside and upstairs.  As Eric chased her, he saw Simon and Maria making out on the couch.  He walked in and covered the twins eyes and took them upstairs to bed.

All episode long, Ruthie was upset and wanted to talk to someone, but no one would give her their full attention and she got completely frustrated.  When Simon saw her in the kitchen, she told him that her friend Kim from school was having a Valentine's party that evening.  She said that Kim dared her to ask Frank to the party.  Ruthie did and he said yes, but later Frank told her that he was going to the party with Kim and that she had been set up for a big joke.  She said that when she went to school the next day that Kim would realize that Ruthie was just too chicken to show up at her party alone.  Ruthie went upstairs and Maria came in.  Simon told Maria about it and asked if she knew any cute 11 year old boys and she told Simon that her younger brother Jake could take Ruthie to the party.  When Kim saw Ruthie and Simon show up, she went up to her and gave her total attitude about bringing her brother.  Simon informed her that he brought Ruthie and wasn't her date.  Jake came out and Simon announced that he was Ruthie's date.  Jake asked Ruthie if she'd like to dance and Kim rudely told them that it was a party, not a dance.  Jake said that he didn't care and took Ruthie into the living room to dance.  When all the other kids laughed at Kim, she stormed off.  The other kids all soon started dancing as well as Simon and Maria danced.

Annie finally apologized to Eric about his comment when she told him she was taking medicine to help her through her hormones.  The two felt like this was a new beginning to their relationship.

125.I really Do

The entire family learned that Matt was trying to find a bride because he brought a Bride's magazine home to look at.  All of them were worried that he would rush into a marriage.  Matt borrowed $90 from Simon to take a girl on a date, but had to cancel the date when he found out from Ruthie that the clinic called him into work.  At work, Matt met a girl named Sarah who was also working.  Throughout the night they talked and got to know details about each other.  After work, Sarah asked Matt if he was going to ask her out for coffee and they went out.  There, they learned about each other that Sarah's dad was a Jewish rabbi and Matt's dad was a Protestant Christian minister.

The following evening, Matt went to meet Sarah's parents then they went over for Sarah to meet Matt's parents.  Sarah's parents totally rejected him because he wasn't Jewish.  Eric and Annie's parents took it from an angle of trying to convince them to date for a long time.  Afterwards they went out to dinner and got to know each other even more.  They discussed politics and baseball and their religions among other things.  While at dinner, Matt got down on one knee and asked Sarah to marry him and she said yes.

126.I Really Did

The episode began with Matt and Sarah dancing in their hotel room, wearing nothing but hotel robes, spending their first night together as husband and wife.  Ruthie called and found out that he got married when Matt picked up and immediately said "Mr. and Mrs. Matt Camden."  Matt made Ruthie promise not to tell anyone they were married.  Ruthie had a hard time keeping the secret.  At school, she let her teacher know she was having a hard time keeping the secret and her teacher was able to encourage her to not tell anyone.

The next morning, Eric and Annie were really worried about Matt.  All the kids rumored amongst each other about if Matt was married or not, except for Ruthie who snuck out early to go to school.  Sarah's dad opened the front door to find Matt holding Sarah and he carried her into the house before putting her down.  Sarah said she had something important to tell them, but they avoided letting her say anything.

At home, Mary and Lucy looked everywhere for Ruthie.  When they saw that her bike was missing, they assumed that she was out riding it somewhere.  They got in Mary's car to go look for her and did for awhile before realizing that she would be in school.  After Robbie took Simon to school, Matt called to say that he was with Sarah at her parents and would be home in a few hours.  When Sarah's parents were finally sitting down and ready to hear what Matt and Sarah had to say, Sarah told Matt she didn't want to tell them right away.  Matt stuck to telling them and Sarah came up with a plan on how to tell them.  However, they were use to her plan, and she ended up telling them they were engaged instead of the truth - that they were really married.  They also told Matt's parents that they were engaged - but both sets of parents assumed they were really married.  Sarah's parents decided to believe they were only engaged.  Matt's parents and siblings decided to believe that they were really married and said they were engaged to warm them all up to the idea.

127.Lip Service

The Camden's were invited over to the Glass's house for Shabat (Sabbath) dinner.  Annie felt the need to make some Jewish dishes to take.  Simon wanted to bring his friend Morris who said he was half Jewish, half protestant.  After telling Matt and Sarah, they agreed to let Morris come.  Lucy tried to get out of the dinner so she could stay home with Robbie who was watching the twins.  She tried to act faintly but Mary beat her out on faking being sick and Mary got to stay home with Robbie and the twins.

At the dinner it came out that Morris really didn't know much about Judaism and Ruthie asked several questions about the religion.  At the house, Mary came down obviously feeling much better and wanted to watch the game with Robbie who let her.

Lucy dismissed herself from the table to call home and Mary talked to her like she was trying to sell her a newspaper subscription until Robbie left the room to check on the twins.  Then Mary made up something to tell Lucy and hung up on her.  Robbie then came down with the twins to watch the game with them.  The dinner had a dramatic twist when Richard made mention that Matt was planning on converting to Judaism.  Lucy called Mary again and Mary again pretended to be talking to someone trying to sell a newspaper subscription and hung up.  Lucy ran back into the dining room to say that something came up and had to go and Simon offered to let Morris drive them home and the three of them left.  Right after they left, the silent Eric finally erupted in anger at Matt for not discussing with them sooner his plan to convert.  The dinner became a total disaster when Rosina discovered that Annie used cream instead of chicken fat and made the meal unkosher.

At home, Mary confronted Robbie about her feelings for him.  She tried to kiss him but Lucy interrupted them.  The doorbell rang and Robbie went to answer it while the girls argued upstairs.  It was Joy and she finished watching the game with Robbie.  Annie apologized to Rosina for the meal while Richard and Eric talked.  Matt interrupted and confronted his dad about the situation.  Eric, Annie, Matt and Ruthie went to Richard's synagogue that night for the Sabbath.

128.The ring

Matt and Sarah were heading to pre-marital counseling with Eric when they got into a big argument outside his office about an engagement ring.  Sarah really wanted one and Matt couldn't really afford it.  Eric tried to help Matt out by helping Matt to buy a fake ring, but when Sarah found out it was fake, she was even more upset.  Ruthie tried to tell Sarah that the ring wasn't important.  Concerning the fake ring, Ruthie pointed out that it was also a fake engagement since Matt and Sarah were already married.  Annie finally fixed the situation by giving Matt her grandmother's ring to give to Sarah.  Matt was hesitant, but Annie was certain she wanted Sarah to have the ring.  Sarah gladly accepted it.

Mary took Lucy to Buffalo to get the rest of her things from their grandparents.  Lucy had a lousy flight over with terrible service plus the airline lost her luggage.  When Lucy went to check on her bag, she left her carry on with Mary.  Mary went off to make a phone call and when Lucy came back to find Mary, her bag was gone.  Lucy asked the airport sercurity officer who told her that the police had confiscated the bag.  Lucy threw a huge fit over it and demanded her bag back.  When she made sarcastic comments regarding terrorism, security took her into custody.  Lucy finally met the police officer who confiscated her bag who apologized to her for the inconveinance and told her that he rescued her bag before it had been destroyed.  They were instantly attracted to each other and officer Kevin Kinkirk asked her and Mary out on a double date with him and his brother.

Mary didn't want to go, as her real reason for going to Buffalo had already surfaced to Lucy that she wanted to give Ben another shot.  But Lucy persuaded Mary into going on the double date.  They were able to stay in Wilson's old apartment which Mary said the landlady was just being nice to let them borrow while they were there, but the truth was that Mary was renting the apartment.  When they went on their double date, Mary and Lucy were shocked that Kevin was Ben's brother.  Ben and Mary had some strong tensions between them since Ben had broken up with her, but they made up and decided to give the relationship another try.  Mary finally confessed to Lucy that she was renting the apartment because she was going to be a flight attendant for Jet Blue airlines and that Buffalo was going to be her base.  She sent Lucy home alone with one job, to tell their parents about Mary's new job.

Lucy found her parents waiting for her at the airport and was all smiles as she greeted them.  When they asked her about Mary, she smiled as she explained the whole situation and quickly moved on to tell them about Kevin while her parents stood there stunned over the news about Mary.

129.Letting Go

Mary came home late and brought Ben and Kevin home with her from Buffalo.  Eric came down with a bat to check out the noise and when he told Annie who was making the noise - she came down excited to see them all.  Annie started fixing them something to eat and Eric went up to check on his other kids to find that Matt wasn't in his bed.  The next morning Eric was suppose to go counsel a couple at the church, but his suspicions about where Matt was and if he was really married already or not kept making him forget.  By the time he finally reached the church, he counseled a couple who were upset that their 45 year old son moved out and they thought he wasn't ready yet.  He got their son to come in and he brought his fiance and her adopted daughter.  Eric took it into perspective to learn to let go of his own children.

Meanwhile, Eric learned that Lucy's Kevin was a 25 year old police officer and that the twins had outgrown their baby beds and needed regular beds.  Ruthie decided she should tell Mary and Lucy's boyfriends that Mary had been arrested and Lucy's old boyfriend did marijuana.  Mary and Lucy took her out of the room to confront her and Ruthie was spared when Robbie came in to talk to Ruthie.  Meanwhile, Mary and Lucy learned that Kevin and Ben had a sister named Patty Mary.  She showed up in Glen Oak because their mom was going on a date and the kids didn't think their mom was ready to date.  They eventually learned to lighten up.

130.The Known Soldier

The episode opened with Ruthie videotaping herself singing along with the Tom Petty song "I Won't Back Down."

Ruthie was writing to a U.S. Marine Staff Seargent named Dwight J. Morgan who was stationed in Afghanistan.  When she explained it to Annie, Annie was concerned about Ruthie telling a stranger about their funny family stories.  Ruthie went upstairs and Eric came in from outside and Annie expressed her concern to him.  Annie went upstairs to get Ruthie to let her read her letter and Robbie came in and Eric asked him if he knew about Ruthie writing a marine.  He did and Eric didn't understand why she would trust Robbie and not him and Annie.  He then went upstairs and Mary and Lucy walked in.  Lucy asked why mom wasn't making dinner and Robbie suggested it might have something to do with the guy Ruthie was writing to.  They didn't know about it and Robbie went upstairs.  Mary and Lucy were worried that Ruthie was writing about them and headed for the stairs where they met up with Simon coming down.  They told Simon about it and the three of them headed upstairs and met up with Eric, Annie, Robbie and Ruthie in the attic where Ruthie was already starting to read her letter.  Ruthie started over.  As she read the letter, she let each person read the part about themself where they shared what they were grateful for in America.  After they were done, Eric led them in prayer.  After the prayer, Ruthie was worried because she hadn't heard back from Morgan when the class checked their emails.

Eric called his dad in Buffalo and asked him to look into Morgan's status.  In their room, Ruthie shared with her sisters about Dwight J. Morgan.  They asked her what the video camera was for and she said everyone in class was making a short film to be sent over the computer to the troops.  She explained that marines aren't soldiers, because soldiers are the army.  The navy has sailors and the air force has airmen.  In the kitchen, Robbie and Simon talked about the whole situation of American troops in Afghanistan and Sept. 11.  They were concerned that people were forgetting and in moving on, weren't dealing with what happened.  In the twins room, Annie watched Sam and Dave sleep.

The next day in the afternoon Eric came home to tell Annie he hadn't heard any knews, but that there had been a helicopter accident with two casualties, but didn't know who.  Ruthie came home excited because she had received a letter in the regular mail with pictures.  She shared them with her parents.  Mary and Lucy came down and Simon came in and Ruthie shared with them.  When Simon came in he mentioned there was a helicopter crash but Ruthie wasn't worried anymore since she got the letter.  That night the doorbell rang and Eric answered the door to find the Colonel who told him the bad news.  The Colonel went upstairs to tell Ruthie that Sgt. Dwight J. Morgan had been killed in the helicopter crash.

Downstairs Annie wanted to be up there with them, but Eric assurred her they should give them some time alone.  Ruthie finally came down and asked them if they could have a memorial service for the Staff Seargent.  They held the memorial service the next night at the church.  In the church were Morgan's wife Teresa and five-year-old son Alex and announced that they were looking forward to their baby girl who was going to be born in July.

The next day, the family all did something to try and help others.  Annie and the twins headed to Mrs. Bink's house.  Simon didn't want to tell what he was going to do so he wouldn't feel like he was getting a reward by people telling him it was so nice.  Robbie went down and took a meal to someone at the Marine Corps Recruitment place.  And got a marine to agree to stop by the day care center to meet the kids.  Robbie then went over and gave a free flag to the guy who had cut him off before.  The guy apologized to Robbie.  Simon got a money order and put it in the Flying Tigers Memorial Fund.  Mary, Lucy, Matt and Sarah went to an armed forces cemetary and put flowers at the graves.  Eric walked by and found a guy without shoes who had them stolen at the shelter.  Eric offered to take the guy back to a shelter but he told Eric he was waiting for Jesus, that Jesus rode that bus and sometimes got off there.  Eric took off his shoes and left them there with the man and went on

131.Hly War{pt1}

The episode began with Rabbi Glass, Eric, Matt and Sarah going over the plans for the wedding ceremony.  The wedding which was suppose to be a combination of both faiths was totally Jewish.  Rabbi Glass (Richard) told Eric that his job was to hold the candle.  Later Sarah confronted her father that he had to give Eric more to do than just hold a candle.  He said that he would see what he could do.

In New York, Mary was getting ready for work when Ben showed up.  He wanted to know what he did to upset her.  She told him she'd been busy and that their schedules didn't match up.  He asked about Matt's wedding and Mary's silence made him ask if she was trying to break up with him.  She said she just wanted to go to work and he said she would eventually have to tell him what was going on and left.

Back in Glen Oak Mrs. Glass was working on getting the wedding reception all set up.  Annie stopped by to see if she could help and Mrs. Glass told her she had the wedding rehearsal to be concerned about.  When she told Annie they would have about 100 close family showing up, Annie left uncertain how she was going to manage a dinner for that many people.

At home in Matt and Robbie's room, Simon told Robbie that Matt had to pick him to be his best man.  Robbie was surprised that Matt hadn't picked someone yet and told Simon he should ask Matt about it but Simon didn't want to look like he was begging.  He told Robbie he wouldn't be asked to be best man because he wasn't Matt's brother.  Ruthie walked into the room to reclaim it as hers and dropped her heavy box on Robbie's foot.  In the attic Lucy talked to Kevin on the phone and he said he was unwilling to pack up and move to Glen Oak.  They hung up without finding a resolve and Lucy headed off to pick her grandparents up at the airport.

At the Glass's house, Richard confronted Matt in private to persuade him to convert at the wedding to Judaism.  When Matt got home, he found Eric and told him that he was going to convert at the wedding.  Eric got very upset.  He left and Robbie and Simon came down.  Simon asked Matt if he had picked a best man yet and he asked Robbie to do it.  Robbie said he would.  At home, Sarah angrily confronted her dad about Matt converting at the wedding.  At the house, Annie stormed in the kitchen and unleashed her frustrations about the rehearsal dinner on Eric.  While they talked, Ruthie suspiciously kept walking through from upstairs to the garage.  After Annie left, Eric asked Ruthie what she was doing and she told him that Robbie was moving to the garage and that she was helping him.

Ben called Lucy and asked her about Mary.  Lucy told him that Mary hadn't talked to her about him.  She gave him advice that maybe Mary wanted him to do something for her, but she soon realized that she was talking about Kevin and her and not him and Mary.  She asked him if Kevin loved her and he didn't know.  Ben decided he was going to make a commitment.  After getting their tuxes Sarah stopped Matt on the sidewalk to tell him he shouldn't be converting at the wedding for her.  Robbie said he could take Simon and the twins home, but Simon said he would walk.  Matt told Sarah that she shouldn't worry.

Eric went to confront Richard Glass at his house.  They got into a big argument and they both called the wedding off.

Simon got home to find Robbie and the twins in the kitchen.  Robbie told him they should talk but Simon didn't want to.  Robbie said that he would take the twins up to get them cleaned up.  Simon told him he wouldn't because they were his brothers, but the twins demanded that Robbie take them.  Simon got upset and stormed to the living room.  Robbie grabbed the twins and took them to the living room where he talked to Simon more.  As Lucy waited for her grandparents at the airport, she met a very cute guy named Doug.

At home Robbie went into his room to find Ruthie had kicked him out already.  She said that she was looking for some normalcy in her life, which is why she was kicking him out.  Annie got a phone call from Julie who said she was having the baby.  Hank made her hang up to take her to the hospital.  Ginger then called Annie to tell her that they lost her father and wasn't sure they were going to make their flight that day.

In New York Ben ran to meet Mary at the airport to give her his class ring.  He said he didn't have time to buy an engagement ring.  He then proposed to her and everyone cheered.  She handed him back the ring and said she didn't want to get married.  He asked her what she wanted and she told him she wanted him to go home.  When Matt came out of the clinic he worked at, Sarah ran up to tell him that their father's had cancelled their wedding.  Matt went home and confronted his dad and Eric said he was all for the wedding just as long as Matt didn't convert.  Matt angrily stormed back out after Eric told him he wasn't going to the wedding and Matt said he wasn't going to the rehearsal dinner.  At the Glass's, Sarah confronted her father with her mom there, but got nowhere either.  Richard told his daughter he wouldn't be at the wedding.

Kevin met Ben in a bar and knew he'd been turned down.  Together they decided to fly to Glen Oak.  Lucy went to Doug to tell him that the flight she was waiting for wasn't going to be in for awhile.  He wanted her to go out with him and she invited him to come as her date to her brother's wedding.  On the plane, Mary's co-worker asked her about Ben and some passengers got involved in the conversation.  Talking with them, Mary figured she was scared of a relationship with a guy she'd have to give up everything for.

Eric, Annie, Robbie, Simon, Ruthie and the twins sat at a table at the pool hall for the rehearsal dinner waiting for people and the only people that showed up was Doc and his date (a lady from Matt's clinic).  Doc went up to tell Eric and Annie that he was the one who told Matt to marry Sarah.  He asked if somethign was wrong and Simon blew up at Robbie and stormed off, then Ruthie got angry at him.  Robbie then stormed off.  Ruthie then told her parents that he was leaving and she was taking her room back before storming off too.  Doc went back to dance with his date and Annie angrily asked Eric what he did.  Eric finally told her that he and Rabbi cancelled the wedding and that after that he told Matt that if there was a wedding, he wouldn't be there.  Eric then left.

132.Holy War{pt2}

The episode opened during the rehearsal dinner with Matt and Sarah alone at the Camden's house.  They decided to give up reasoning with their dad's and try to work with their mom's.  At the Glass's house, Richard and Rosina argued about the whole situation.

Later at home, Ruthie went to the garage apartment and talked with Robbie.  When he asked her why she turned against him, she left.  Matt and Eric had a tense moment in the upstairs hall, realizing they were at an impasse.  Mary came home and her and Lucy talked about their relationship issues.  Rosina and Annie talked on the phone and came up with a plan of their own to continue on with the wedding without their husbands.  Ben and Kevin arrived at the Glen Oak airport where they decided to get a cheap motel for the night before seeing Mary and Lucy.  As they walked, Kevin told his brother Ben that he had put in a transfer to the Glen Oak police force so he could be closer to Lucy.

Rosina got another rabbi to perform the wedding.  Sarah was happy and Richard thought it was a trick to get him to do the wedding.  He then called the rabbi to find out it was true.  He stuck to his guns that he was not going to the wedding no matter what because he didn't believe in the wedding.

At home, Simon came in to help Matt pack and he explained why he didn't choose Simon to be his best man.  Ruthie took the twins up to see Robbie who was writing his speech.  She offered him his room back but he said he was fine with the garage.  He then kicked Ruthie out, but let the twins stay.  Ruthie said that wasn't fair and he said she wasn't being fair either, but that when she was ready to tell him why she was being so mean to him, he'd be there.  She then left.

Mary and Lucy picked up both sets of grandparents at the airport and told them they were taking them to the hotel and that someone would be by later to pick them up for the wedding.  When the Colonel said he would just go over with Eric, Mary and Lucy told them all that Eric and Richard had a fight and neither were going to be at the wedding.  The Colonel then told them to take the others to the hotel and to take him to Eric.  The Colonel arrived at home and gave Eric a lecture and Eric changed his mind.  Mary and Lucy were talking about the Colonel and their dad in the living room when the doorbell rang.  Lucy answered it and saw Ben and Kevin.  She screamed and slammed the door and told Mary it was for her before heading upstairs.  Mary then answered it and also closed the door and went upstairs leaving both Kevin and Ben outside confused.

Simon went up to the garage apartment and made up with Robbie.  He offered his speech to Robbie and Robbie thankfully took it. Eric went to Matt and apologized and asked him to forgive him.  Matt did and told his dad he was still going to convert someday.  In the attic, Mary and Lucy wondered if Ben and Kevin were still outside.  Ruthie came up and told them that they were gone, but that she invited them to the wedding.  Lucy was glad because it gave her enough time to cancel with Doug.  Eric went over to Richard's and the two of them talked.  Richard also had had a talk with his parents.  They rewrote the wedding ceremony together.

Ben and Kevin showed up at the wedding.  Kevin told Lucy that he put in a transfer to Glen Oak and she told him she had invited another guy to the wedding.  Mary told Ben that she was not ready to get married and Ben said the same.  She then asked him why he asked her to marry him and he told her he didn't want to lose her.  She told him that he wouldn't lose her unless he asked her to give up what she was doing.  He then assurred her that he would never ask her to give up what she loved just to be with him.  They hugged.  She then asked if she could wear his class ring and he gave it to her.  Kevin forgave Lucy but told her no more asking guys out.

Matt saw Ruthie and asked him what was going on with him and Robbie.  She told him that Simon was never going to be him but that Robbie had a shot and she said she didn't think she could take it if she got to like him like she liked Matt and then he left too.  Matt told her not to be mad at him for leaving and at Robbie for staying and to give Simon a chance.  Robbie overheard and apologized to Ruthie that she liked him so much.  As Rosina helped Sarah prepare, Richard walked in and asked if someone called for a Rabbi.  Sarah gave him a hard time at first but then hugged him.  Eric found Annie at the synagogue and was very happy to see him.  Matt found them and talked before Doc arrived to tell Matt that it was time.

The wedding ceremony was beautiful as Matt and Sarah finally were married.

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