Eposide Guide Season 1-3
7th Heaven World


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Here will be 7th heaven eposide guide season 1-7 and the summary of each eposide

1.Anything you Want


The show opens up with warm sunlight shining into Eric and Annie's bedroom early on Saturday morning.  As they start to kiss, Ruthie comes in and jumps on the bed and asks "What are we doing?"  Then the door knocks and Ruthie calls out "Come in!" and Simon comes in and jumps on the bed.  Next comes Lucy then Mary who do the same.  Finally Matt comes in and tells his younger siblings that Saturday's are mom and dad's day to sleep in.  The kids all rush out and Eric thanks Matt before Matt leaves.

As the family sits down to eat, Simon is determined to keep asking for a dog which Eric and Annie feel he's not responsible enough to have.  Matt says that he has a date that evening, however Eric wants to shoot pool with Matt and talk which Matt doesn't want to do, but ends up doing.  Eric tells Matt that if Matt wins, they won't talk, but if Eric wins, they talk.  Matt comments that he's never beaten his dad and Eric smiles.  Later when Eric beats him at pool and they talk, Eric informs Matt that he knows about Matt's smoking habit which Matt refuses to give up.  Since Eric gives Matt an allowance which helps Matt to pay for his habit, he tells Matt to give him $20.  Eric then informs Matt that he's gotten him a job helping an elderly woman in the church.  When Matt shows up for that job, he finds the woman on an oxygen tank who only has one lung.  She asks Matt to get her cigarettes but he refuses.  Unknown to Matt, the whole thing is staged between Eric and the lady Mrs. Bink in effort to get Matt to stop smoking.

Meanwhile, Mary is consumed with thoughts of wanting her first kiss, but is annoyed that her parents will only let her date boys her own age who are all shorter than her.  Mary wants a taller guy and confesses this to Matt.  She tries to get Matt to teach her how to kiss a guy without them actually kissing and they have an awkward moment when Eric walks out and sees them.  Matt later confesses to Eric and Annie what's going on with Mary and Annie's all for letting Mary date boys a year or two older than her.  Later when Eric tells Mary that he and Annie agree that it's okay for her to date guys a little older, Mary gets angry that Matt told on her.

Meanwhile, Lucy is suffering through puberty.  Since her friends all seem to have started their period, she's upset that she hasn't started yet.  Eric tries to talk to her about it, but Lucy refuses to talk with him.  Though when Annie confronts her, Lucy's a little more civil with her.  In attempts to get her period to start sooner, she stands on her head from Mary's advice.  On Saturday when Annie is upstairs looking for Lucy, she finds Lucy sitting on the floor of her closet.  Annie sits down and starts talking with her, beginning a verse from the Bible that starts "For everything there is a season" but Annie can't remember the rest and Lucy doesn't feel any better.  On Sunday morning in church, when Eric begins his sermon with that same Bible verse, Lucy gets upset and runs immediately out of the church.  Annie chases after her and Eric is totally confused as to what's going on.  Later Annie informs Eric that Lucy thought he was going to tell the whole congregation about her.  Eric thinks that that's a ridiculous thought and wants to talk with Lucy about it, but Annie urges Eric to take a step back from Lucy and give her space.  Eric says that Mary was a lot more forth coming about the issue but Annie reminds Eric that Lucy is not Mary and that Lucy's a lot more sensitive.

Mary after church talks Lucy into going for a jog with her around the block and makes Lucy feel better when she tells her that she's suffering from pms.  As they jog, Lucy gets annoyed that Mary is going to fast for her.  Mary turns around and jogs backwards as she talks to her sister about keeping up.  Mary then trips over a guy who walks out onto the sidewalk behind her.  They stand up and Mary recognizes Matt's best friend Jeff who Mary's had a crush on since she was 10.  As they talk with each other, Lucy accidentally drops a tampon on the ground that Mary had given to her just in case it started when they were out jogging.  Jeff reaches down to pick it up until he sees what it is then embarrassingly stands back up without picking it up.  Lucy, feeling totally embarrassed, runs away.  Mary invites Jeff over to help her with her basketball before going after her sister.  Matt is totally against the idea of his sister and best friend dating, but Mary doesn't care since she likes Jeff.  Jeff does come over and they shoot hoops together as Eric and Matt keep their eye on her from inside the house.  Towards the end of the episode, Lucy's period finally starts and she celebrates with Mary and Ruthie in the hall by holding hands and jumping up and down.  Eric walks up and asks if congratulations are in order.  Mary pushes Lucy to tell Eric and she and Ruthie walk away.  Eric suggests that Lucy should go out with her mom and sisters to celebrate.  Lucy gives him a hug and then asks if he will go to the drug store for her which is what he had hoped she would do since that's what Mary had asked him to do when she started.

Meanwhile Simon's persistence to get a dog gets stronger as he prays and hopes, trying to convince his parents that he is responsible.  On Sunday, Simon camps out in the attic since his dad agreed that if a dog entered the yard and Simon didn't coax the dog in, that Simon could keep the dog.  So Simon keeps looking out the attic window with binoculars, praying that God will bring a dog into his yard.  When Eric finds a dog in the yard, Annie confesses that she had stopped by the pound to just look and found this dog.  Later she informs Eric that what made her take the dog was the fact the dog was going to be put to sleep in 24 hours.  When Simon, who is playing with some of his toys, hears a dog bark, he looks out the window to see a dog in the yard.  Excited, he runs downstairs calling out for his parents, passing them in front of the stairs as he tells them that there's a dog in the yard.  Simon runs out to find the dog and Eric and Annie come out.  Simon tells his parents that God answered his prayers and Annie confesses that she went by the pound.  Eric then informs Simon that God had nothing to do with this and Simon informs him that mom wouldn't have done what she did if God hadn't done something.

As the episode ends, Eric sent Matt to pick up Annie's parents before realizing that she was uncomfortable with Matt doing so since he's only had his license for two months.  However, Matt gets her parents home safe and sound.  As Eric, Annie, Matt, and Annie's parents sit around the dining room table, Annie realizes that something serious is up with her parents.  She asks Matt to go outside where Simon and Ruthie are playing with the new dog named Happy.  After he leaves, Annie's mother confides in Annie and Eric that she has acute leukemia and isn't given a good prognosis even with treatment.  So instead of trying treatment and spending her remaining days in a hospital, she wants to spend it with her children and grandchildren.  Annie, very upset over the news, gives her mother a hug.  Mary and Lucy run outside to join the others as the kids start playing in the yard.  At the sound of all of them, Eric, Annie, and Annie's parents all walk out to watch them.

2.Family Secrets

Simon walks into his room to find Happy eating one of  Eric's shoes.  Simon hides it with the rest under his bed.  He then joins everyone else downstairs to see Grandpa Charles and Grandma Jenny off.  Annie doesn't want them to leave and Matt knows that something is wrong.

Mary expects Jeff to call an Lucy's hopes that a boy she likes named Jimmy Moon will call her.  Simon frets about having to tell his parents that Happy is expecting puppies and becomes extra helpful around the house to get on his parents good side.  Jeff calls, but Jimmy does not.  At school, though, Jimmy did turn around and smile at Lucy and later Jimmy confronts her, but when Lucy is speechless, Jimmy gets the wrong impression and walks off, leaving Lucy upset.  Lucy finally calls Jimmy and leaves a message on his machine.  As a result, Jimmy shows up at Lucy's house to the surprise of everyone, especially Eric and Annie who won't let Lucy date.

When Matt tells his mom that he's going to the library, he doesn't come home until the next morning.  When Matt refuses to give details, Eric grounds him from the car for three weeks.  Simon thinks he can use this as his opportunity to tell his parents about Happy, but Matt warns him that since their parents are already angry, they'll just take it out on Simon if he tells them.  While Eric stays upset, Annie believes that Matt's not telling them something and she trusts him.  When the girl he said he was with that night calls, Annie invites her over to the house and the family learns that she is pregnant and Matt is supporting her through it.  When the parents are relieved that Matt is not the father, Simon blurts out that Happy is pregnant and has been eating Eric's shoes.  Simon's attempt to pay for the shoes is by passing out free lemonade at church.  However, when everyone realizes that Eric needs new shoes, people start donating money.

Matt gets annoyed with the relationship developing between Mary and Jeff and warns Jeff that he thinks that Mary is using him to just get kissed.  This leads to Jeff breaking up with Mary.  Eric gives Mary advice to tell Jeff that that's not her motive and she calls him back.  Eric wears his good shoes when making his hospital rounds because he can't find any other shoes and his feet begin to ache.  When on the phone with Annie, a nurse walks up to Eric and comes on to him and takes his shoes to get fixed, refusing to believe that he's married since he's not wearing his wedding ring that he forgot that morning.  Matt finds out the truth about his grandma.

Eric finds Renee's (Matt's pregnant friend) father to find that he's basically disowned her and can't get through to the man.  However, her father comes to church the following Sunday where Renee is singing a solo.  Eric goes in search of the man who got Renee pregnant to see if he will help her out.  He finds the guy's brother, but thinks it's the guy, Lou.  Lou's brother passes it on to him though and Lou shows up at Eric's house to talk with him.

3.In The blink of The Eye

At the beginning of the show, the family is all sitting down for breakfast when Eric breaks the good news to Simon that he's finally going to give Simon the bunk beds he's always wanted.  However, he learns the bad news is that he's going to have to share his room with little sister Ruthie while Annie's parents are visiting; Matt's going to sleep on the couch.  Ruthie's excited about  moving in with Simon but Simon is not.  When Annie's parents cancel their visit, Annie gets concerned that maybe her mom's health has gotten worse.  At Eric's suggestion, Annie schedule's a flight to Arizona to visit them.  Annie initially had told Lucy that she would get Eric out of the way for her evening of watching videos with Jimmy Moon by having him and her father go out for the meal on wheels ministry of the church, but now since her parents aren't coming, Eric has to stay home.  Eric and Annie grant Matt permission to drive (since he's still on his three weeks grounding from the car) to deliver the meals.  Matt then plans that after the meals are delivered, he will pick up a date and take her out, but doesn't tell anyone.  Since dad's going to be around for the evening, Lucy begs Mary to stay home to keep dad away from her and Jimmy.  Mary refuses since she has a date with Jeff, although her parents told her that she could not go to the party that she and Jeff had planned on going to.  When Lucy blackmails Mary be threatening to tell their parents that she planned to watch an "R" rated movie with Jeff, Mary gives in and cancels on Jeff who is upset by the short notice.  Mary chooses to tell him that her sister needs her and not mention that her parents said that she couldn't go to the party.

When Annie arrives in Arizona, she finds her parents house empty.  Alarmed, she begins calling all the local hospitals with no success.  Finally, her parents show up, laughing and having a good time.  Surprised to see Annie, they decide to all fly right on back to Glen Oak.  When Annie informs them that they can't find seats on such short notice, her parents say they'll fly first class.  Annie is surprised at how much they are spending, but doesn't say anything.

When Lucy informs Mary that she wants dad out of the way so that she can kiss Jimmy Moon, Mary decides to protect her little sister and winds up convincing her dad to get out his old guitar and go downstairs and sing - since that drove away Mary's first boyfriend.  Eric agrees and it works, Jimmy decides to leave and Lucy is upset.  Meanwhile, Simon realizes that by sleeping on the top bunk, Happy can't get up there to sleep with him.  He tries to convince Ruthie to move up to the top bunk, but she refuses, informing him that she's not his personal valet - which is what Mary told her to tell hhiim.  Eventually, the two try sharing the lower bunk.

After Matt is done delivering meals, he picks up his date from her part-time job.  As the hop in the meals on wheels van, they start kissing.  As he starts up the van, the girl pulls out a beer can and asks Matt if he wants a drink.  Matt says no and the two kiss again while Matt backs out, not realizing that there is a cop car right behind him which he slams in to.  Matt and the girl are both forced to call their parents and when the officer smells the beer that was spilt on Matt's shirt, he tests Matt to find no alcohol in his system.  Eric is relieved when he gets that news and comes down hard on Matt for breaking the rules when he was not suppose to drive anywhere but to deliver the meals.  Eric angrily tells Matt that he will never drive one of his vehicles again.  The girl's father then comes over and yells at Matt to stay away from his daughter.  When he realizes that Matt is a preacher's son, he makes a rude comment concerning it.

While all that was going on, Annie and her parents arrive home where they are greeted by Mary, Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie.  Annie hears Simon's complaints about not being able to sleep with Happy and she informs him that she'll have Eric put Happy on his bed when he gets home.  She also hears Lucy's complaints about dad ruining her evening with Jimmy.  The kids get excited when their grandparents all brought presents.  When Eric arrives home, he express his anger towards Matt for what he's done.  Annie's mom, Jenny, encourages Eric to forgive because life is short.  When Matt arrives home, he walks in to find his grandparents dancing in the living room.  He quickly leaves, walking back to the kitchen and Jenny follows.  When she makes it to the kitchen, Matt apologizes for interrupting but Jenny tells him that she doesn't mind.  They have a nice talk and Eric walks in.  Jenny leaves and Eric talks with his son.  Matt finally apologizes to Eric for the evening and for being a "total screw-up."  Eric looks at him in silence for a moment and finally informs Matt that he's "not a total screw-up."  They give each other a good, hearty hug.  Jeff comes over and throws rocks up at Mary's window.  Mary opens her window, but Eric also walks out onto the upper deck and hears Jeff ask to talk to Mary.  Eric gives them five minutes and down on the front porch, Mary tells Jeff about not being allowed to go to the party.  He asks her to be more honest with him in the future and they kiss.

The next morning, Annie is woken up by her mom.  She looks up at Jenny who tells Annie that it's time for her to leave.  Annie watches as her mom fades away.  Not sure if she was dreaming or what, Annie stands up calling out for her mom.  As Annie leaves the room, Eric wakes up.  Annie makes her way down to Ruthie's room where her parents are staying and arrives at the door just as her dad walks out.  Her dad informs Annie that her mom has passed away.  Annie then embraces her dad and cries as Eric walks up to them.  When Annie sees her husband, she reaches out to him and puts her head on his chest while holding on to her dad.  While still crying on Eric, she pulls her dad in for all three of them to hold each other and the episode ends.

4.No Funerals&Wedding

Annie feels anger towards her dad for not staying around and showing his love and support after the death of her mother.  As the funeral reception progresses at the Camden house, Eric gets involved in counseling a married couple.  The woman expects her husband is having an affair, the husband admits to having more than one wife as he had not totally divorced his prior wife before marrying his current one.  Eric informs him that because of that, he is not legally married.  Matt helps his pregnant friend Renee to the hospital where she names her newborn daughter Annie after Matt's mom.  Mary tries to figure out how to break up with her boyfriend, Lucy wanders around feeling sad over her grandma's death, and Simon walks around asking people where heaven is.

5.The Color of God

A normal morning at the Camden's was changed when Simon saw the Hamilton's church "Trinity Church" on the news on fire as the reporters told viewers that the fire was deliberately set.  Sunday morning, Eric invited the congregation to join them and Morgan Hamilton to preach.  At home, Matt, Mary, and Lucy were having trouble communicating with John and Keesha Hamilton.  Morgan told Eric that the arsonist's left a note saying that they would be back and he was concerned to take his family back home, thinking it could be the next target.  At dinner, Eric announced to everyone that he and Morgan had decided that the Hamilton's would stay with the Camden's except for Morgan who would be going home.  John demanded to go with him, but Eric said he was going and John and Matt would be the men of the house together.

On the school playground, a boy used a very offensive word against Nigel.  Simon demanded the kid to apologize, but the kid wouldn't.  Nigel told Simon not to fight ignorance with violence, but Simon punched the kid in the stomach anyway.  When Matt, John, Mary, Keesha, and Lucy came by to pick up Simon and Nigel, Nigel didn't know where Simon was.  Mary went in to find him and the school security guard came out and asked who owned the car they were in.  Matt told him it was his dad's and the security guard demanded to see license and registration.  When Matt refused to, the security guard told them to get out, believing them to be vandals.  Mary came out to say Simon had been suspended.  At home, Eric and Annie admitted they were each a little proud of Simon.  John assumed that Matt was afraid of him because he was black.  Matt told him he was afraid of John's attitude and nothing else.  Nigel found Simon playing tea with Ruthie and Lynn and Simon told Nigel it was so he would look good to Annie.  Keesha asked Mary why she didn't like her.  Mary didn't like that Keesha had apparently taken over her territory and hypnotized her sister.  Keesha told her she was trying to keep Lucy out of Mary's way because Mary acted like Lucy was in the way.  Morgan decided to continue services on his church site by setting up a tent and chairs.  That first Sunday back, Eric had his congregation go to join the Hamilton's congregation on this site as well as other faiths.


The episode opened up with the kids all in Matt's room with the lights turned off.  Matt had a flashlight on his face as he told a ghost story.  Eric walked in and scared them.  When Annie joined them, she decided to stay, but Eric left because he hated halloween.

Eric's reason for not liking Halloween was based on a childhood memory where he had punched his friend for grabbing a Davy Crockett hat for Eric, but Eric misinterpreted it as his friend taking it for himself.  Ever since then, the guilt over it has led him to not like halloween.  When Eric learned that the old friend was in town, Eric visited him and they made up, even though his friend had forgotten about the incident.  Annie worked hard on preparing for the church's halloween carnival.  Matt decided to miss the carnival to take a date to the school Halloween dance, but when she was too controlling for him, he dumped her and went to the carnival.  Mary told her family that she was going to the dance except for Matt who she told that she was going to the carnival.  That way she managed to stay home and have the house all to herself, getting the privacy she longed for all episode.

When Lucy went with some friends to a guy's house who the kids liked to pick on, she accidentally ran off with one of his pumpkins.  When Annie found out where Lucy got the pumpkin, she made Lucy take it back and apologize.  There, Lucy learned that Mike the Mutant (Mike Mitchell) was actually a really nice guy who had been shot in the head while working, leaving him a little disabled.  He carved a picture of Lucy into a pumpkin and won the pumpkin carving contest at church.  Simon was bent all episode on winning, but admitted that Mike's pumpkin was better.


It's Saturday and everyone was excited to be going to Mary's big basketball game.  However, Mary approached them at the beginning of the episode and asked them all not to come.  The reason being, they all made her nervous.  Everyone was upset that Mary didn't want them there, especially Lucy who had invited the very popular Ashley from school to go to Mary's game with her.  When Ashley got there, Lucy said that they couldn't go to the game and Ashley was ready to leave, but Lucy said that they could call boys.  Ashley agreed and they called Lucy's boyfriend Jimmy to see if Jimmy's friend liked Ashley.  Jimmy said no and the reason why and Ashley got very upset and stormed out of the house.  Once she left, Lucy suddenly realized that she didn't know where Simon and Ruthie were.  Since Eric and Annie had both gone to the store, and Mary had already left for her basketball game, and Matt went to his new job tutoring a girl from school, her parents had left her in charge of her two younger siblings.  Lucy went out in search for them.  Simon and Ruthie had started a spy game and were tailing the mailman as he went around delivering mail.  When the mailman got in his mail truck and drove off, Simon and Ruthie suddenly realized that they were lost.  Ruthie began to cry and when Simon spotted a police car, he flagged the officer down.  The officer turned out to be Sgt. Michaels who gladly took Simon and Ruthie back home.  When they got there, however, no one was home.  Simon said that they might have gone to the basketball game so Sgt. Michaels said he would take them down there.

At the grocery store, Eric saw a young man he had helped get into a drug rehab clinic stealing a watch.  Annie let Eric go after him and Eric caught up with the boy outside where the store security officer had stopped him and found the watch.  Eric stood up for the boy and the security officer trusted that the reverend knew what he was doing.  Eric spent time with the young man who insisted that he did not have a problem and that he didn't need the rehab clinic.  After the young man left, Eric went to talk to his parents who knew about their son's current situation and felt helpless to do anything.  Eric went on down to see Mary's basketball game and caught up with Sgt. Michaels, Simon, and Ruthie in the parking lot.  Simon explained what had happened and that they had gotten lost, but he flagged down Sgt. Michaels who took them home.  When no one was home, Sgt. Michaels took them there.  Sgt. Michaels left and Eric and his two youngest went into the game where the found Annie and Matt already watching the game.  Matt had lost his job because the girl he was tutoring was more interested in him than she was in learning the material for school.  Her dad had walked in on them, but he seemed to encourage Matt, who he thought of as the "Big Man on Campus" to put the moves on his daughter, so to speak.  Matt was serious about the job and didn't like what her father was suggesting so he quit.  The man then said that no one quit him and that Matt was fired, but Matt really didn't care, he just wanted to leave.  Mary was relieved that her family did show up after all because when she got to the gym earlier that day, one of her teammates said that it was bad luck for her to uninvite her family.  Mary had tried to call them to tell them to come, but she called when Lucy and Ashley were on the phone and only got a busy signal.

Mary won her game and they all went out for pizza.  When they got home, Simon and Ruthie were the first to enter and Lucy asked where they had been.  Then the rest of the family all came in and Lucy realized that she'd be in trouble for not watching Simon and Ruthie better.  She was very upset, though, that they all went to the game and she didn't, and that they all had dinner without her.  As everyone went their separate ways, Eric talked to Matt about drugs, since the young man he had talked with earlier in the day was still on his mind.  He made Matt promise him that he would never do drugs and though Matt had promised him that many times before, Matt promised him again.  Eric asked Matt if he thought any of his siblings might ever do drugs.  Matt said that Mary had basketball and Simon was too smart and that Ruthie was just too young.  Eric noted that Matt left out Lucy and Matt said that he hadn't, that Lucy was the one he needed to be concerned about because she always felt left out of everything.  Eric got it and went upstairs to ask Lucy out for a date, just the two of them.  Lucy was excited to go out with just her dad.  While she got ready, Eric lectured Simon and Ruthie about wandering off like they had and made them promise never to take drugs.  Ruthie asked about if someone gave her vitamins and he said to tell her not to take even those.

Eric took Lucy out and she talked his ear off about everything going on her 8th grade life.  When he got home, Mary relieved him by asking Lucy to go upstairs and tell her all about what they talked about.  Eric also made Mary promise not to do drugs.  Eric went and talked with Annie and as they were talking, the doorbell rang.  Eric went to answer it to find the young man he had talked with earlier in the day all beat up.  Annie came up behind Eric to see who it was.  The young man said that he was a loser.  Eric told him that he wasn't a loser because he was standing at his door.  The young man said that he needed help and Eric and Annie let the him into their house.

8.What will Peple say?

woman Eric is counseling is a victim of spousal abuse.  When Annie and the kids see Eric enter a hotel with the woman, their suspicions build as to why.  Eric keeps his vow of silence over the matter to protect the woman's reasons for seeking counseling which only causes more conflict between him and his family.  Soon rumors start to fly around Glen Oak and Eric faces the possibility of being fired.  As rumors make it back to the woman being counseled, she urges Eric to tell Annie the truth about their situation.  With her approval to do so, Eric finally confides in Annie as to why he's been seen alone with this woman.  Meanwhile Mary wants to go out with Richard and Simon has a crush on Gabrielle.  (Stephen Collins' real life wife Faye Grant plays the woman being abused.)

9.See No Evil,Speak No evil, Hear No evil

While in the car, a man with a gun stole from Matt and Annie, including Annie's wedding ring.  Afterwards, Matt was afraid to leave the house while Annie seemed to be fine.

Ruthie had the chicken pox and Simon was afraid that he'd catch them from her.

Both Lucy and Jimmy ran for class president.

Mary wanted to get a tatoo of her school mascot, the wildcat, on her ankle.

10.Last call for Aunt Julie

Eric's younger sister Julie comes to visit the Camden's for Thanksgiving.  All seems to be well with Julie as she smiles and laughs with everyone, giving gifts to all her nieces and nephews.  She's given Matt's room to sleep in and when she's finally alone in her room, she pulls out a bottle of liquor and drinks it.

Matt, Mary, and Lucy all have plans they want for Thanksgiving that does not include their family.  Eric and Annie finally agree to let Matt go away with his girlfriend and her family for the holiday, missing Thanksgiving totally with his family.  Mary is allowed to be with her friends and Lucy's allowed to go to her boyfriend Jimmy Moon's house, but both have to have Thanksgiving dinner at home with their family first.  Julie in the living room after everyone leaves, sneaks into the liquor cabinet.

The next day Simon's wearing the Batman shirt Julie bought for him and is playing with Ruthie and Happy when Julie walks into the room.  Simon keeps on playing, including Julie who plays along.  As Julie reaches for the liquor cabinet, Simon quickly pulls the key out in fun, not letting Julie have it in a teasing kind of way.  Julie smiles and laughs and plays with him as she tries to get it back, but Simon's persistence in not giving it back angers Julie and she finally screams at him and hurts him as she tries to get the key out of his hand.  Hearing Simon scream in pain, Annie runs in the room as Julie lets go of Simon and stands back in shock over what just happened.  Simon  cries in his mothers arms as Annie yells at Julie to leave.  Julie tries to apologize, but Annie's maternal instincts for the safety of her children continues to yell at Julie to get out of her house.  Julie runs out.  Later that night Eric finds Julie in a bar with a guy.  As he approaches her, Julie tells him to leave her alone.  The guy she's with is ready to fight Eric off, but when he realizes that Eric is her brother and a minister, the guy quickly leaves.  As Eric tries to usher Julie out the door, her fist flies into his face.  Angry, Eric grabs Julie and drags her kicking and screaming out of the bar.

At home Eric and Annie argue over keeping Julie in the house.  Annie is foremost concerned with her children's safety and does not want Julie around.  But Eric's concern for his little sister pleads with Annie to let her stay so he can work with her until her system has been detoxed.  Annie reluctantly agrees, warning Eric that her first priority is to their kids which Eric understands.

The kids all try to deal with Julie's situation in their own way.  Matt, like Eric, is willing to do anything and everything to help Aunt Julie out.  Mary comes to hate Aunt Julie as she'd always looked at her Aunt as a role model and now her role model has lowered herself to such a level.  Lucy like her older brother and Matt, is willing to help out however she can and feels particularly emotional over the whole situation, not knowing what to think or do, but feeling bad for her Aunt and her condition and for what happened to her brother and how it's affecting the whole family.  Simon in anger throws his gift back at Julie at night and Ruthie sides with him not understanding anything.

Eric stays by Julie's side almost the whole time, refusing to let her leave his room.  After a day or two, Matt comes to give Eric a break.  Feeling it's safe, Eric leaves Matt alone with Julie.  They sit together on the bed as they joke together and Matt assures her he knows how tough his dad can be.  When Julie begins begging Matt to go down and get her some liquor, his refusal to do so incites a crazed rage in his Aunt that he's never seen her yell at him that way before.  With mixed feelings over her reaction and her yelling at him to leave, he walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.  On the other side of the door he listens to her screams of how she'll never forgive him as he slides to the floor and begins to cry.

In the kitchen on Thanksgiving Day, Eric and Annie find the kids all up fixing Thanksgiving dinner.  They tell their kids that due to their circumstances, Matt, Mary, and Lucy should just go ahead and spend the day with their friends.  Matt states that they all want to be home and will fix Thanksgiving Dinner for everyone.  With the parents gone, the kids talk amongst themselves.  Simon and Ruthie have lightened up some on their Aunt, but Mary is hard-pressed against her still.  Matt scolds her that she should try to be like the rest of them and try to help.  Mary ends up going upstairs and cleaning her aunt up to make her look beautiful for Thanksgiving Dinner.

That evening as the family rounds the table, Eric and Annie ask about Mary and are told she'd be down.  Mary and Julie finally come down and Julie looks well once again to everyone's amazement.  Simon backs away in fear from his Aunt.  She approaches him and gives her a deep and sincere apology.  They hug and Simon lifts his shirt to show the Batman shirt he gave her underneath - a physical symbol to let her know that he'd already forgiven her.  As the family sits down for Thanksgiving Dinner, they all feel extra thankful that year.

11.Now You See Me

It's Sunday morning and Matt surprises everyone by telling them he's bringing his new girlfriend to church.  Eric gets slightly nervous since this is the first girlfriend Matt has ever brought to church.  Simon believes that he can make himself invisible by using ninja power and thinks it's working when Matt accidentally stumbles over him in the kitchen.  Lucy tells everyone that she plans to tryout for cheerleading and Mary is totally against her doing so.

When church is over, Matt introduces Tia to his parents.  Annie invites her over for lunch but Matt plans to take her out.  When Tia replies that she would really like to come over, Matt agrees and Annie asks them to pick up some ice cream on the way home.  Simon stops them at the station wagon and begs to ride with them.  Matt doesn't want him coming, but when Tia insists, Matt agrees.  Simon takes a liking to Tia when she relates to him on his level by believing a person can become invisible.  At home, Mary informs Lucy that she doesn't want Lucy going out for cheerleading because she doesn't like it.  Lucy feels hurt because Mary won't help her when she had helped Mary work on basketball.  Towards the end of dinner, Eric, Annie, Matt, and Tia sit around the table and Tia asks Eric to quote the Robert Frost poem he uses in that morning's sermon.  When he does, Tia suddenly gets upset and runs out of the room.  Annie tells Matt to go after her though Matt thinks Eric should since he made her cry.  Matt agrees and Tia confides in him that her parents have recently divorced.

The next day at school, Matt and Tia make plans for Matt to drop her off at her dad's and she'll follow him back to his house in her car so they can study together.  Eric comes home from work early and finds that Ruthie is out of the house and the rest of the kids won't be back for another hour.  Since Annie wanted him to add some surprises into their marriage again, he views this as an opportunity, but Annie gets upset, saying that she wants to be surprised with something Eric plans and tells him before leaving the room that he'll need to pick up Mary from practice later.  When Lucy walks out of her school, she overhears a couple other girls in front of her saying how Lucy's nice, but not good enough to get on the team.  When she reaches the station wagon, Matt can tell that something is wrong with her.  He refuses to let Lucy in the car until he tells him and when she does, he promises that he'll help her get into cheerleading like he helped Mary get into basketball.  Lucy is glad, but nervous, and gets annoyed when she realizes that Simon had been hiding in the back seat.

When Tia's mom drops Tia off at the Camden's, Annie gets a poor impression of Tia's mom.  Later that evening, Matt and Tia are studying in the living room when Eric and Annie drop in to tell them they're going upstairs for the night.  As soon as they leave, Matt informs Tia that that's their way of saying it's time for her to go home.  Tia agrees and leaves.  Around 2 AM, a phone call wakes Eric and Annie out of bed.  Tia's dad is home and says that Tia never came home and wants to know if she's there.  Eric says he'll check and he heads to Matt's room while Annie heads downstairs.  Eric peeks in to find Matt alone in his room then joins his wife on the front porch.  They see Tia asleep in her car in the driveway and Eric and Annie go to her.  They wake her up and bring her back in the house.  They then call her dad who is a little too happy to let Tia spend the night there.

When the kids see Tia there the next morning, Matt is alarmed and assures his parents that nothing happened which they tell him they know.  Tia tells everyone that she had planned on going home before anyone got up and will leave now to go get changes for school.  Mary tells her to come upstairs with her and she can borrow some of Mary's clothes.  Lucy goes up with them.  Eric and Annie talk and agree that Tia doesn't want Matt for a boyfriend, but wants to be a part of the family.  Annie figures that Matt will figure that out eventually.

Eric makes an appointment with Tia's dad, but gets nowhere.  Matt takes Lucy to a gymnastics gymnasium where he helps her to learn coordination and skill, taking her from a total klutz to being very good.  When Matt finds Tia in Mary and Lucy's room, he asks her if she'd like to go out with them but she declines, wanting to hang out with the girls. When Matt leaves, Simon informs Matt that it's obvious Tia would like to be adopted into the family.  Lucy's tryouts are a success and she makes the team as her entire family get very excited for her, including Mary who later buys her a sports bra to celebrate.  Eric arranges for both of Tia's parents to come over to talk with Tia about how she feels and the parents agree to see Eric with Tia for further counseling.  Eric finally plans a surprise that Annie enjoys.  He takes her up on the roof of the house with his guitar.  They share how their first night in that house, they had gone up onto the roof together.  Eric starts playing his guitar and singing and Annie joins in.

12.With Little Help From My Friends

The family got home from church and Eric was upset that Matt wasn't there.  He asked the kids if they knew where Matt was, none of them knew, but Simon figured it was a girl.  When Matt called, he asked Eric not to get mad, but he couldn't tell his dad where he was or what he was doing.  Truth be known, he was at Miss Bink's house helping her do simple tasks.  When Miss Bink kept calling Matt to come over to do different tasks, even calling him out of school, Matt realized that he she was more than he could handle, but Miss Bink refused to let Matt tell his dad because she was afraid Eric would put her in a home.

Simon was concerned and anxious in anticipation of Happy having puppies.  Lucy wanted a boy/girl party for her 13th birthday, but her parents decided against it.  Lucy talked to Jimmy about it on the phone.  Eric and Annie had to explain to Simon that Happy wouldn't go to the hospital to have her puppies.  Eric worked on trying to find a job for Steve, a member of the congregation with a wife and daughter who was out of work and living out of his van.  Eric offered to let them stay in his house, but Steve refused.  At school, Jimmy told Lucy that his best friend Dwight was having a birthday party on the same day as Lucy's birthday.  Dwight suggested that they make it a double party, but Lucy made excuses, not wanting to share her birthday with someone else.  Lucy got upset when Jimmy told her that he was going to Dwight's party.

When Lucy found out that Dwight came over to ask Annie to let Lucy come to his party, she got upset.  Happy finally gave birth to two puppies as the family rushed to see her.  Eric asked Matt and Mary about ditching to help an Aunt Gladys, but Matt and Mary both promised not to tell about Miss Bink.    When Matt couldn't make it to Miss Bink's before school, but promised to make it after school, Miss Bink tried to get her money can off a top shelf and fell down.  When Eric got angry at Lucy for being selfish in not going to the party, he chased after her and had a heart to heart.  When Eric got downstairs after Matt got a phone call, Matt confessed to Eric about Miss Bink.  Eric went with Matt to the hospital so he could talk to the doctor while Matt talked to Miss Bink.  The doctor told Eric that Miss Bink's problem was that she was mixing her medications but would suffer a broken leg for awhile.  When Eric peeked in on Matt and Miss Bink, she spotted Eric and he came in to join them.  Eric asked Miss Bink if she would hire Steve and his family to do work around the house until her leg got better.  She agreed and while they were working, asked Steve to turn the garage into an apartment and he and his family could live there until they got back on their feet.

At school on Lucy's birthday, Jimmy told Lucy that the birthday party for Dwight was a surprise party for Lucy.  Jimmy told her that because Dwight's feelings were hurt, he was going to hang out with Dwight instead of Lucy that evening.  That evening when Lucy got home with her family from dinner, she found the surprise party waiting for her in the living room.  Later that night, Lucy confessed to Mary in their room that Dwight liked her and she thought he was kind of sexy.  The family who was overhearing, waited until they heard them go to bed, then rushed in to surprise Lucy with their presents to her.  Eric gave her a framed picture of him holding Lucy right after she was born.  Annie gave her a locket that her mom had given her.  Matt and Mary gave her a basket of teen stuff.  Simon gave her a coupon for 15 days of bed making.  Ruthie gave her a Hoowie pass.  Simon had decided to give the puppies to Dwight when they were old enough.

13.America's Most Wanted

The episode opens with Annie and Ruthie relaxing on Eric and Annie's bed as Annie reads children stories to Ruthie.  Simon wanders in and out a few times looking for an excuse to join until finally Annie invites him in.  He jumps on the bed and Annie hands him the book to read.  Eric then walks in from going to a boxing match and expresses that he feels upset how it seems that hardly anyone knows the National Anthem.  Ruthie, fearful that Eric is going to ship her out of the country for not knowing it, rushes out of the room followed by Simon.  In their room Ruthie pleads with Simon to teach her the song.

In the kitchen the next morning Annie makes a complex breakfast.  Matt, Mary, and Lucy all figure it has something to do with their dad's rotten mood about the national anthem.  Lucy admits that she's having trouble starting a paper that's due the next day.  Eric walks in and Matt asks permission for him and Mary to go to "The Varsity" (a local restaurant) to meet John and Keesha that evening for dinner just to hang out with them as friends.  Eric, after giving the third degree, approves their request.  Lucy complains that she wishes they'd pick another night when she didn't have a paper to write so she could go to.

At school, Lucy asks for an extension on her paper but is denied.  She also breaks up with Jimmy because Dwight (Jimmy's best friend) likes her and she's having trouble figuring it all out.  At home that evening before Matt and Mary leave, Mary gives Lucy her old paper for the same class telling Lucy that she could use her quotes and bibliography and write her paper based off that.  That evening at the Varsity, we learn that the real reason they were all going to meet was because Mary was feeling pressured from her team to steal some item from the restaurant since everyone else already had.  At home, Eric finds the glass she stole and Matt takes the blame for it.  Eric is quick to believe Matt and scolds him, telling him to return the glass and apologize, then they'd determine his punishment.

The next day when Matt returns the glass and apologizes, the owner refuses to accept the apology and says that he's pressing charges.  At home Eric brings home a depressed Lucy and tells Annie that Matt never showed up with stuff for her cheerleading team.  The phone rings and Annie answers to find out about Matt's situation.  She tells Eric.  Up in their room Lucy dumps her stuff and finds Mary upset, though Mary doesn't want to talk about it.  Lucy, upset as well, finally confesses that she paraphrased Mary's paper and got away with it, getting a B+.  Mary decides to stop crying since they're both crying, but still doesn't tell Lucy that she stole the glass that got Matt in trouble with the law.

Matt tells Mary to keep her mouth shut while he takes all the blame.  John and Keesha's dad Morgan finds out about the situation at the Camden household and is able to figure out on his own that Mary stole the glass and that Matt is covering for her.  He grounds his son and daughter and tells them that he hasn't decided yet if he'll give this information to Eric or not.  John calls Matt on the phone to warn Matt that his dad knows and might call Matt's dad.  Annie reads Lucy's paper and realizes that Lucy plagiarized.  She tells Lucy that she has to confess to her teacher.

On the morning of the trial day, Matt sees his parents in the kitchen.  He says that he's leaving early and when questioned why, he tells them that he's going to talk to a counselor.  Eric tells Matt that he can talk to him, but Matt tells Eric that he wants to talk to a counselor about Eric.  Eric, hurt, finally lets Matt go and says he'll take the other kids to school.  Matt shows up at the Hamilton's residence and talks to Morgan about what happened.  Morgan makes Matt promise to tell his dad the truth after the trial (since Matt is adamant about not letting Eric know beforehand).  Morgan also tells Matt that he has an idea to try and help in out in court.

At school Lucy confesses to her teacher what she did.  Her teacher is so surprised by Lucy's honesty that she gives Lucy one more night to write a paper.  As she walks out into the hall, she tells Jimmy that she likes him like a boyfriend and Dwight like a friend.  When the kids all get home, they find Annie and Ruthie playing with the puppies in the backyard.  Mary and Lucy both state that they want to go to court to support Matt.  Annie reluctantly agrees, saying she'll call someone to see if they can come baby-sit.  Mary tells Matt that she has to tell their parents it was her fault but he tells her not to.

At home, the baby-sitter teaches Simon and Ruthie the story behind the National Anthem.  She then is able to finally get Ruthie to learn the song where Simon has been failing.

Right before Matt's court appearance at 4, Eric takes him out into the hall.  He assures Matt that good or bad, he will always love Matt.  Matt replies that all his life he's felt like his dad is always angry at him, ready to jump on him at any moment.  He tells Eric that there's something he wants to tell him after the court appearance that will probably make him angry, but he'll keep in mind that his dad loves him no matter what.  Eric tries to get Matt to tell him then, but Matt refuses.  Matt is called to the stand with Eric and Annie beside him.  Suddenly Mary calls out that it's her fault and walks forward.  When the judge questions Eric and Annie, they reply that they had no idea that Mary had really stolen it.  Just then several sports players from school walk in carrying stolen stuff from the Varsity.  The owner of the Varsity wants to press charges against all of them, but Eric and the judge talk him out of it, volunteering the kids to help clean up his diner.  Eric asks Matt if this is what he wanted to tell Eric after the court hearing and Matt says that it is.  Eric and Annie feel proud of Matt for sticking up for Mary and Mary for telling the truth in such frightening circumstances.

As they all arrive home, the greet Simon by the front door.  Lucy starts to tell him about court, but Simon interrupts her saying that they have a surprise for all of them in the living room.  They all walk in and sit down as Simon turns on the lights.  Ruthie stands on a chair in front of a flag that she, Simon, and the baby-sitter made as the baby-sitter plays the piano and Simon directs with sparklers, Ruthie sings the National Anthem to the enjoyment of the family and the pride of Eric and Annie.

14.Seven is Enought


The kids are all out of school for the day and Eric and Annie have drug them to the airport to greet Eric's parents who have flown in to visit.  No one is excited to see them and the kids complain about having to spend a Friday off from school picking up their grandparents.  Eric and Annie remind them that it's tradition and that The Colonel and Grandma Ruth like the whole family picking them up.  They also complain about the candy that their grandparents always bring and Eric and Annie tell the kids to be appreciative of it anyway.  As the Colonel and Grandma Ruth approach, the kids all move to greet them and Eric mentions to Annie that if the kids complained about the candy that his parents might bring something worse.  Before greeting the kids, the Colonel and Ruth wonder why the kids like the candy so much when it doesn't taste good.

At home Eric and Annie give up their room for the Colonel and Ruth and take Matt's room and his single size bed.  Matt takes the downstairs couch for the time being.  Matt, Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie all meet out in the garage to discuss how to handle the Colonel and Ruth.  Matt gives them advice and Eric sneaks in to also get away from his parents.  Upstairs the Colonel and Ruth complain to each other about Lucy's non-stop talking about her life and boyfriend Jimmy Moon on the car ride home from the airport.  Annie approaches them and asks if they'd like to accompany her to the hardware store.  They both are happy for the opportunity and as they head down the hall they are greeted by Lucy who is eager to join them.  The Colonel and Ruth try to talk her out of going but Lucy insists because it will give her the opportunity to talk with them.  Mary comes out of her room and tells everyone that she'll go, saying to Lucy that she will give her grandparents someone to talk to.  At the hardware store, Lucy talks with her grandparents but gets the sense from them that they don't like listening to her.  Mary interrupts and a hurt Lucy walks on to meet up with her mom at the cashier counter.  As Annie talks to the lady behind the counter, she notices that the lady is wearing a necklace with an engagement ring and wedding band exactly like the ones that had been stolen from her.  As Lucy walks up next to Annie, she sees it to.  Mary then walks up next to Lucy to apologize and Lucy points out the rings to Mary.  Both Mary and Lucy make a fuss over it, but Annie quickly tells everyone that they look like hers but they aren't.  The lady behind the counter says that they were a gift from her son and are very special to her.

The Colonel walks into Eric's office at church smoking a cigar.  Eric mentions the church's no-smoking policy and the Colonel reluctantly puts it out.  The Colonel sits down across from Eric's desk and they begin talking, Eric obviously not in the mood to talk with his father.  The Colonel asks Eric how many people are breathing in his office at that moment.  Eric, thinking it is a stupid question, says two.  The Colonel stands up and walks to a rack of choir robes and moves them aside to reveal a young, dirty boy lying on the floor hiding.  Eric walks over not believing his eyes.  The boy introduces himself as George The Orphan.

At home Eric confirms that the boy's name is George and he is an orphan who ran away after being sent back from his 12th foster home.  Nine year old George had visited the church and asked about Eric, then ran away hoping to live with Eric, not realizing he was married with children.  Eric and Annie discuss George and determine that they want to adopt the seemingly sweet boy.  When sharing this with their kids, Matt, Mary, and Lucy all feel uncertain about it due to their already large family.  Simon feels the same way, though after sharing his room with George has come to a strong dislike for the boy.  Ruthie is the only one who is excited about the idea.  After getting to know George his first night in the house, the Colonel and Ruth determine that Eric and Annie aren't the right people to adopt George.  They tell Annie that they want to go to the hardware store and Annie tells them where the keys to the car are.

Going into Mary and Lucy's room, Annie finds Lucy putting some clothes up in her closet.  She notices that Lucy is crying and asks what's wrong.  Lucy, unable to find the words to say, tell her mom that nothing's wrong but Annie moves in closer.  As they sit on the closet floor, Lucy cries that her attempts to get close to her grandparents have failed because they don't like her.  She expresses her sadness over Annie's mom's recent death and how Grandma Ruth is now her only grandma.  She tells her mom that it was nice of the Colonel and Ruth to go get her wedding rings back for her.  Annie alarmed that that was the reason they left runs to find Eric.  They all run down to the garage where they find Simon, Ruthie, and George in the van - George had broken in to prove to Simon that he could.  Matt and Mary join them, hoping that Eric and Annie won't see the scratch and dent that Mary made when Matt let her drive without a permit.  The kids get out and Eric gets in a drives away.

Eric greets the lady behind the counter at the hardware store who says she hasn't seen anyone who fit the description of his parents.  He makes mention of the wedding rings around her neck but she holds close to them, not willing to give them up.  The Colonel and Ruth never went to the store, rather they went to discuss the adoption of George which was approved.  Upon coming back home, they tell Eric and Annie of their decision to adopt George which George overhears from the kitchen stairs.  Eric gets angry at them telling them that they are not good enough parents for George.  Later George finds the Colonel and Ruth packing and they tell him they'll be leaving in the morning.  George begins to cry, telling them that he wants them to adopt him.  The Colonel and Ruth try to influence him that he's got a good family with Eric, Annie, and their kids.  Eric and Annie overhear from the hallway and have a change of heart.

The next morning as the Colonel and Ruth are about to leave as the cab arrives, the kids all come to bid them farewell.  George is still upset over the decision.  Just before they leave, Eric and Annie walk in and Eric hands his parents George's adoption papers.  Eric and Annie both say they've decided that George should live with the family he wants.  Everyone is happy and rejoicing when the doorbell rings.  A man walks in and tells Simon that he won the drawing for a new red Viper. Simon, who was beginning to think George was jinxing his luck, feels lucky again.  The man mentions to Simon that he's not 18, the minimum age limit for the contest.  Simon understand and asks if his dad can take him for a drive around the block.  The man wants to say know, but the Colonel's intimidating presence makes him say yes.  Annie mentions that she wants to drive, but Eric says that it was his parents who had spent the last three days with them.  Eric and Simon hop in the sports car and Eric mentions that in six years he'll be teaching Simon how to drive.  Simon mentions that Eric will also teach his brother.  When Eric fails to understand, Simon points out that George will now be Eric's brother.  The two drive off down the street hooting and hollering.

15.Happy's Valentine

It's Valentine's Day morning and Annie informs Eric that they are going on a camping trip with Morgan and Patricia Hamilton.  Eric doesn't want to go since he doesn't like camping, but Annie insists.  Quickly, they try to figure everything out with the kids, who are less than enthusiastic since Matt had plans to double date with friend John Hamilton, Mary had already invited friends over for the evening to watch videos, and Lucy was hoping that Jimmy would stop by to celebrate Valentine's Day.  Eric and Annie okay the kids plans so long as the younger Camden and Hamilton children are taken care of.  Also during the day, the puppies are finally given away, despite Ruthie's efforts to coax her mom into keeping them.

When the parents are gone, Matt organizes it to where Mary and her friends will watch videos in the living room, Matt and John will entertain their dates in the den, and Lucy and Jimmy will take the younger four kids to the movies.  Lucy cons $20 out of Matt and Mary, but Simon and Nigel con that money out of her at the movie theater.  Simon didn't want to go to the theater because he felt he needed to keep an eye on Happy since her puppies were just sent away that day, but Matt promises to watch Happy.  When Matt, John, and their dates arrive home, they find a huge party going on in the living room.  Mary says that people just started showing up, but she's clearly enjoying it.  Matt and John realize that they'll be in trouble, but decide to enjoy the party anyway.  When Matt leaves his date to confront two guys who are drinking beer and John leaves to tell his sister to stay away from a certain guy, two other guys move in on the dates.  Meanwhile, Lucy gets annoyed at Jimmy in the movie theater by the unromantic card he gives her.  They decided to go to a french film while sending the kids to a cartoon retrospective.  When Simon gets caught throwing popcorn at people, they all get kicked out of the theater.

Eric and Morgan, concerned that the kids might be throwing a party, call Sgt. Michaels and ask him to check things out.  Eric and Morgan are miserable on the camping trip, but things get worse when Patricia's ex-husband calls.  Eric and Annie, who never knew she had been married before, learn that she married soon after high school on Valentine's Day and it only lasted a year.  The ex-husband, however, feels he should call her every Valentine's Day which annoys Morgan, but Morgan refuses to talk to his wife about her ex-husband.

When Sgt. Michaels stops in at the party, he finds his own son drinking beer.  He tells him to call his mom to come pick him up and as kids leave the party, he tells Matt that he found Happy on the road, hit by a car.  Matt goes to the animal hospital with Sgt. Michaels while John goes to pick up the kids at the theater.  Sgt. Michaels calls Eric to tell him about Happy and Eric, Annie, Morgan, and Patricia all decide to head home early.  When Matt comes home, he tells Simon about Happy and Simon demands to be with Happy.  Matt agrees and takes Simon to the animal hospital.  When the parents get home, all four question the kids at the house about what happened that evening.  As the Hamilton's leave with their children, Matt calls and tells Eric about Happy.  The girls demand to go to the animal hospital with their parents and they all go down where they learn that Happy's vital signs are good, but she just won't wake up, so no one knows anything.  Simon spends the night sleeping beside Happy while the rest of the family falls asleep in the waiting room.

The next morning, Happy wakes Simon up who quickly calls out for everyone.  Everyone is relieved that Happy will be okay and Simon forgives Matt for not watching her.

16.Brave New World

Ruthie starts pre kindergarten and Simon feels it's his duty to tell her everything she needs to know about school.  Lucy and Eric get suspicious about Lucy's friend, but Eric decides not to pursue it, so Lucy does.  She learns that her friend is pretending to live in a very nice neighborhood when in fact she lives in a very bad neighborhood in an apartment.  Lucy begs Eric to help the family out and Eric agrees to look into it.  He learns that the mom is working two jobs and her ex-husband refuses to pay child support.  When Lucy's friend finds Eric in her house, she gets upset and angry with Lucy.  Eric goes and talks to the father, a car dealer, and after playing several games of pool and beating him, the father agrees to help his daughter out with child support payments.  Lucy and her friend eventually reconcile with each other and are friends again.

Meanwhile, Mary is being sexually harassed by a boy named Michael Towner at school.  When Mary turned him down when he asked her out, he wrote a derogatory comment about her on the wall in the men's rest room which Mary snuck in to see.  Matt also saw it and decides to stick up for his sister, but Mary tells him to stay out of it.  Mary tries ignoring the guy, but he's bent on making her miserable.  When he finally passes her in the hallway and snaps her bra strap, she confronts him.  She follows him into the rest room where she sticks his head in the toilet.  The principal catches them and they have to face her after school with their parents.  In the conference with the principal and parents, Michael says he wants to press charges against Mary.  The principal then mentions that Mary will probably want to press sexual harassment charges against him.  Michael did not realize he was sexually harassing Mary and the principal makes it very clear to him that he was.  They decide to just drop the whole matter and the principal informs Michael that she'll be watching him.

Simon feels he's not longer useful when Ruthie makes a new friend from school, but Matt encourages him that he'll also be useful to her.


Mary was in detention for tardiness where she met a girl named Camille who was in there for smoking the boys locker room.  At home, Ruthie asked Annie for a pet but Annie wouldn't let her have one.  When Matt, Lucy, and Simon came home, Matt covered for Mary by telling Annie she was at basketball practice.  Annie told Lucy that her dad wanted to talk to her and Lucy automatically assumed that she was in trouble.  A former associate minister of Eric's, Tom dropped by the house for a visit.  When he asked for then to call him a cab to find a hotel, Annie insisted that he stay with them, but Eric confessed to Annie in private that he's always felt uneasy around Tom, as though Tom were hiding something.

Lucy found Eric and apologized for whatever she did.  Eric told her that she didn't do anything, but since she was 13, she could start taking confirmation classes to join the church as an adult.  Outside, Eric and Ruthie found a $50 bill that Tom had dropped and they decided not to tell anyone.  When Mary came home, she asked Annie if she could go to the mall with Camille.  Annie reluctantly agreed even though Matt was totally against the idea since Camille had a reputation of being wild.

Lucy went to see Tom at her mom's suggestion to get some help to study for confirmation.  Tom told Lucy that she should consider all her religious options before taking the class.  Meanwhile, in the kitchen Eric confessed to Annie that he always felt like Tom was hiding something.  When Simon asked Eric to take him and Ruthie to the mall, Eric turned them down as Matt and Mary came down the stairs.  Overhearing the conversation, Matt suggested that Mary take them with her to the mall and Eric agreed.  Back in the kitchen, Annie realized that Tom was having some kind of problem, but he decided not to tell her what.

Later, Annie found Eric in his den, hiding from Tom.  Lucy walked in and Annie left to leave them alone together.  Lucy asked Eric for a book on Buddhism, telling him that Tom had suggested that she look at all her religious options.  At the mall, Mary let Simon and Ruthie go to pet store next door while she and Camille shopped.  In the pet store, Simon and Ruthie learned that they could not buy a pet without parent's consent.  Outside the store, they found a man who had tried to sell ferrets to the pet store owner, but the pet store owner had told the man that ferrets were illegal.  Simon, not knowing they were illegal, bought the two ferrets for $50.  At home, Eric and Annie went to visit a woman named Judy who was struggling after her husband's suicide.

At home, Matt hung out in Lucy's room, listening to Lucy talk about Buddhism with him.  When Mary, Simon, and Ruthie got home, Mary told Matt she was going to bed.  Matt believed that something was up because it was only 9 PM.  Upstairs, Mary told Lucy that she was sneaking out to a frat party and convinced Lucy to cover for her.  Lucy went downstairs to distract Matt by talking with him more about Buddhism while Mary snuck out.  Simon and Ruthie ran downstairs to get food for the ferrets while the ferrets escaped.  When Mary got in the car with Camille, she handed Mary a dress that she stole from the store and told Mary to put it on.

When Eric and Annie got home, Matt was relieved to get a break from listening to Lucy.  Lucy told her parents that Tom went out for a walk.  When Eric said he wanted a bachelor's steak and pulled out a cereal box, they saw a huge hole in the box.  Annie, alarmed that they had mice, went in search of traps.  Matt asked Eric if he was going to eat it after mice had gotten into it but Eric ate it anyway.  Meanwhile, Tom decided to leave the pool hall where he was drinking Slice.  When Mary and Camille got to the party, Mary was alarmed because it was just a few people on dates and Camille set Mary up with a guy.  Back home, Simon and Ruthie realized that the ferrets were gone.  Annie came in and told them to go to bed and Annie informed them that they had mice.  Lucy continued all evening to cover for Mary.

Lucy went down to Eric's den to ask him for more books on religion.  After Lucy left and Annie came in, it was clear that Eric was uncomfortable with Lucy not joining their church.  Annie admitted to Eric that she was worried about Tom and Eric left the house.  At home, Annie saw the ferrets come out of her dresser drawer thinking that they were mice.  Simon ran in to tell Annie that they were his ferrets.  At the party, Mary told Camille that she was ready to go home, but Camille refused to leave.  Mary ended up calling home, getting Lucy, and asking for Matt.  Matt left to get Mary and ordered Camille to get in the car.

Eric found Tom at church where Tom confessed to having epilepsy.  He told Eric that he was thinking of leaving the church since he had a seizure during his sermon the Sunday before.  At home, Annie told Eric and Tom about the ferrets.  Tom asked if he could have the ferrets which Annie was going to get rid of anyway.  Matt and Mary came home and Mary confessed to sneaking out and going to a frat party with Camille who she met in detention.  When Annie realized that Lucy was covering for Mary, Eric used it to his advantage to get Lucy into confirmation class.  Upstairs, Mary talked with Matt and confessed to wearing a stolen dress.

The following Saturday, Tom preached a practice sermon to the Camden's and Judy before heading home.

18.Faith,Hope&Bottom Line

Simon's determined to play catcher in baseball, but was too scared to get his tetanus shot.  Eric, who was nervous about shots as well, volunteered Matt to take Simon, but Matt was also nervous.  Ruthie's excited about her phone number book she got at school and wants to try out the emergency numbers which resulted in trouble when she called 911 and said that her brother was barracaded in his room.  Eric wanted to hire an ex-convict as church treasurer, but the deacons refused.  The deacons hired Annie as a temporary church treasurer until the could find someone else.  The deacons wanted to install a security system for the church which Eric was opposed to.  Meanwhile, Lucy talked Mary into tutoring Jimmy for science.

19.It's About George

The Colonel and Ruth were visiting and Lucy was dreading introducing her boyfriend Jimmy Moon to them.  Matt and Mary put on a fabulous performance of a portrayal of the two.  At the end, they put the performance on for Eric, Annie, and Julie, not realizing that their grandparents walked in behind them and saw it.

Julie got out of rehab to meet Annie, Matt, the Colonel, Ruth, and George.  Eric missed it because he was visiting with a man who had to leave the country for his safety after helping the government.  Now he was back and was looking to find his son to start a new life.  The problem was, George, the boy who the Colonel and Ruth adopted, was his son.

Eric told his parents who for the first time in their life, felt helpless.  They pleaded for Eric to help but Eric told them that there was nothing he could do.  Meanwhile, Julie had to find someway of tolerating her parents and found it when she found her dad, the Colonel, in the backyard, sitting in the boat Annie had made, crying.  He confessed to her that he had lost Eric and her and was now losing George.  He believed he had failed all the children he loved.  Julie assured him that they hadn't lost her.

20.Say Good-bye

An old friend of Annie's from High School, Rachel came for a visit.  When she hit on Matt, Matt was in a dilemma of if he should tell Annie.  Eric overheard him and Mary talking about it.  Rachel told Annie that Matt had a crush on her and Annie scolded Matt.  Matt just took it and didn't tell her the truth, but later, Rachel told Annie the truth and Annie got upset at her friend.

21.Dangerous Liasios[Pt1}

Annie was excited and nervous about her father coming for a visit since it was his first visit since his wife's funeral.  Annie had her husband and kids doing a massive clean-up of the house and in getting frustrated, sent Mary and Ruthie to the park where Ruthie met a boy named Wilson playing with a toddler named Billy.  Wilson and Mary hit it off and Wilson asked Mary out on a date.  Meanwhile, Simon found a Cosmopolitan magazine in his closet which Lucy demanded he give to her.  She threatened to tell mom he had it if she didn't, so Simon gave it to her.  Later, Simon found Lucy in her room and suggested that she use the rinse that was in the magazine to make her hair blonde.  When Lucy asked Annie for permission, Annie said she would think about it.  When Eric and Matt arrived home with Grandpa, Annie rushed into his arms and then was surprised when her dad introduced his new girlfriend Ginger.  Annie became angry about her dad having a new girlfriend so soon after her mom's death, but the rest of the family seemed okay with it.

After an uncomfortably silent meal, Matt drove Grandpa Charles and Ginger to their hotel.  When they passed by a house where Matt spotted a girl he had bumped into at the airport, Charles encouraged Matt to pull over and go up to her house.  Matt did to find out that the girl named Heather was deaf.  Matt managed to get her to agree to go out on a date with him that evening.  As Eric and Annie had  a heated argument in the kitchen, Lucy came down and asked permission to use the rinse in her hair.  Not knowing what she was talking about, Eric told her it was okay.  Later, after she used it, Lucy did not like the new look.

Mary's date with Wilson turned out bad when some guys from Mary's school started hassling them.  Mary believed they were targeting her while Wilson believed they were targeting him.  Wilson got upset that Mary got so defensive and spoke up for him and they left.  Meanwhile, as Matt danced with Heather at a party, two guys in the corner were making fun of her.  Heather saw them and got upset and stormed out of the house.  When Matt caught up with her, she wrote on the pad of paper for him to take her home.  When Matt got back to his house, he found Mary and Wilson outside.  After Mary went in, Wilson told Matt that he use to date Mary.  Inside, Simon ran down to tell Matt to compliment Lucy when he saw her so she wouldn't kill him (Simon).  Mary told Matt about the incident at the pool hall then left.  Eric talked with Matt about his evening and suggested that Matt invite Heather and her mom to church which he did.

The next day at church, Heather and her mom did not show up.  Wilson showed up and confessed to Mary alone that Billy was his son, not his brother.  He then went into the church before she could speak.  As Annie and her kids sat in a pew, Annie watched her dad and Ginger walk in and sit somewhere else in church.  Annie, very upset over the whole Ginger situation, stood up and rushed out the back of the church.  Eric, concerned, eyed to Mary to follow.  Mary got up and followed her mom out.  Outside, Mary saw her mom across the street and called out to her.  Just as Mary started to cross the street, a red car sped by and hit Mary.  As Mary fell to the ground, the car zoomed off and Annie immediately ran back to her.  At the sound of commotion in the street, the entire congregation ran out to see what happened as the episode came to an end.

22,Dangerous Liasios{pt2}

Mary made it through a successful knee surgery, but when leaving the hospital, the doctor told Eric that she might never play basketball again.  When Michael Towner apologized to Matt for hitting Mary with his car, Matt angrily punched him down which scared Heather off, but she told him later she'd like to move slower and get to know him first.  Annie finally learned to accept Ginger as her dad's friend.  Wilson went to Eric at the church to explain to him that Billy was his son and that Billy's mom died in childbirth.  Wilson explained to Eric that he knew better than most people the consequences of pre-marital sex and still wanted to date Mary.  Eric and Annie agreed that while Mary recovered, he could come to the house and hang out with her which would give them a chance to get to know Wilson.  Jimmy broke up with Lucy because of her new hair color and started going out with a girl from school named Ashley.  Simon comforted Lucy over it all.  After a good cry in the car, Eric and Mary went to join the family in the backyard for a welcome home party where Mary played basketball in her wheelchair.  Eric went over to tell Annie what the doctor said.






23.Don't take my Love Away

A woman dropped by Eric's office to tell Eric that her wedding anniversary was coming up and it would have been 25 years but her husband had been murdered almost 3 years before by a juvenile.  She had never seen him in court because he had pled guilty so she wrote him a letter everyday, but never got a response.  She asked Eric if he could help get her to meet with the young man and Eric said he would try.  After she left, Eric literally ran home and asked Annie to marry him again in the presence of all their kids.

Simon wanted to move into the attic until Ruthie got Matt to tell Simon a ghost story about the house's previous owner.  Simon decided stay in his room with Ruthie.  Mary felt sorry for herself because her knee injury and recovery and distanced herself from Wilson to his dismay, not even inviting him to the wedding.  She was afraid that she couldn't stand without her crutches.  Lucy felt sorry for herself because breaking up with Jimmy Moon a few months before.  She invited him to the wedding and he asked to bring his new girlfriend Ashley.  Lucy agreed to it, but then called him back and told him that he was uninvited and couldn't come.  It escalated into a physical fight before the wedding and they walked away feeling better.  Matt got depressed about Heather moving and having a male friend to hang out with as a friend.  Matt decided to make his last date with Heather before she left for school to take her to the wedding.

Eric talked to the young man, bribing him out with a hamburger and fries.  The young man dumped out all the lady's letters, all unopened except the first.  He refused to see her but later he agreed to meet with the lady the day of the wedding.  Eric pushed it to be there before making it to the church for the wedding.  The young man was a total jerk, but the woman surprised him when she told him that she forgave him.  He got angry and the lady left.  The young man then asked Eric if he thought God would forgive him.

For the wedding, Eric called Annie's dad and talked him into sending Annie's mom's wedding dress for a surprise for Annie.  Annie let Ruthie wear a tuxedo instead of a dress to the wedding.

24.See you in September

It's that time of year when the kids all head back to school.  Eric and Annie look forward to their first day alone together as Lucy and Simon have serious concerns about their first day each at a new school.  Matt's entering his Senior year of High School, Mary her Sophomore, and Lucy her Freshman.  Simon is entering the sixth grade at his new Jr. High School and Ruthie is now in full days of school in first grade.  Eric and Annie's day alone together gets interrupted by a phone call from Sgt. Michaels who asks Eric to come help in a situation where a person on a roof is threatening to jump.  Annie insists on going with him and not being separated with him that day.

All the kids are off to a bad start at school. Matt is late to his class which he discovers is being taught by a new teacher Mr. Koper.  Mr. Koper and Matt both rub against each other the wrong way.  Mary, at the request of Eric, shows a new kid around school named Marcus who obviously likes Mary but Mary can't stand. Lucy discovers that her locker is right next to Ashley, the new girlfriend of her former boyfriend Jimmy Moon.  On top of that, the lucky lock that Eric gave Lucy won't open and Lucy is forced to carry around all her new books.  Simon's plans of buddying up with best friend Nigel Hamilton gets foiled when they learn that they have no classes together and the only time they'll get to see each other during the day is at lunch.  On top of that a bully crosses Simon's path and overhears Simon calling him a jerk which Simon weasels his way out of.  Ruthie is wearing a hat that her mom turned around backwards on her.  The teacher takes the hat off of Ruthie, calling her "Ruth" and tells her that she can't wear hats on backwards because it's related to gangs.

The person on the roof turns out to be 14 year old Peter McKinley who went on the roof to get away from his mom but ever had any intention of jumping.  Eric manages to get him and his mom to talk and schedule to come in once a week for follow up.  At school, Matt discovers that he's got Eric's beeper on him when it starts going off.  Mr. Koper hears it and ushers Matt off to see the principal since beepers are related to drug paraphernalia.  Mary is caught giving aspirin to Lucy and they are both in trouble for having drugs.  Simon eating lunch with Nigel and the bully pulls out a fork and knife to cut his chicken when a teacher catches him and takes him to the principal's for having a weapon.    Ruthie's teacher continues to have problems with Ruthie wearing her hat and finally gives Ruthie a time out.  Later Ruthie and a new friend are found around a toilet where Ruthie's hat fell in.  The teacher fishes it out for her and Ruthie promises not to wear it again.  After the teacher walks away, Ruthie tells her friend that she wouldn't want to wear it now that it's been in a toilet and that she'll give it to Simon.

Matt, Mary, and Lucy all explain that they had the beeper and aspirin because of their parents.  They're all given one day of suspension.  Mr. Koper, also a coach, promises Mary that they'll work on getting her knee better so she can play basketball again.  Simon also is given a day of suspension.  Sgt. Michaels approaches Eric and tells Eric that all three schools have been trying to get hold of him all day but couldn't beep him.  The family all sits down together in the evening to discuss it. The parents don't punish them as they realize they had given their kids everything that they had gotten in trouble for.  Ruthie gives Simon the hat and he wears it, no one knows why Ruthie starts laughing.

25.I love you

Annie is feeling huge during her pregnancy and starts wearing Eric's pants.  Ruthie pretends to suffer the same symptoms as Annie to keep her attention.  Matt decides to move out now that he's a freshman in college and finds three girls to move in with, one whom he took to the prom the year before.  Lucy, after suffering a break-up with Kenny over the summer, tells Mary that from now on she goes by the rules she finds in a book on how to get a guy.  Mary makes it a contest by saying that by breaking the rules, she can get more guys than Lucy using the rules.  Lucy tells Mary that this isn't a contest, but Mary refuses to listen to her.  Simon's girlfriend cons Simon into making up an excuse to his parents to come over on a school night.  She kisses Simon once he's in her house and her dad walks by.  That bothers Simon but his girlfriend tells Simon that it's nothing to worry about, that they are a very affectionate family.  Still, Simon feels uneasy about it.

Matt ends up moving back home when it doesn't work out living with three other females he's not related to.  Jordan who asks Mary out on a date but Mary tells him she can't go out on a school night, is invited over to the Camden's to play basketball.  Afterwards at school when Jordan is at her locker talking to  Mary, another guy Mary made a date with for that weekend walks by and asks Mary in front of Jordan if they are still on.  Mary says they are and Jordan walks on.  Jordan ends up going to Lucy and asking her out on a date.  Lucy accepts.  Eric does not like or trust Jordan after accidentally taking his wallet to the Dairy Shack and seeing a picture of a naked woman in it.  Jordan later admitted to Mary that it was a joke his brother played on him.  After asking Lucy out, Lucy asks Jordan to take the picture out.

When Mary finds out about Lucy and Jordan she's angry, but Lucy reminds her that they just played basketball, they weren't on a real date.  Simon makes his girlfriend promise that she won't kiss him in front of her dad anymore.  Eric decides to take Annie in for a sonogram for their 20th wedding anniversary.  That night he takes her out to eat and runs into the kids there.  They ask where Ruthie is then suddenly a song starts playing and Ruthie with a pillow in her dress starts dancing and lip-synching to the song "Yes sir, that's my baby."  As she's doing her little routine, Eric and Annie tell the kids that they're having twins.

26.Who Knew?

The kids all come home from school and are greeted by Happy at the front door.  Each one bends down and pets Happy before going on.  When Matt leans over to pet Happy, a marijuana joint falls from his pocket.  After he leaves, Happy leans over and picks up the joint in her mouth.  Later Eric comes home and Happy is still sitting there.  As he leans over to pet Happy, she drops the joint from her mouth and Eric picks up. Figuring that Happy isn't doing drugs on the side, he suspects his children, namely Matt.  He shows the joint to Annie and tells her that he suspects Matt. Annie in defense of Matt scolds Eric that he can't fairly make that judgment without any proof and then gives evidence that could support either Mary or Lucy doing drugs.  Eric still believes it's Matt's.  The joint ends up being put in a Annie's dresser drawer in her bedroom as Eric and Annie attempt to subtly discover which of their kids the drug belongs to, pretty much ruling out Simon or Ruthie.

Mary and Lucy go into their parents bedroom and Lucy opens the dresser to look for something belonging to Annie.  She discovers the joint and shows it to Mary, believing that their mom is smoking pot.  Lucy attempts to rationalize why their mom would do such a thing.  Matt in the hall overhears their conversation and searching his pockets, realizes that he doesn't have the joint.  Now understanding why his parents have been in his face so much lately, he fears that his parents have already jumped to the wrong conclusions.  Unsure what to do, he avoids his family and calls a friend to come pick him up so that he can get out of the house.

As the evening progresses, Annie confronts Matt with her story of experimenting with drugs in her college days in hopes that he will confess to doing drugs, now believing Eric that Matt is guilty.  Matt holds out and shares nothing with her, getting away from her at the first chance he gets.  Frustrated, Eric and Annie finally hold a family meeting with all their kids.  There they show the joint to everyone and ask who it belongs to.  Lucy speaks in an embarrassing moment to say it's Annie's and is corrected that it does not belong to her mom.  With pressure mounting on Matt, he finally bursts out that it belongs to him.  Simon gets immediately angry at Matt, feeling betrayed that his big brother would do something he'd always told Simon not to do.  The kids all are ushered out leaving Matt alone with his parents.  Eric immediately brings on the accusations on Matt for doing drugs.  Matt ends up throwing Annie's story back in her face which makes his father all the more furious.  In the midst of anger and yelling, Matt's friends arrive outside and Matt runs out the door.  With Eric yelling angrily after him, Matt doesn't look back as he hops in and rides off with his friends, leaving his parents alone to think over the past few minutes and what happened.

Eric, angry with Annie doing drugs and for sharing her story with Matt, finally comes to terms with it, though wishes she hadn't shared it with him.  With a chance to cool off, Eric reflects back to his meeting with Matt with some regret.  Now with his son out on the streets who knows where and doing who knows what, concern for his son floods him and he and Annie decide to go to the church to pray about the matter.  As they walk in the sanctuary doors, they find Matt kneeling at the alter in the front of the church praying and crying.  He tells God that he doesn't know what to do, that he's never done drugs ever in his life but his parents will never believe him.  Not sure he can ever go home, he's frightened and grieved over the situation he is in which he feels he was thrust into and has no control over.  Eric and Annie hearing his prayer to God feel peace that their son is innocent and that they had accused him wrongly.  Stepping forward they say his name.  Matt stands up and turns around to face them.  They tell him to come home and wiping his eyes he walks toward them, throwing his arms around them as they embrace him.

27.Says Who?

When Simon asks Eric why the Heaven's Gate cult did what they did, Eric encourages Simon to make the rest of the family believe that he is shrinking by the power of suggestion.  Simon goes immediately to work, trying to make his family members believe that he is shrinking, mainly going after Matt.  Simon recruited Ruthie to help him convince people, but when Matt overhears Simon confessing the truth to Annie in his room, Matt, with the help of Mary, convince Simon that he really is shrinking.  Suddenly, Simon's plan to convince everyone else has backfired and he really believes that he is shrinking.  Believing that he really needs to see a doctor, Annie, upset at Matt for causing Simon to believe that he's shrinking, makes Matt take Simon to the doctor.  Simon comes home happy that he has grown an inch and a half since his last visit.

When rumors go around school that a girl named Shelby is bulimic, Lucy decides to invite her over for dinner and to study algebra.  Shelby knew why Lucy invited her, but accepted the invitation.  Mary was against the idea, but didn't know how to stop Lucy.  When Shelby dismissed herself from the table to go to the bathroom, Annie (who had found out the real reason why Lucy had invited Shelby over) went upstairs to see if anything was wrong.  Shelby informed Annie that she only went up to brush her braces.  She then confessed to Annie that she didn't mind the rumors about her being bulimic.  She found the truth even worse, that her mom couldn't always afford food and Shelby was often hungry.  Annie promised to help Shelby and her family with the church's "Meals on Wheels" plan and promised not to tell anyone Shelby's secret, even Mary and Lucy.

When Mrs. Bink sought Eric's help to find out the truth about Mrs. Hinkle putting her house up for sale and moving into a retirement community, Eric helped Mrs. Bink find the truth.  The truth ended up being that Mrs. Hinkle's spoiled, selfish children were wanting her to sell the house and move so that they could use the money she made off the house to pay for credit debts and take a vacation.  Eric and Mrs. Bink were able to convince Mrs. Hinkle to move back home and not sell her house, forcing her adult children to take on their own responsibilities.

28.Breaking Up is Hard to Do

Matt got a letter from Heather, telling him that they were breaking up.  Matt got $86 from Simon, $5 from Ruthie, $2 from Lucy, and $60 from the money can in the kitchen.  He left without telling his parents and bought a plane ticket to Indianapolis, then a bus ticket to Pittsburgh.  He then hitch-hiked to Philadelphia where Heather was in school.  Once he got there, there was no changing Heather's mind.  When Matt arrived at the bus station to pick up the ticket Eric was going to buy him, he found no ticket under the name Camden.  Eric then showed up at the bus station to fly back to Glen Oak with Matt.

Lucy got annoyed with all the kissing going on around the house.  She complained to Eric and Annie about Mary and Wilson and Eric went to break up their kissing.  As a result, Wilson got uncomfortable with the relationship and broke up with Mary.  Lucy befriended a heart-breaker at school and asked him for her first kiss, but he refused, not wanting to ruin their friendship.

Everyone in the 6th grade was going steady, except for Simon.  Simon waited too long to call Cheryl and another boy asked her to go steady.  However, Janis asked Simon to go steady and he agreed.  Simon soon grew annoyed because Janis kept calling him constantly and was arranging their future already.  Simon broke up with her, relieved that he didn't have to explain why.

Ruthie got a note sent home to her parents because a boy kissed her on the playground and she kissed him back.  The teacher thought it could be grounds for sexual harassment if the parents wanted to pursue it, but they didn't.  The next day at school, Ruthie's friend Ricky said his dad told him not to play Xena anymore because it was male bashing.

29.Girls Just Want to Have Fun

Lucy went to the mall with two friends where they all dressed too old for their age and put on make-up.  When Annie, Mary, and Ruthie arrived at the mall, Mary found Lucy first - flirting with a 20 year old security officer.  Mary got the guy to back off and warned Lucy about mom, but it was too late when Lucy saw Annie and Ruthie approach.  Annie grounded Lucy for a month and told her that their trust had been broken.  Ruthie learned the word "eventually" and annoyed her family by constantly asking how fast 100 miles per hour was.

When Stan spent the night, his nightmare woke up Simon, Eric, and Annie.  Simon knew the truth, but promised Stan to keep it a secret.  When Matt convinced Simon to spill it, Matt told Eric and Annie and Simon got angry at Matt.  When Stan thanked Matt, Simon forgave his brother.  When the truth came out, Stan's older sister Karen was a gang member who hid a lot of weapons under Stan's mattress at home.  Eric confronted the parents who didn't believe their daughter was in a gang.  They agreed to search Karen's room, but found nothing.  Eric went back later and they found everything in Stan's room.  Karen walked in and said she could get out without any problems.  At the end of the show, Annie answered the phone and went outside to let Stan know that Karen had been seriously beaten and was in the hospital.  Eric took Stan to the hospital where his parents were with his sister.  As Eric walked out of the hospital room, he heard the television in a lobby say, "It's Ten O'Clock.  Do you know where your children are?"

30.Do something

Simon tried to sell boxes of greeting cards so he could send off for a prize.  Ruthie ended up buying the boxes from him with Annie's help and then sold them for more than they were worth.  Ruthie went out with the money she earned and bought him a bigger figure than the one he would receive in the mail.

Mary and Lucy were convinced that their mom suffered from low self-esteem and fear of failure and tried to pressure Eric to encourage her to take a job she was offered by a man in church who wanted her to make her muffins for him to sell.  Annie took the job until it wore her out and when she realized that she was letting her daughters get to her

Matt took a job watching a dying boy named Steve against Eric's wishes.  Matt did his job of sitting with Steve and reading to him, but felt sorry for the boy when his only wish before dying was to go outside again.  Matt found out that the doctors thought it would be good for Steve to go outside, but the parents were paranoid and refused to let him.  When Matt took it upon himself to take Steve out and to a baseball diamond where they played baseball together, the parents and Eric went out searching for them.  The parents finally realized that they should have been the ones to take their son home instead of back to the hospital.

31.I Hate you

Simon has to give an oral report for his class and when unable to do one about JFK, chooses the Holocaust.  In doing his research, he comes across an older lady named Mrs. Kerjesv who survived the holocaust.  The lady, not wanting to relive the painful memories, tries to get Simon to stay away and Eric presses Simon to do as she wishes.

Mary and Lucy are mean to Matt's new girlfriend and when she realizes that they hate her, she breaks up with Matt.  When Matt questions her as to why, she tells him that his sisters hate her.  Matt and Annie approach Mary and Lucy and get it resolved.  Annie catches Ruthie coloring all over her walls.  Annie scolds Ruthie and Ruthie tells her mom the words "I hate you."  Broken-hearted, Annie leaves teary eyed.  She talks to Eric about it who is willing to confront Ruthie about it, but she requests that she doesn't.  Annie makes Ruthie start to clean it up, but spends time helping her, hoping that Ruthie will apologize and feel sorry for what she said. When Ruthie doesn't, but instead gets angrier at her mom for making her clean up the walls and tells her mom that she should do it by herself, Annie leaves the wall for Ruthie to clean all by herself.  Later, Ruthie finds out that she hurt her mom's heart with the words she said and finally apologizes to her mom.

When Eric finds out that there is a boy in Simon's class who believes the holocaust never even happened and refuses to believe Simon, Eric talks to Mrs. Kerjesv about it.  On the day of Simon's report, Mrs. Kerjesv shows up in class and tells the class about her experience during the holocaust to the initial opposition of that boy's father who is in class.  The woman delivers a powerful testimony to the class.

32.Truth Or Dare

When Eric couldn't fit into his pants, he figured he was gaining weight and told Annie he was going on a diet, even though she didn't think he needed it.  At school, Mary asked Matt to talk to Brian Keeves for her since she liked him and wanted Matt to fix her up.  Matt found out that Brian wasn't interested in Mary and didn't have the money to take her out so Matt gave him $20 that he borrowed from Simon.  When Mary found Lucy in the school hall, she found out that Shelby was invited to a cool group's sleep over and she wasn't.  Mary then talked to those girls after Lucy left and got them to invite Lucy.  Matt finally came in to find them and told Mary she had a date for 8 PM that night.

At home, Annie told Ruthie that she wanted to sign Ruthie up for swimming lessons at the Y.  Ruthie didn't want to go and simon offered to secretly teach her in their bathtub.  Brian came to pick up Mary and Eric took Lucy to her sleep over.  Annie then approached Matt and asked him how much he paid Brian.  On their date, Brian found out that he actually liked Mary but after she found out that Matt paid him to take her out, she got angry.  At home, Eric asked Matt to go get him some cheesburgers and to not tell Annie, but to just drop the burgers off somewhere in the garage for Eric to find.

Lucy got to the sleep over before Shelby.  The girls then told Lucy to hide under the bed so when Shelby arrived they would ask Shelby questions about Lucy to find out what Shelby really thought about Lucy.  What Shelby said made Lucy cry and Lucy called her parents and asked Annie to call back and make up some reason that Lucy had to come home.  As Eric and Annie left, Annie drove over the cheeseburgers and promised to buy Eric some more.  When Eric and Annie came home, they confronted Mary about her involvement in getting Lucy invited to the sleep over.

The next day, Eric and Lucy went out for a jog and Annie found Simon coaching Ruthie to swim in their bathtub.  Despite Simon's coaching, Annie told him to tell her she would still have to take swim lessons.  Eric and Lucy stopped for hotdogs at the park and talked about their self images.  Brian dropped by and talked to Mary and they made up and Mary agreed to go out with him again.  Ruthie went to a lesson and did great.  At home, Eric and Annie quietly checked on each kid in bed before heading to their room for a romantic evening.  At the sound of a crash and laughing, all the kids ran to their parents room to find their parents lying on their broken bed.

33.Lead,Follow or Get out of the Way

When Coach Koper didn't show up for Mary's rehab session, Mary went in search to find him in the gym at basketball practice, working with a new girl to the team who was extremely good.  Mary felt jealous and self-pity and decided to quit the basketball team.  Matt tried to convince her not to, but she wouldn't listen to him.  When Lucy got a D on her American History mid-term, she found acceptance with the slackers in the class.  Simon got a magic kit in the mail and wanted Ruthie to be his assistant, but she wanted to be in the spotlight by being the magician and refused to be Simon's assistant.  Eric came home at the beginning of the episode to tell the family that their church service would be televised that Sunday, but no one else in the family cared.  Eric got Annie to do his regular duties and then some while he suffered through writers block in coming up with the perfect sermon to be televised.  When Annie asked Eric to put the roast in the oven, Eric forgot and when Annie came home, she had to put it in, making dinner later than normal.  When Annie confronted Matt, Mary, and Lucy in the girls' room to find out about the situations with Mary and Lucy, the Colonel called and talked to Ruthie on the phone in the kitchen.  She then told the Colonel what was going on in the house and that the roast was burning in the oven.  The Colonel made a sudden unplanned trip home.  He told Eric to go write his sermon and the Colonel's presence finally gave Eric inspiration to write.  Meanwhile, the Colonel, Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie worked on cleaning up the house.  While Lucy and the Colonel made dinner, the Colonel helped her to understand American History.  When Annie came home, she was excited to see the Colonel, knowing he was there to help.

At church on Sunday morning, as Eric began to preach, Simon showed a magic trick to Ruthie where he pretended to make a mint disappear up his nose.  When Ruthie tried the same trick, she sniffed the mint up her nose and suddenly screamed, causing Eric to rush down to her.  They rushed her out and Annie got her to blow out the mint, but they took her to the emergency room anyway.  At church, Mary talked to the new girl on the team to find out she had gone through the same tough rehab as Mary and Mary decided to stick with the team.  Lucy saw one of the slackers (Todd) from school and told him that she was grounded from the phone until she raised her grades back up.  She then convinced him to come over so they could get Matt to tutor them to help Matt's ego build back up.  In the car, Matt and the Colonel agreed that neither of them liked magicians.  As Mary and Lucy got in the car, they decided to go get ice cream for Ruthie when she got home.  At the hospital, the nurse showed Ruthie how to pull a lollipop from behind someone's ear and when she came out, she pulled it from behind Simon's ear.  She agreed to help Simon learn how to do magic.

34.Rush to Judgment

Eric and Annie found out that Lou, the church treasurer, had taken a large sum of money from the church.  When confronted about it, Lou wouldn't say why, but that he would repay them.  When he got the money back, he told Eric that he would be resigning from his position as church treasurer and would leave the church.  Eric and Annie pursued and found out that Lou and his wife had an autistic son and they had some recent troubles with having him cared for.  They didn't want people to know.  Eric and Annie understood and let him stay on as church treasurer.

Lucy got a bad feeling when she saw Coach Koper hug Mary.  She told Matt who told her not to tell anyone.  Matt then confronted Koper and warned his teacher to stay away from his sister.  Koper took Matt to the principal's office to talk about it and Mary and Lucy were also called in.  Lucy quickly assumed that she must have been wrong when Mary and Koper were both stating how wrong she was.  When Annie was in church for the Wednesday morning service, she suddenly got a very bad feeling.  She got up and left the church to go to her kids High School.  Her and the principal walked into a classroom to catch the end of a discussion between Koper and Mary that led to Coach Koper being fired.  On the way out, they saw Matt and Lucy and Mary told Lucy she had been right about her feelings.

Simon decided he was addicted to the game of golf.  At church, he accidentally hit a ball that broke Lou's windshield.  Annie banned him from playing, but in his room, he hit a ball through the window.  Ruthie took the blame for it and both got in trouble.  Later, Simon confessed the truth, but both were still punished.

35.Stuck in the Middle with You

Jimmy Moon broke up with Ashley and Lucy had a hard time making up her mind between Jimmy and Rod.  She got angry when she found out that her siblings were making bets on who they thought she would end up with.  To try and win Lucy, Rod shaved off his mustache and Jimmy turned his hair purple.  She ended up dumping them both.

Annie's dad Charles came to visit and surprised everyone with his new hair piece.  He also didn't bring Ginger because he said she was uncomfortable with change.  Fact was, Charles was concerned that he wanted to be buried with Annie's mom and Ginger wanted to be buried with her first husband, so Charles had chased her off.

Annie and Eric led a counseling group for young married couples at the church and soon realized that everyone was having problems.  Eric decided it would be good if he and Annie brought up a recent argument they'd been having to show these young couples how to disagree constructively with each other and it blew up in his face.  Their argument was over where they should be buried when they died.  Their argument was finally settled as well as everyone in the group.

Ruthie brought home two lizards from school named Lester and Lizzie. Lester laid eggs.  Then Lizzie ate the eggs.  Then Lester ate Lizzie.  Then Lester croaked.  They figured that Lester was actually the girl and Lizzie's the boy.

36.Red Tape

The Camden's have received free meals at a nice restaurant.  As they sit at their table, Mary becomes aware that Lucy is wearing her new sweater without permission.  Things get worse when Lucy stains it with sauce.  Lucy promises to wash it for her.  Simon and Ruthie are not impressed with the fancy menu and request a meal served at a cheaper restaurant but are told that the restaurant doesn't serve it.  As the family makes their orders, they request small changes in each menu, but the waitress adamantly says that no changes can be made to food, coming across as being very rude.  When she finally realizes the Camden's have free coupons, she states that they are for only the day's special which is unappealing to everyone, but Annie confirms that they will all eat it and like it, being glad that she doesn't have to cook this meal.

At home, Simon orders rain boots for Happy with a credit card he found for Happy in the trash which Annie had thrown away.  When Lucy washes the shirt, it shrinks even though she washed it according to the instructions.  When Annie went to return the sweater, the woman absolutely refused to take it back without a receipt.  Getting angry, Annie makes a big scene until the lady finally throws money back at her to get rid of her.  Finally feeling sympathy for the woman, Annie takes her out for coffee.  At school, Matt discovers a personal ad for himself in the school paper that he didn't place.  When confronting the editor of the paper, the guy admits to have putting it in and threatens to sue Matt if he touches him.  Matt finally comes to terms with it when a beautiful girl responds to the ad.

Eric, working at a homeless shelter, is intrigued by a young boy who comes in asking for a can of "Beanie Weenies."  When Eric questions someone, the man tells Eric that the boy is a regular and all he wants is a can of "Beanie Weenies."   Eric, in light of noticing his own children's bad manners, is fascinated by this young boy's regular use of good manners.  He follows the boy to his home in a bad part of town.  Upon entering the building the boy went into, Eric is confronted by two large thugs.  Eric puts his Bible in front of him and the two thugs step aside.  Eric knocks on the door and the boy recognizes Eric, but tells him he can't open the door for anyone while his mom is away, so Eric sits on the floor outside the apartment and talks to the boy through the door which is cracked open, being locked with a short chain.

When the boy's mom comes home, she whops Eric on the head to tell him to get away.  He recognizes her as the waitress from the nice restaurant and she recognizes him as the father of that large troublesome family.  She lets him in and he discovers that she is in financial problems with the IRS that she didn't cause and should not be responsible for.    Eric seeks out the man taking care of her case and through a near death experience, is able to encourage the man to treat her fairly which he sets his mind to do, saying he'll have to cut through a lot of red tape to do it.


Mary had a dream that she was playing her comeback basketball game after recovering from knee surgery and fell on the court.  She woke up in the middle of the night and Lucy asked her if she was okay.  She said she was and they both turned over to go back to sleep.

Lucy and her old best friend Suzanne talked on the phone, excited that Suzanne would be coming to visit for the first time since moving away.  Mary, annoyed with her, shut Lucy in the closet.  Eric and Ruthie had a coffee morning which caused Ruthie to run late on getting ready for her first, first grade field trip.  Simon displayed his solar system model to his dad and Ruthie, showing that he used doll heads for the planets.  The family all picked up on Mary's nervousness about re-entering basketball with her playing that evening but Mary tried to deny feeling nervous to them.  Meanwhile, Suzanne told her mom that her ride to school was there, but snuck around the corner and got on a bus after her mom was out of sight.

The field trip to the art museum bored both Ruthie and her mom until her mom started getting creative with having Ruthie look at the art from different angles.  Meanwhile, all the kids in Simon's science class were nervous about presenting their solar system projects to the teacher.  When another kid's nervousness got the better of him, the teacher came down hard on the class.  When she asked Simon to show his presentation, Simon, scared, said he had trouble with his and asked for more time to work on it and the teacher agreed to, telling him to drop in later in the day.  Matt turned down a girl for the Homecoming dance, figuring he should be there to support Mary, but Mary didn't want him to take her because she thought it would be pathetic to show up at a dance with her brother.  Mary's friends tried to cheer her up, but Mary brushed them off.

While Annie and Ruthie are looking around, Annie realized that the rest of the group had already left the museum.  Annie tried to keep it a secret from Ruthie.  Simon went to a counselor to try and get transferred into a new science class, but the counselor told Simon to give his teacher a few more days.  Suzanne showed up at the Camden's house and Eric was surprised that he didn't hear them pull up.  Suzanne lied that her mom dropped her off.  Simon decided to pretend to be sick and spent the rest of the day in the nurses office to get out of going back to see his science teacher.  When Matt picked Simon up at the nurse's office, Simon explained the real reason for playing sick was that he didn't want to face his mean teacher; his science teacher overheard the conversation.

At home, Annie explained to Eric why they got left.  Matt told his parents that Simon got sick and when Simon walked in, his parents could tell that he was not sick but played along with it.  Suzanne confided in Lucy that she thought Matt was a "total babe."  Meanwhile, an old boyfriend (Richard) of Mary's talked to her in an attempt to give her some encouragement at school before Matt comes and picked her up.

When Eric ordered pizza, he asked Suzanne to call her mom because he wanted to tag on a message to the end of the call.  Suzanne took the phone down the hall and while she was gone, Eric told Lucy to call the pizza place to change the pizza order.  When Lucy picked up, she accidentally overheard Suzanne's phone call.  Upset over what she heard, she quickly hung up and told her parents that she was over green peppers.  Suzanne came back and told Eric that her mom wasn't home, but left a message on the machine to call.  Eric became suspicious and after the girls left, he hit the redial button to discover that Suzanne called a number to find out the local time.  He found her home number and called her mom to learn that Suzanne had run away.  Upstairs, Lucy confronted Suzanne about the call and supported her friend when Suzanne confided in her about running away.  Eric felt sad when he came to realize that Mary's growing up and doesn't need him as much anymore.  Later, Annie felt the same way about Simon.

Suzanne finally confronted Eric with the truth about running away.  Later, Suzanne decided to call her mom.  When Annie brought food up for Simon, Simon blabbed to Ruthie that she got left by her group without realizing that Annie didn't want her to know.  Annie encouraged Simon to face his science class and teacher head on.  When Annie told him that he can't run away from things that scare him, Mary, who was walking by, looked in and said that you can run from some things.  When Annie confronted her, Mary walked away.  Miss Hunter (Simon's teacher) made a house call and worked in Simon's room with him on his project, showing her nice side to him.  The basketball game was a success for Mary and Richard asked her over the P.A. system is she would go to the dance with him which she accepted.  Lucy and Suzanne got excited when Eric coaxed Matt into taking them to the dance and Annie was relieved when Ruthie agreed to go on more field trips again.

38.it Takes A Village

Patricia Hamilton and Annie had planned on both their families all spending the evening together, but everyone else made other plans.  Although everyone lied to Annie and Patricia about their real reasons.  John and Matt backed out so John could take Matt to a night club where he sings.  After Matt heard John sing, John asked Matt to be there when he told his parents that he wasn't going to college.  Matt told him that he didn't want to be in the same state when that happened and though John got angry, he realized that he shouldn't have asked Matt that.

Mary went on a date with a Freshman and realized it was a bad idea because of her reputation.  Lucy and Keesha snuck off to the movie theater with two guys and got caught making out by their moms.  It was Lucy's first date.  Simon and Nigel went to a make-out party and Simon got caught in the closet kissing a girl by the dad of the house.  It was Simon's first kiss.  Morgan and Eric went off to meet Patricia's ex-husband who volunteered to go by the Camden's house that evening to say hi to Patricia.  Patricia was not happy about the surprise.

Annie and Patricia ended up spending most of the evening with their youngest daughters, Ruthie and Lynn.  The two girls were fighting because they both wanted their substitute teacher as a boyfriend, but both finally made up.  At home that evening, Matt and John took it upon themselves to lecture Keesha and Lucy about making out at the theater.  The dad at the party house called home and Simon got in trouble with his parents.

39.Nothing Endures But changes

Lucy's new friend Sarah tells Lucy how cool her older sister Jen is and how Jen lets her drive sometimes even though she's too young.  Lucy agrees that it's very cool, though deep down feels slightly uneasy about it.  Jen and Sarah ask Lucy if she would like to go to the Pete's Pizza with them and Annie doesn't feel right letting Lucy ride around with some teenage girl Annie didn't know.  Annie agrees to take Lucy to meet her friends there when Mary agrees to go with them.  But when Mary drops out at the last second to baby-sit for Wilson, Matt talks it over with their parents and he will drive and drop Lucy off at the pizza place then pick her up later.  Before leaving, Lucy gets a call from Sarah and they've decided to go to a hamburger restaurant that's farther away.  Knowing Lucy won't be allowed to go there, she decides not to tell anyone and will have them pick her up at the pizza restaurant.  Matt drives Lucy to the pizza place and feels suspicious about her behavior and attitude, sensing that she's not being totally honest about her plans that evening.  He waits till he sees her almost go in the restaurant then leaves.  After he leaves, Lucy turns back around and sits down outside to wait.

Later that evening, a scared Matt comes home to find his parents in the attic and tells them there was an accident near Pete's Pizza and that he could find Lucy.  As Matt and Eric reach the first floor,  Sgt. Michaels arrives at the Camden house and asks Eric to come with him.  There was a car accident in which a teenage girl who was too young to drive and had been driving and died.  The dead girl's older sister who did have a license and was in the car was taken to the hospital.  When hearing the information on the accident, Eric asks if Lucy might have been in that car, but Sgt. Michaels assures him that Lucy she was not.  Eric goes with Sgt. Michaels to tell the family about their daughter's accident as Annie jumps in her car in hopes to find Lucy at the pizza place.  Upon arriving at the restaurant, Annie is relieved to see her daughter sitting outside.  Annie gets out and rushes to her daughter who is confused to see her mom.  Annie tells Lucy about the accident and how her friend Sarah is dead.  Grieved by it all, Lucy confesses what her real plans were that evening and realizes how close she came to possibly dying that night.

Back home, everyone is relieved that Lucy is alright, though they walk on eggshells around her knowing she's very upset and very shaken over the whole situation. Matt becomes very angry at Lucy for deceiving him like she did, knowing he'd have never forgiven himself if something had happened to her.  Overhearing Matt express this to Mary as the two discuss it, Lucy storms into Matt's room and yells at them.  She then goes back out to the hallway as Matt chases after her to stop her and inform her that the accident was not her fault.  As the emotions rise, Eric, Annie, Simon, and Ruthie all come out of their rooms at the sound of Lucy yelling.  The kids are all speechless, never seeing Lucy this upset and emotional before.  Eric and Annie try to calm her down, but she doesn't want to be calmed down.  Annie reaches to embrace her, but Lucy fights pushes her away.  Eric then tries, but she pushes him away and then falls to her knees sobbing.  At that point Eric then drops to his knees beside her to hold her and though she struggles at first, she finally caves in and lets him hold her.  As the two kneel there together on the floor, Ruthie leans against Simon and Matt puts an arm around Mary.

Lucy continues to not talk to anyone about it.  She'll sit in her room and read while Mary sits nearby and reads.  Eric longs to talk with Lucy about it, but since Eric is a professional, Lucy doesn't want to feel just like any other case.  As a result of Lucy refusing to talk to anyone, Eric calls Mary's boyfriend Wilson to come over and talk with Lucy.  As Wilson and Lucy meet together, Wilson shares that he knows how she's feeling.  He had gotten a girl pregnant who died from giving birth and blames himself for her death.  Lucy admits to him that she blames herself and that if she had told someone that Jen was letting Sarah drive instead of keeping it a secret, that Sarah might still be alive.  Lucy admits that she's scared to get close to anyone again as she realizes that everyone, including herself, could be moments away from dying.  Wilson encourages her to continue to be a good sister and a good daughter and then takes her to a support group that has helped him.

In the process of the episode, Annie makes finger puppets of each member of the family for Ruthie.  When Ruthie trashes Simon's volcano school project, Annie suggests it's time for Simon to move to the attic.  Although Simon wants his own room, he's not excited about moving up to the attic where he's so far away from everyone else.  The night that Matt seeks out his parents to tell them about the accident, Simon asks him if he can have his room and Matt take the attic, Matt agrees. Matt moves into the attic and Simon moves into Matt's room, giving Matt, Simon, and Ruthie all their own rooms.  Mary's baby-sitting for Wilson's son Billy is a little rough, but she survives and Lucy learns that Wilson still has feelings for Mary.  At the end, Lucy encourages Mary to call Wilson, then goes down from the attic to find a blanket for Matt's bed.  As she's looking through the closet in the 2nd floor hall, Eric and Annie come out to ask her what she's doing.  Lucy informs them that she's looking for the old army blanket that Matt use to take with him to camp.  Eric and Annie smile as Annie pulls it down and hands it to her.  Lucy turns away and then stops.  Eric and Annie look at her concerned as she slowly turns back to face them.  Lucy finally steps towards them to give them a hug as they deeply embrace her.  She backs away, gives a slight smile, and heads back upstairs.  Eric mentions that it's just going to take time.  Annie expresses that she's just grateful that they have her to spend that time.

40.My kinda Guy

Eric announced to the family that they would be having a foreign exchange student from France living with them for awhile.  Matt and Ruthie were both against it from the start, Mary and Lucy looked forward to the possibilities, and Simon got excited when he found out that the guy had a computer.  Annie didn't like that Eric made the decision without her because it would make for a bigger inconvenience for her, on top of the fact that they were pretty crowded already for space.  Eric talked Simon into moving back in with Ruthie so the foreign exchange student could sleep in Simon's room.

The foreign exchange student took Mary and Lucy both out on a date.  He intended to take Mary, but Lucy assumed he wanted to take her.  Since there were no cars for them to take, he called a taxi.  At the pool hall, they saw Matt out on a date and joined them.  The foreign exchange student ended up capturing Matt's date's interest and Matt took his sister's home, upset at losing his dad to the guy.  While they were out, Simon found a pack of cigarettes in the exchange student's bag and he and Ruthie smoked them.  Annie put all the blame on Simon for smoking even though it was Ruthie's idea.

Eventually all the kids went to Eric and Annie and complained about the exchange student.  He overheard and announced that he would be going back home to France.    Eric then told everyone that they needed to go apologize and they did, except for Matt, and Ruthie needed some help from Simon.  Eric and Annie asked him to stay, but he said he was going anyway.  As he went out into the empty hallway, he said, "Stupid Americans."  Everyone peeked their heads out into the hall and replied, "We heard that!"

41.time to Leave the Nest

Eric and Annie had a quiet, romantic breakfast up until Matt came in with the mail which was full of bills.  Matt came back to tell that he was in and Eric and Annie figured it was to a local school.  Lucy got upset when Mary found her diary and began reading it.  Simon surprised Eric and Annie when he brought home a filthy little girl and asked to keep her.  Eric called the police and Sgt. Michaels came by to get information about her and Simon explained that she didn't talk while Annie cleaned the girl up.  The girl reached out and hugged Annie.

In attempt to give herself space, Lucy put tape down the middle of her room to separate her half from Mary's half.  Matt told his parents that he was going to have a date up in his room that evening and Annie and Eric acted fine with it so they wouldn't give him a reason to leave.  When Eric was at the police station looking at files for the little girl, her dad came in filthy and drunk.  When he passed out, they got him to the hospital.  At the hospital, Eric told the man that they had his daughter Sarah.  Annie was alarmed when she found out that Matt's girlfriend was 23.  The girl spent the night, but Matt slept downstairs on the couch.  Annie tore the tape up from her daughter's room.  Eric told Simon about Sarah.

Eric and Sgt. Michaels went to Sarah and her dad's trailer to find it filthy and rat infested.  Annie talked with Matt, trying to encourage him to stay home and go to school.  Annie then talked to her daughter's about sex and told Lucy that she had been conceived on Valentine's Day.  Eric brought Sarah's grandma to the house, but Sarah was scared and hid behind Simon.  Eric took Matt with him on a mission to clean the trailer home while Annie, Ruthie, Sarah, and Sarah's grandma made cookies.

Eric went to the hospital to take Sarah's father home.  When they arrived, they found Sgt. Michaels and the rest of the Camden family in the cleaned up trailer to welcome him home.  Sarah and her grandma also came out to see him and he sent Sarah outside to talk with her grandma.  Eric told Joe that the church was making him a church project.  When Joe asked what would happen if he didn't want to be a church project, Sgt. Michaels informed him that social services would then take his daughter away from him.  Joe then went outside and told Sarah to go with her grandma.

That night at home, the kids made a Thanksgiving dinner to thank their parents for all they'd done for them.

42.Like a Harlot

Simon's health class at school showed a video on sex education and he wished that he had never seen it.  Eric tried to talk to Simon about it, but Simon managed to get out of it until the end of the episode.  The effect of the video caused two of Simon's friends (identical twin brothers) to call Mary and Lucy and ask them for a date.  The one who called told Mary that he was a friend of her brother's, but didn't say which brother - they assumed Matt.  The girls gggot permission from their parents to host their dates at the house and were in for a big surprise to find out that the boys were Simon's friends and not Matt's.  Annie used it as a life lesson to teach the girls to know who they're going out with before making dates.

Ruthie was excited because her favorite tv show character, Snappy the Dinosaur, was coming to town.  Annie called to get tickets to find out they were all sold out.  When Eric saw the picture of the lady who played Snappy, he realized that he had dated her a long time ago.  He called her up and got Ruthie tickets and back stage passes.  However, when Ruthie went back stage and realized that Snappy wasn't real, she got upset.  At home she started questioning everything and told Eric that she didn't believe in God either.  Eric invited Debbie (who played Snappy) over that evening for dinner to try and talk to Ruthie, but she annoyed Ruthie more than anything.  Eric did his best to talk to her.

A member of Eric's church came to Eric and asked him to get Matt to take his daughter Connie Gannon to the prom.  Eric asked Matt to take her and Matt said it wasn't such a good idea.  Eric pressed and Matt finally agreed.  He asked and she informed Matt that she didn't have anything to wear.  He told her to come to his house after school and his mom would come up with something for her to wear.  Annie made a dress out of the living room curtain and Mary and Lucy helped put make-up on Connie.  After Matt and Connie left, Mary and Lucy informed Eric and Annie that Matt went out with the high school harlot.  Worried, Eric and Annie waited up for Matt to get home.


Ruthie was upset that Matt would soon be leaving the family for college and was giving him the silent treatment.  Matt made a deal with Simon that he would help Simon come up with a trick for Happy for a dog contest if he would work on Ruthie.  Simon taught Happy to play dead when he said, "Would you rather have your Pow Chow taken away or be a dead dog?"  Happy won the contest and when he was on tv, some girl screamed and told her dad that Happy was her dog Whitey.

Annie came up with a plan to send Mary, Lucy, and Simon off to camp and Ruthie off to her grandpa's the same week that Matt was at his college orientation to give her and Eric some time alone.  To send Mary to basketball camp, she had to get a physical from the doctor.  While there, Annie got suckered into a physical herself.  When Lucy called Wilson for Mary to tell him that Mary got to go to basketball camp, he told Lucy that he would try to set her up with a guy who moved in across the street from him.  Wilson brought him over to the house and Lucy and Kenny hit it off immediately.

Matt had been hiding the fact from his parents that he would be leaving earlier than expected.  Then he found out that he got a summer internship in Washington D.C. and wouldn't be around for his graduation ceremony.  When Eric and Annie found out, they were upset because Matt made class Valedictorian and would have given a speech at his graduating ceremony.

Wilson had been hanging out a lot with Mary and getting Lucy to watch Billy.  When Matt walked into Mary and Lucy's room with Billy to find Mary and Wilson asleep on her bed, he got really upset and yelled at them.

Lucy's old boyfriends, Jimmy and Rod, decided to make Eric their class project to write a paper on his career.  They thought it would be easy, thinking that Eric only worked one hour a week.  When Eric informed them that it was a 24-7 job, Jimmy and Rod felt up to the task.  Eric invited them along to a retirement center and Jimmy and Rod made it all more lively.

The episode ended with Annie getting a phone call from the doctor telling her that Mary was pregnant.

44...And Girlfriends

The Colonel and Ruth came unexpectedly for a visit to make it for Matt's graduation.  With them there, Eric and Annie were more nervous about approaching Mary about her being pregnant.  When they tried approaching Mary, the Colonel and Ruth walked up and they ended up letting Mary and Lucy go out with Wilson and Kenny.  While they were out, Eric talked to his dad about Matt's situation and how he would miss giving his speech for graduation.  The Colonel said that he would simply make another phone call and Matt overheard and got angry that his grandfather had something to do with him getting accepted.  Matt decided not to go to Washington D.C. because he felt like he didn't make it on his own.

A man, Jack Martin, showed up on the Camden's door and claimed that Happy belonged to him and wanted to take him.  Eric and Annie refused to let him take Happy.  As soon as Jack left, Charles and Ginger showed up and asked what time the graduation would be.  When Mary and Lucy got back with their dates, Eric and Annie met them out in the yard.  They sent Lucy and Kenny on into the house and then told Mary and Wilson that she was pregnant.  Mary informed them that she wasn't, that she'd never had sex with anyone and Wilson confirmed that he hadn't with Mary.

That night, Ruthie and Simon came up with an idea and after everyone was asleep, took Happy into the bathtub and dyed her fur purple.  In the kitchen, Lucy talked with Rod and Jimmy for a moment and told them that Kenny was great.  But that because it was great, then something had to be wrong because she didn't think she was the kind of person to get great.

The next day, Jack Martin came back with his lawyer and Eric and Annie had to give up Happy which made Simon and Ruthie very upset.  Matt found them cleaning the bathtub and told them that their dad had called some people from church who were lawyers.  Lucy called Kenny and broke up with him.  Matt found Mary on the phone and pointed out to her the problems with their younger siblings, to rub in her face that she wasn't as well equipped to be the oldest as she thought she was.  Matt got a phone call from first lady Hillary Clinton who told him to stay for his graduation before reporting to him as her intern in Washington D.C.

Rod and Jimmy came up with a plan and told the Colonel and Ruth.  They incorporated Mary, Lucy, Simon and Ruthie into their plan.  They got Charles and Ginger to cover for them by telling Eric and Annie that they just got engaged while the group tried to get Happy back, but they failed.  The next day, Charles and Ginger decided to get engaged for real and right after they made the decision, Happy ran into the backyard and to the house.  Charles and Ginger let Happy in and the family was all excited.  Mary found Matt before church and apologized to him for her attitude.  Jack Martin showed up and Eric told him he couldn't allow him to take Happy again.  Jack agreed and let the Camden's keep the dog.

At church, Kenny showed up and asked Lucy if it was okay for him to be there since Jimmy and Rod had called him and told him to be there.  Wilson told Mary that next year he'd be going away for school and he and Billy would move in with his cousin.  For all their studying Eric's job, Eric let Rod and Jimmy give the sermon, which was most interesting and unexpected.

Matt gave his graduation speech and while he gave it, Annie told Eric some surprising news.  After the graduation ceremony the whole family and Jimmy and Rod met together back at the house where Eric and Annie announced to everyone that he and Annie would be having a baby.  Matt said that because of that, he'd be back after his summer internship.



Season 3
45.It Takes Two Baby

Annie is feeling huge during her pregnancy and starts wearing Eric's pants.  Ruthie pretends to suffer the same symptoms as Annie to keep her attention.  Matt decides to move out now that he's a freshman in college and finds three girls to move in with, one whom he took to the prom the year before.  Lucy, after suffering a break-up with Kenny over the summer, tells Mary that from now on she goes by the rules she finds in a book on how to get a guy.  Mary makes it a contest by saying that by breaking the rules, she can get more guys than Lucy using the rules.  Lucy tells Mary that this isn't a contest, but Mary refuses to listen to her.  Simon's girlfriend cons Simon into making up an excuse to his parents to come over on a school night.  She kisses Simon once he's in her house and her dad walks by.  That bothers Simon but his girlfriend tells Simon that it's nothing to worry about, that they are a very affectionate family.  Still, Simon feels uneasy about it.

Matt ends up moving back home when it doesn't work out living with three other females he's not related to.  Jordan who asks Mary out on a date but Mary tells him she can't go out on a school night, is invited over to the Camden's to play basketball.  Afterwards at school when Jordan is at her locker talking to Mary, another guy Mary made a date with for that weekend walks by and asks Mary in front of Jordan if they are still on.  Mary says they are and Jordan walks on.  Jordan ends up going to Lucy and asking her out on a date.  Lucy accepts.  Eric does not like or trust Jordan after accidentally taking his wallet to the Dairy Shack and seeing a picture of a naked woman in it.  Jordan later admitted to Mary that it was a joke his brother played on him.  After asking Lucy out, Lucy asks Jordan to take the picture out.

When Mary finds out about Lucy and Jordan she's angry, but Lucy reminds her that they just played basketball, they weren't on a real date.  Simon makes his girlfriend promise that she won't kiss him in front of her dad anymore.  Eric decides to take Annie in for a sonogram for their 20th wedding anniversary.  That night he takes her out to eat and runs into the kids there.  They ask where Ruthie is then suddenly a song starts playing and Ruthie with a pillow in her dress starts dancing and lip-synching to the song "Yes sir, that's my baby."  As she's doing her little routine, Eric and Annie tell the kids that they're having twins.

46.Drunk Like Me

It's Matt's freshman year of college and he's ready to move out.  He and a friend checked out a frat house and while his friend was excited, Matt realized that it wasn't for him.  He backed out and his friend got angry at him for it.  Meanwhile, Annie brought home an old junker of a car and hid it in the garage, lying to Matt to keep him out, while she and the other kids tried to fix it up.  Simon got upset when Annie predicted that the twins would be girls and thought that his sisters working on the car with mom made it a girl thing and he refused to help.  Lucy ended up being a genius at fixing cars and did most of the work while Mary and Ruthie bailed out.  When hanging out in the park, Mary met an attractive guy who found it interesting that they were fixing up a camaro at home and went home with them to see it.  Eric took Simon out for an all guys evening and Simon got upset when a new Eric accepted and invitation for them to sit with a single, attractive woman he was new to their church.  Simon got more upset when he saw her flirting with his dad which Eric denied.  At home, Annie talked to Simon and backed Eric up which made Simon feel worse, but Annie was able to help him see the bright side to being the brother of a bunch of sisters.  He then joined the others in the garage and met the guy who followed Mary and Lucy home.  He said he had a plymouth prowler at home and Simon, excited at seeing it, left with him to go see it.  On the way, Simon found out that the guy had just broken up with his girlfriend and had no interest in dating Simon's sister.  He had just come over to see the car.

When a guy at the frat house called Matt to tell him that his friend was in his car a little ways from the frat house and wasn't doing good, Matt found his friend passed out behind the wheel.  He took his friend to the hospital where he discovered that the guy had a blood-alcohol level way higher than the legal limit - a result from what his initiation to the fraternity was.  Matt, angry, went back to the frat house to tell them off and one of the members asked for a ride, wanting out of the fraternity.  When the new church member came by the house, she admitted to Eric that she was flirting with him and decided she should find a new church.  She picked one with a single minister.


Lucy had a new best friend named Nicole who she met in Biology.  Mary didn't like Lucy's new friend and when the truth came out that both girls were failing Biology, Mary believed that Nicole is bad news.  When Mary walked in on Nicole in the bathroom, she saw Nicole cutting herself with a razor and Nicole begged Mary not to tell.  Mary tried to tell Lucy, but Lucy wouldn't listen and the truth came out when Mary shared it with Lucy, Eric, and Annie.  Eric decided to help Lucy study for Biology in the evenings and talked to Nicole's dad, giving him a card of someone he could call to get his daughter some help.  He called and Nicole moved to Chicago to get the help she needed.  Meanwhile, Ruthie failed her math test when Simon told her that only the squeaky ones in the family got mom's attention.  Simon bribed her to pass her next math test, promising 50 cents for every correct answer, and ended up paying her $20 which Annie got back for him.  Matt found a girl who turned him down flat and was convinced that there was something wrong with him to find out she already had a boyfriend.

48.The Legacy

When Simon confessed to school officials that he saw his science teacher push another student's father, he later blamed himself for his teacher getting fired.  Highly upset over the ordeal, Simon left school early and ran all the way home where he found Eric in the yard.  There, Simon cried as he told his dad what happened.  Eric then checked into the whole situation to learn that the teacher was protecting the student from an abusive parent.  Eric went that child's house and found that the spouse was also a victim and got the wife and child to safety and the teacher his job back.

Meanwhile, Annie gave up trying to learn how to creatively trim bushes and decided to try and learn the piano with a very attractive teacher and Matt mistook signals that a female professor was giving him to learn that his advances toward her were unwelcome.  Mary and her friends skipped a class, believing the teacher would never notice, but she did and Mary and her friends got into trouble.  During the basketball game, they had to sell concessions instead of play in the game.  Lucy kept having a tendency to forget her lunch in geometry and got upset when she returned to find the teacher eating it.  When she complained to her parents, her parents didn't want to jump intto action so that Lucy could try to solve it herself.  It turned out that the geometry teacher used eating her lunch as an illustration to help Lucy learn a part of the subject material that she'd been struggling with.

49...And Nice chianiti

Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie all asked Annie if they could ride the bus to school right before Eric walked in to inform them that Mary got her learner's permit.  Mary then ran in, all excited.  The next day as all the kids got ready for school, Ruthie begged her mom to let her ride the bus but Annie refused, Lucy and Simon did take the bus though, all acting as though they're afraid of Mary driving.  Ruthie decided to wear a football helmet in the car.  Eric went in his bedroom and tried to help Annie make the bed, but she got annoyed at him and made him stop.

Both Simon and Lucy had a miserable time on the bus.  Simon was unpopular until he got the geeks in the front to help the bullies in the back with their school work.  But when the truth came out that the geeks weren't all geniuses and the bullies did not get good grades, Simon had a choice between getting a screaming wedgy or walking home.  Simon chose to walk.  A freshman named Stevie hit on Lucy even though his girlfriend Sheila was on the bus.  Lucy tried to get rid of him, but he wouldn't leave her alone.  Believing that Lucy was trying to steal her boyfriend, Sheila tried to pick a fight with Lucy and Lucy decided to ride home with Mary.

Eric counseled a woman, Elizabeth, who recently divorced her husband.  Ever since their son died, their marriage just fell apart.  Eric encouraged Elizabeth to do stuff for herself.  When she decided to get a make-over, she saw a woman named Carolyn who was loving life since getting a heart transplant.  Elizabeth then decided that she wanted to locate the people who received organs from her son.  She had three people find her to thank her for the organs they received from her son.

Matt saw a pregnant girl pulled aside the road with car troubles.  When he stopped to help, she hopped in his car and took off.  When police drove by, they told Matt that the car was stolen and arrested him.  They found the girl and realized she had stolen her parents car.  She told Matt and his parents that her parents wouldn't accept her if they knew she was pregnant.  Eric got her parents to come over and they refused to let come home and that she was on her own, that her getting pregnant was unforgivable.  Eric ended up hooking the pregnant girl up with Elizabeth and Carolyn who would take care of her.

The truth came out that the real reason Lucy and Simon did not want to ride with Mary was because they were embarrassed by their mom, as though she was a walking advertisement that their parents could not keep their hands off each other.  After overhearing the conversation with the pregnant girl's parents, they realized how lucky and fortunate they were.

50.And the home of The Brave

Annie's dad was getting married and Annie was upset about it and put off preparing the food for the reception.  Simon had a prospective girlfriend come over named Deena.  He spent the day evaluating her and decided to stick with her and her with him.  Jordan came over to hang out with Lucy and was surprised when Lucy called him her boyfriend.  They finally made up.  Ruthie stayed home to spy on them all.  Matt and Mary were sent to be with Charles and Ginger, but when Charles and Ginger had an argument, they sent Matt and Mary away.  Matt and Mary took a road trip and got a flat tire and missed the wedding.  Meanwhile, Annie found a homeless man who was mistreated outside of the market.  She skipped buying groceries and took the man home who was a veteran.  He ended up getting all the ingredients and made a fabulous feast for the wedding reception.  When the family got home and saw it, they went in search of the veteran to take him home to let him share it with them.  While they were gone, Matt and Mary got home and saw the food.  Hungry, they left the cake and started eating the food.

51.Johnny Get Your Gun

Simon learns that his girlfriend Deena's ex-boyfriend Johnny is very troubled.  Having recently broken up with his girlfriend, he wants Deena back.  When Simon stands up to him that he can't have her, Johnny threatens to shoot Simon.  Fearful, Simon tells his father about the incident.  Eric meets with the vice principal, Johnny's parents, and Sgt. Michaels, but Johnny's dad refuses to believe his son is capable of harm, but decides to put Johnny in a different school.  Johnny, upset over everything, goes to Eric's church office.  Eric looks up to see Johnny walk in and then pull out a gun.  Eric stands, trying to talk Johnny into dropping the gun.  Johnny shoots Eric in the shoulder and runs.  Eric goes to the hospital where he is treated, expecting a full recovery.  Johnny appears in Court where he's sentenced to a Juvenile Center until he's 25 years old.

Mary dates a boy (Shana's brother) who turns out to be violent.  Mary stands up to him and walks out and he ends up going to Eric for counseling.  Lucy thought slapping was romantic and tried to get Jordan to let her slap him to find out it wasn't romantic at all.  Ruthie, who had walked around during the entire episode saying "BA-BOOM!" (a new video game)  now realizes the seriousness of everyone's situation and stops saying it.

52.No Sex, Some Drugs&Little rock&Roll

When Matt and Simon were studying together, Matt got some coffee and Simon asked for some.  Matt refused to give him any.  Meanwhile Lucy's constant use of the phone and Ruthie's gum chewing got on Annie's last nerve.  As Annie tried to fix lunches for the kids, she gave the idea up and just tossed money into their lunch bags.  When Simon came in and poured himself a cup of coffee, Matt realized that Simon had drank some the night before.  After the kids left, Annie found Eric looking at old pictures of his old band.  The old band came back for a visit and stayed in their RV parked in the Camden's driveway.  At school, Simon snuck into the teacher's lounge and filled a thermos with coffee.  Matt meanwhile met a guy who offered him pills that are all natural energy boosters.  When Ruthie got home, Annie made her spit her gum out again.  When Lucy got home, Annie confronted her on the high phone bill while Eric's old band showed up.  While at practice with her friends at a nearby park, Mary's teammate offered her the same natural energy boosters.

At home, Ruthie found the thermos of coffee who threatened to tell their mom.  Simon paid her to keep quiet and paid her more to get him some more coffee.  Mary left late to go play more basketball in the park with her friend Diane.  When she saw a bottle of the energy pills in Matt's room, Mary figured it was okay to take them.  When Eric went out to the RV to visit his friends, he was suspicious that there were doing drugs.  When Annie went into Simon's room, Ruthie confessed to their plot.  Annie then saw Lucy walking by on the phone after being told she couldn't use it for the rest of the weekend.  Annie took the phone away from Lucy and made Ruthie spit out her gum and told all three of them to stop what they were doing.  At the park, Mary took one of the energy pills.

When Eric brought coffee up to Matt, he found the bottle of pills and got angry.  He told Matt that they were dangerous and Mary came in, confessing to having used them after Eric said that kids had died from using them.  She called Diane to warn her, but her friend wouldn't listen.  Simon tried to form a support group with Lucy and Ruthie, but they refused.  Eric went to Diane's house to talk about the situation with her dad, but he wouldn't listen either.  He took them and gave them to Diane to take.  He finally told Eric what he knew Eric wanted to hear just to get rid of him.

At home, Mary said she wanted to talk to Diane and Eric encouraged her to do so.  Annie then told Eric that she was invited to play with the band.  Matt cured Simon of his coffee habit by giving him a taste of straight coffee.  He also cured Ruthie of her chewing gum by telling her what made gum chewy.  When Lucy complained to Annie about not being able to use the phone, Annie informed her that they were going to have a second phone line installed, but would never tell them what the number was.  When Eric went to the RV to apologize, he discovered that his band just smoked cigarettes.  Eric played with his old band for their gig that night and they gave Annie a triangle to play.  Matt, Lucy, and Simon felt embarrassed while Ruthie danced the night away.  When Mary confronted Diane at the park, Diane made a deal that if Mary stopped bugging her, she would quit taking them at the end of the season. While they played basketball, Diane suffered a mild heart attack.  As Eric and Annie drove home from the gig, they saw emergency lights at the park and stopped to see what was going on.  They found Mary crying as she told them what happened.  Eric silently faced Diane's father before returning to Annie and Mary.

53.Let's Talk About Sex

Lucy found out that Mary was going to a coed basketball sleep over and Jordan would also be there.  Jordan decided not to go and Mary never told her parents that it was coed, they figured it was only the girls basketball team who would be there.  Meanwhile, Matt was struggling with a topic for his human sexuality project.  Simon went with his parents to a community center to take some classes so he could be better prepared to help out with the twins when they arrived.  He felt so confident on his understanding of everything that Annie agreed to let Simon babysit Ruthie.  However, she tied him up and got her head stuck through the bars of the stairway.  Annie made friends with two teenage pregnant girls who were having troubles with the guys who got them pregnant.  She invited them over and hung out with them while Eric met the fathers at the pool hall, finding out that one of them didn't even know his ex-girlfriend was pregnant.  Annie finally brought the teenage pregnant girls down to face them.

Lucy thought Jordan wasn't attracted to her, and came up with a plan to have sex with him.  Before leaving, she told Matt that he could use the idea of first time experiences for his project.  Later, after Lucy and Mary had left, it dawned on Matt what Lucy was talking about and he went out in search of her, finding her in a parked car with Jordan at McCarther's Point.  He made Lucy get in his car and she told him about Mary's sleep over and Matt went to pick her up.  When Matt, Mary, and Lucy arrived home, they found Jordan just leaving after expaining what had happened that evening to Eric and Annie.  Eric and Annie then spent all night talking to Mary and Lucy about sex while Matt videotaped the whole thing for his project.

54.Here Comes Santa Claus

It's Christmas time at the Camden house and time for their annual tradition of drawing names to see who they will creatively make a present for this year.  As always, Eric and Annie cheat so that they draw each other's name.  Matt draws Simon's name; Mary draws Lucy's name; Lucy draws Mary's name; Simon draws Ruthie's name; Ruthie draws Matt's name.  With Annie's pregnant position this year, she can't do the tradition of hanging the lights and Eric's not any good at hanging them.  Simon wants to hang them, but is told he's still too young to do so, but gets permission to hang them inside the house.

Meanwhile, Eric gets Mary to volunteer at a soup kitchen and gets Lucy to volunteer with organizing the church's live nativity.  He gets Matt a paid job playing Santa Claus at the mall.  The nativity tryouts end up being a total flop and Lucy finally uses her family to play the parts - Eric as Joseph, Annie as Mary, Matt, Mary, and Lucy as wise men, Simon as a shepherd, Ruthie as an angel, and Happy as a lamb.  When Matt's friend takes Ruthie to the mall to see Santa and Santa finds out that it's really Matt, she loses her belief in Santa as Simon tries to get her to re-believe.  Meanwhile, Eric's uneasy that Mary seems to have found an interest with a homeless guy she met at the soup kitchen.  However, she shows him charity by inviting him to spend Christmas with her family.

The family finally exchanges their special gifts with each other on Christmas Eve.  Matt gives Simon $50 from the Santa Claus job to give Simon back some of the money he owed him.  Mary gift to Lucy was that she called Lucy's boyfriend Jordan and told him to call Lucy since Lucy had been confused after opening his gift to her early to find a shoe shining kit.  Since Jordan left for the holidays, Lucy couldn't talk with him about it.  It turns out the gift she got was for someone else, her gift was suppose to be a basketball with "I Love You" written on it.  Lucy's gift to Mary was to work for her in the soup kitchen.  Simon's gift to Ruthie were his favorite Candy Cane pajamas.  Ruthie's gift to Matt were some fuzzy dice she made for his car as well as the picture of her on his lap at the mall.

Eric and Annie exchange their gifts to be surprised.  Eric sold his record collection to buy a gold chain for a cross that use to be Annie's mother's.  Annie sold that cross to buy a juke box for Eric's records.  However, early on Christmas morning, Ruthie and Simon awake to hear noise on the front porch.  When opening the door, they see the man from the store where Eric and Annie did the trading, though they don't know who the man is or Eric and Annie's situation.  The man figured out what had happened with Eric and Annie and feeling bad for them, decided to give them back the records and cross and let them keep the juke box and gold necklace.  When the kids ask him who he his, he tells them he's Santa Claus and asks them to give the gifts to their mom and dad.  Ruthie now believes in Santa Claus again and Simon thanks the Lord for that.

55.Nobody Knows

Annie's emotions were running wild.  One day she was feeling very romantic, the next she couldn't stand Eric touching her.  Mary got her driver's license despite the fact that she couldn't parallel park; she got it by fake crying.  Eric met Deena at the pool hall where she told him that it was that time of year when she went in to check to see if her leukemia had returned.  She wanted to tell Simon and Eric thought that Simon would be able to take the news.  She came by the house at night and Simon went into the backyard to meet her.  She told Simon that when she was five, that she was diagnosed with leukemia when she went to the doctor for a routine physical for a dance camp she planned to go to.  She went into remission when she was seven and has gone back annually every since to be checked for it.  Deena told Simon that his dad had been counseling her family for years, that her doctor had introduced them to him.  Simon quickly left, not sure how to handle the emotions.  He saw Eric in the kitchen and Simon got angry at him for never warning him.  Simon came to understand that his dad can't talk about things related to work and Deena's test results were a success.  Ruthie got in trouble when she kept calling a psychic, but they realized she was only calling a local number and not talking to a real psychic, but a kind elderly lady who was honest and lonely.

When Matt took a shortcut home from school, he saw his Aunt Julie cross a street and go into an apartment complex.  He called out to her, but she didn't turn around.  Matt went back later that evening and Julie quickly hid a bottle of whiskey under her couch before he came in.  On the day Matt went by the church to tell his dad about Julie, Julie called Annie and Annie came to the school where Julie was working and they talked.  Annie promised to do her best to keep Eric away, but asked Julie to talk to him soon.  When Julie arrived home, she already found Eric sitting on her couch, looking at the bottle of whiskey.  She got upset and kicked him out.  At home, Eric told Matt about the whiskey as Julie showed up.  Julie explained that the bottle was a gift from her rehab leader back home who died of natural causes.  It was the bottle he had his last drink from 30 years earlier and it gave her hope that she could make it through rehab.  She gave the bottle to Eric and asked him to keep it, explaining to him that her struggle to keep from drinking was still minute by minute, sometimes hour by hour, and hoped it would someday be one day at a time.

56.All that Jazz

Simon and Nigel sat around in Simon's room as Simon tried to think of a gift to give Deena for their three month anniversary.  When Matt went into Mary and Lucy's room, he found out that they had seen Heather.  He got upset and stormed out.  Meanwhile, when Eric and Annie visited the hospital, they saw the man who delivered Matt and had almost killed their son in the process.  Back home, Lucy answered the door to find Rod who said his mom died.

Lucy and Rod decide to let Rod hide out in Lucy's closet and not tell her parents since Rod doesn't want to talk to them.  Mary thought it was a bad idea.  Meanwhile Matt called Heather's house where her mom lied that Heather was out with her friends.  Eric and Annie came home and Annie gave Matt a big hug and told him that he was a miracle.  Annie then called the hospital and got upset when she realized that she might get that doctor (Dr. Hastings) in an emergency.  The next day, Matt volunteered to take Simon and Nigel to the mall so Simon could get an anniversary gift as Ruthie squealed on all her siblings to Eric.  Upstairs, Ruthie saw Rod and ran to tell Annie, but Mary and Lucy stopped her.  Simon got upset when Matt stopped in front of Heather's house.  Inside, Heather's mom told her that she was going to have to tell Matt that she was engaged.  Back home, Annie told Eric that they needed to go to the hospital because she wasn't feeling well and thought that something was wrong.  At the hospital, the doctor told Annie to let her anger towards Dr. Hastings go so she could calm down because her blood pressure was elevated.  Eric suggested to Annie that they talk to Dr. Hastings which Annie refused to do.

As Matt tried on new pants, Simon and Nigel talked about the butterflies Simon bought for her hair.  Mary lied to her basketball team that she was getting back with Wilson so she could get guys to call her again, which they did.  Then Mary got a call from Michael Towner who had hit her with his car once, and wanted to meet with her and she agreed to meet with him in five minutes.  Lucy opened the closet door to find Ruthie talking with Rod and was wearing the butterfly clips Simon bought for Deena.  Matt left to see Heather and Eric and Annie went up to find Lucy to find Rod and Ruthie in the closet instead.  Heather came out and got in the car and told Matt that she was engaged.  At the pool hall, Mary and Michael sat down at a table to talk where Michael asked to be Mary's friend, and asked her to consider him if things didn't work out with Wilson.

Eric made Rod call his dad and confessed that he was angry at his dad for not being there for his mom, that his dad hid from the pain rather than face it.  He then left to go back to the closet.  Simon saw Ruthie wearing the hair clips and chased her into her room.  Back at Heather's, Matt and Heather discussed her engagement, Matt upset over it and even more upset that she wanted his dad to do the service.  He told Heather not to ask his dad to marry them.  Back home, Rod told Lucy that he wasn't going to go to his mom's funeral.  Lucy urged him to go.  Eric again urged Annie again to talk with Dr. Hastings and she got upset when he said he had left a message for the doctor.  Michael walked Mary home and kissed her in the backyard.  Matt walked up on them and Mary shoved him to the ground and yelled at him before storming into the house.  Matt followed her in and asked in front of their parents her she was kissing Michael Towner.  He then told his parents about Heather's engagement and left.  Simon chased Ruthie in and told his parents that Ruthie stole the hair clips and would not give them back.  He got them as Nigel came down and asked to go home.  Nigel went out to get in the car and Simon followed him as Ruthie also left the room.  The phone rang and Annie picked up and talked to Dr. Hastings as she agreed to meet with him.

At the hospital, Annie and Eric met with Dr. Hastings in his office.  It came out that Annie's blood pressure had been dangerously high the night she gave birth to Matt.  Dr. Hastings had never seen that in labor and should have called in a more experienced doctor, but didn't.  As a result, Matt spent a month in an incubator and Dr. Hastings never apologized to them.  Eric and Annie informed him that they would talk to the director of the hospital.  As they started to walk away, Hastings informed them that after that incident, he went back to medical school for three years and devoted his medical career to working with high risk babies.  He told them that three months earlier, Glen Oak Hospital called him to head up their new neonatal unit and almost refused it because he didn't want to bump into the Camden's and cause them more pain.  He was called out and Eric and Annie said they wouldn't talk to the hospital director and found a forgiveness for him in their hearts.

At home, Mary found out that Wilson had called and would call back, then she called Michael.  Simon asked Ruthie if she thought he obsessed about Deena and Simon let Ruthie keep the butterfly clips.  Nigel then came in and said that halfway to his house, he remembered that no one was there and the two made up.  Heather stopped by to see Matt and told him to get over it because she was going to have his dad perform the service.  Mary came down into the living room to find Rod watching tv as the theme song to the Mary Tyler Moore show played.  She sat down and talked with him.

Rod and Nigel went with the family to church on Sunday.  Michael sat a few rows back.  Rod went to the funeral and talked with his dad and gave him a hug.

58.The Tribes that Bind

Lucy was away at camp "All By Myself" where she could get to know herself better.  However, when the camp didn't turn out to be what she expected, she kept calling home to complain as none of her siblings wanted to listen to her.  The women at the church decided to throw a baby shower for Annie at her house despite Annie's opposition to it because she didn't like that group of women.  She invited Patricia Hamilton over to help keep her sanity and Patricia gladly came over.  While Patricia and Annie entertained guests at the shower, Mary, Simon, Ruthie, and Patricia's three younger children all guarded their rooms and bathroom upstairs from the nosy church ladies.  Patricia grew annoyed with an elderly lady who kept asking her to refill her drink and get things for her.  When Patricia asked the lady if she thought Patricia worked there, the lady gave a good explanation that Patricia was satisfied with.  Annie finally got rid of them by faking labor pains.  Meanwhile, Eric, Matt, and Morgan and John Hamilton went out to a restaurant.  When they realized that the people working there were discriminating against Morgan and John, the two of them along with Eric and Matt took a stand.  The restaurant owner then called the police to find Sgt. Michaels and another black officer come out and the matter was settled without a lawsuit against the restaurant for breaking the law by discriminating because of race.  Through the whole episode, Ruthie had a problem with a boy at school (Bobby Tripp) who teased her because he saw her underwear.  He said he had a big brother and Ruthie said she had one, so Ruthie got Simon to face up to the Bobby's big brother who was the same age.  They then pulled Mary and Bobby's High School aged brother into it, but Mary and the older brother found each other attractive.  Finally, they pulled Matt and Bobby's college age brother into it, but they both told their youngest siblings that they should apologize.  As the four brothers were walking away and the Camden kids heading back into their house, the eldest of the four brothers made a derogatory remark towards the Camden's and they all found themselves in a huge fight with very dramatic music playing in the background.

60.In praise of Women

A Valentine's Day the Camden's will never forget.  The Camden family is all at the hospital, eager for the arrival of the twins.  Eric, not thinking clearly, suggests Matt to give blood.  Later when walking by the room, Eric looks in to see Matt laying on a bed.  When asking Matt what he's doing, Matt replies that he's giving blood like Eric asked him to.  Eric admits that he wasn't thinking straight and Matt begs him not to leave.  Eric doesn't have time for this and Matt holds his hand and walks out the door.  Matt later returns and gives blood.  Lucy comes to the decision to break up with Jordan and gives him a call from a pay phone, causing a long line to form.  When Eric sees Lucy on the floor, he urges her to come as Annie is about to deliver.  When she tells him that she's breaking up with Jordan, Eric is pleased, but asks her to hurry just the same.  Simon spends most of the day in the hospital chapel, praying for the twins to be born boys.

The doctor wants Annie to give birth through a C-Section due to her age and having twins.  Annie firmly wants to give birth naturally and calls on Dr. Hastings because due to him almost killing Matt when Matt was born, he owes them.  Dr. Hastings tells Annie that he believes she can give birth naturally, but if complications occur, he won't hesitate to get the twins out using any method necessary to which Annie agrees to.  As the time of birth nears, Matt goes to the chapel to get Simon and Lucy makes it off the phone in time.  The first baby is born naturally and is healthy.  However, complications arise when the second baby turns to a position where the head won't come out first.  Dr. Hastings manually turns the baby.  Eric rushes out to tell the kids that one baby has been born then rushes back.  The second baby is delivered and is also healthy.  The rest of the kids are let in and are introduced to their new baby brothers David and Samuel Camden.  As Eric and the kids gather around their mom and new brothers, they sing the Mary Tyler Moore theme song "You're Gonna Make It After All."  When Ruthie asks about the song, they flash back to when Matt was just a toddler.  Toddler Matt and Annie's mom were sitting in the living room at the Camden house watching the Mary Tyler Moore show.  Matt asked his grandma to teach him that song and then said he was going to sing it to his mom when she gave birth to his baby brother or sister (who ended up being Mary).  Ever since then it became a Camden family tradition to sing that song to Annie each time she gave birth.  Annie misses her mom.

59. It happend one night

The twins are home and are crying constantly.  Annie and Eric who have been staying home with the twins, were relieved when the rest of the kids got home from school.  The kids tried to sneak to their rooms without being noticed but were caught as Eric and Annie made them help.  Matt got out of the house by finding a new job as the delivery guy for Dairy Shack.  Eric bet money against Matt that he wouldn't be able to keep the job.  Mary snuck out of the house to meet Wilson at the pool hall since he was in town and got Lucy to cover for her.  However, Eric saw Mary leave.  Annie asked Eric to go ask Mary and Lucy to clean the kitchen and bathroom and Eric had fun with Lucy, knowing she was lying for her sister, and Lucy ended up doing all the work by herself.  Simon was assigned to watch Ruthie who was upset about the twins taking so much of her mom's attention, but Simon spent his time reading up about twins in an effort to give his parents advice.  As a result, he only annoyed them, caused Happy to use the kitchen floor when Simon didn't take her out to relieve herself, and Ruthie ran away, making it only as far as Matt's car when he came by to deliver dinner because Mary and Lucy forgot to add the tuna to tuna helper.  At the pool hall, Wilson was late and Jordan showed up, and Mary spent time talking with him until Wilson arrived.

Matt lost his bet to Eric because when he stopped by an apartment to deliver the food, he found Shana and decided to stay with her to make out.  Mary snuck back in and as Lucy was scrubbing the bathtub, heard Mary singing to the twins.  Angry, Lucy pulled her sister into the hall and lectured her, not realizing that her parents were standing behind her listening to the whole thing.  Lucy then dismissed herself to her room as Eric and Annie punished Mary.  Eric convinced Simon to lay off his attempt to give advice and Annie ended up giving Ruthie her baby book.  As the whole family tried to go to sleep, Lucy rushed to give the twins her own try.  With both twins strapped in a harness around her, Lucy sang the hymn "Just A Closer Walk With Thee" and was the first person who got the twins to both stop crying.  As she sang, they zoomed in to each Camden lying in bed who each sang a little with her except for Matt who didn't sing.


Jimmy Moon's parents suspect that Jimmy is doing drugs and brings it to Eric.  Meanwhile, Lucy also notices that Jimmy seems to be hanging out with the wrong kind of crowd and becomes concerned for him.  Eric ends up having to pick up Lucy after school and while she waits, Lucy spies Jimmy with some drug dealers.  As she approaches them, police officers spring out arresting everyone there including Lucy.  The police won't talk to Eric, even Sgt. Michaels gives him a cold shoulder about Jimmy Moon.

Simon wants to try out for the baseball team and seeks Mary for help.  He ends up being equipment manager which is not what he wanted.  Ruthie feels Matt's abandoning her because of his new girlfriend Shana and tries to break them up by not giving Matt his phone calls and Shana's answering machine is broken and he's unable to call her.  When the truth is revealed, Matt apologizes for leaving Ruthie out and decides to take her out and spend time with just the two of them.   Eric is paranoid that he's going to lose his job and be replaced which in the end he found out that members of the church had been scheming to surprise him for his anniversary of years being there as pastor.

Truth comes out that Jimmy Moon had been caught by the police months before for drugs but had worked out a deal to be an informant.  Jimmy's parents didn't even know.  Though no one is willing to tell Lucy what's going on, Jimmy finally confesses everything to her.  At the end of the episode, she apologizes to her parents and tells them that she is content with being a kid and them knowing more than her.

61.Sometimes that's just the way it Is

Eric, Annie, Matt, Mary, Lucy, and Ruthie all woke up in the middle of the night to a loud noise coming from Simon's room.  They walked in to find him tearing his room apart trying to find his Red Lightning Ring so it would protect him against the curse of being the middle Camden kid.

The next morning, Eric walked down to find Matt trying to decide what he wanted to major in.  Annie went to get Eric since his clients Emily and Ted were waiting in the living room, admiring the twins as they waited for him.  Before they walked in, Ruthie tried to gain some attention for herself by doing cartwheels.  Eric escorted the couple to his office where Ted admitted he wanted a divorce to the surprise of Emily who got upset at the way he told her.  Meanwhile upstairs, Simon tried putting a horseshoe above his door but it fell down.  Ruthie walked in and Simon asked her if she answered the chain letter he sent her, but she replied back to him with three separate letters.

As Mary and Lucy conspired in the kitchen on a way to get out of the house, Simon walked in and put up a reward sign for his ring.  He asked them if they sent out his chain letter, but they refused.  As Matt drove around town, he stopped by an Army recruiting facility and decided to sign up.  As Eric counseled Ted and Emily, another coupled waited in the living room admiring the twins as Ruthie attempted comedy to get attention with no success.  She entertained a third time two ladies who came by to see the twins by taking them up to her room and giving them a visual story about Moses.  Simon talked to Emily about bad luck until Eric interrupted them.  Lucy later spent time talking with Emily until Eric interrupted them.

When a mother and her teenage daughter came over to meet the twins, Ruthie entertained them as a baton twirler as Annie got annoyed with the loud music.  When Mary found Emily's purse, she and Lucy volunteered to Annie to drive it to her house and take it to her - their way to get out of the house.  As Simon was on the back deck wishing on a star for his luck to change, the teenage girl visiting found him with Ruthie trailing around.  She informed Simon that she asked her mom to take her out of her all girl private school so she could attend the same school as Simon.  She asked Simon to her school dance, but Simon informed her that he had a girlfriend and she got upset.

Annie agreed to letting Mary and Lucy return Emily's purse then Matt told Annie that he joined the army.  Annie refused to talk with him about it until Eric got home.  As Mary and Lucy drove, they pulled up next to two good looking guys in a car who they totally flirted with.  They agreed to go get a shake with them after they dropped off the shake.  Eric drove to Ted's where he found Ted in his underwear with a beer as they talked some more.  Eric then drove to Emily's to tell her he had no luck.  Mary and Lucy lied to the guys about their names, ages, and where they went to school.  When Eric got home, Eric didn't seem as upset over Matt's decision, happy about the amount of money he could get.  But since Annie was upset, Eric told Matt that he didn't think he was ready.  Matt ended up getting angry and telling them that he was going to join.

When Ted left his house drunk to buy more beer, he accidentally ran into Mary and Lucy's station wagon when Mary and Lucy were outside of the car, running around it to play fire drill.  While Mary and Lucy were safe, the station wagon was totaled.  The next morning, they confessed the truth and Matt picked up his test results.  Emily and Ted dropped by the house and Eric told Ruthie to go get her sisters.  Ted then apologized to the girls but Annie wouldn't accept the apology and lectured him.  After Eric and Annie left them, Ted and Emily talked and then Ruthie entertained them with sparklers while she tap danced.  Upstairs, Eric and Annie lectured Mary and Lucy.  When Simon learned that chain letters were illegal, he put them in the garbage disposal.  Eric and Annie confronted Matt when he walked in and told him that he was not going to join the army and Matt agreed and went upstairs.  When they realized it was way too easy, they followed him up and Matt confessed that he failed the test.

62.We The People

Glen Oak was in moral chaos when it came out that the president of the university had an affair with a grad student.  Matt found himself opposed to a group of people who felt that the college president should be fired based on moral principle and actually got into a physical fight with a group of people.  Eric found himself offering the president counsel and Annie spent some time talking with his wife.

Simon got a job delivering newspapers and got Ruthie to be his assistant.  He found out that he would get fired if he didn't get Mr. Malone to pay for his papers.  They got their money from him when they got Miss Hinkle to help them by playing a trick on him.

Mary hit a car in the school parking lot and tried to figure out what she should do with Lucy in their bedroom.  She told Lucy that she left a note with her name, phone number, and  the message "Call me" written on it under the car's windshield wiper.  When Miles Olsen called, he thought Mary wanted a date.  When he asked if Lucy would go on a date with him, calling her a goddess.  Mary told him Lucy would without asking Lucy and Lucy was instantly excited, but when she found out he wasn't good looking, she didn't want to, but Mary still convinced her to go out with him.

63.The voice

The episode opened with Rudy, a custodian at Simon's school, stopping by the church office to tell Eric he heard God speak to him.  Patricia Hamilton called Annie and Annie confessed that she needed a break and was too tired to think of ideas.  Patricia told her that she would think of something.  Mary and Lucy tried to think of a way to approach their parents about working at a country club one night a week for Corrie's mom.  Mary suggested that they act really responsible  and then drop it on their parents.  When Annie got annoyed with Ruthie and Eric bouncing a ball in the kitchen, Eric sent Ruthie outside.  When she bounced the ball really high, the ball was caught by a monkey in a tree who wouldn't give it back.  When Matt was at the library studying for finals, he got upset when he saw Shana hug another guy.

Patricia called and gave Annie the excuse to get out to meet with the Women's International Church Council.  Eric walked by while Annie said on the phone that she couldn't go and Eric urged her to go.  The phone rang and the vice principal asked Eric to come in the next day to talk about Rudy.  Outside, Ruthie promises to Simon that there was a monkey in the tree, but he didn't see it and didn't believe her.  Annie asked Mary and Lucy if they would baby-sit the twins and Mary said that they would love to and Lucy rushed her off to yell at her because Mary never didn't know how to baby-sit and Lucy didn't want to be stuck with the twins.  As Ruthie yelled at the monkey outside, Eric walked by and played along, thinking Ruthie was pretending the monkey.  At school, the vice principal told Eric that they were going to have to fire Rudy for hearing voices if he didn't retire.  When Matt went to Shana's, he saw the guy leave her apartment, and he decided not to knock.

Eric stopped by the school to see Simon spending his lunch hour talking with Rudy outside on the stadium bleachers.  At home, Lucy told Mary that she wouldn't help Mary baby-sit since Mary wanted to do things her way.  Mary then went to visit Matt in his room and Matt told Mary that he thought Shana was seeing another guy and told her what he saw.  Mary suggested to him not to jump to conclusions without all the facts.  She then asked him to give her advice about the twins but he didn't.  When Eric got home, he pretended again to see the monkey and patted Ruthie on the head before going inside.  In the kitchen, Simon overheard his dad telling Annie about Rudy and about the meeting that evening and Simon asked Eric to take him with him.  Mary finally got some advice from Simon.  Ruthie asked Annie if she wanted to come meet the monkey.  Annie pretended to see the monkey and Ruthie told her to have a good time, knowing the monkey wasn't in the room and told her mom that the monkey wasn't there at the moment.  After Annie left, the monkey went into Ruthie's room to share bananas with her.

The guy Matt saw hugging Shana came up and hugged him.  When Matt was confused, the guy re-introduced himself as Tucker Barrelson, Matt's best friend from 5th grade.  He found out that Tucker was living in the same apartment building as Shana and Matt also remembered that Tucker was always a big hug giving kind of guy.  Annie's meeting of the WICC was actually a handful of women who met to just get away from their families for an evening.  At the meeting, Rudy wasn't present and the vice president moved to make a decision without him.  Eric stood up for him and asked to let Rudy work out another year as Rudy walked in and said he didn't want to retire.  Rudy told Eric that he heard the voice say to wait a couple of days before the board decided and the board agreed to give it a couple of days.

At home, Mary picked up the phone to tell Annie that everything was fine.  Lucy came in and couldn't believe that the twins were still asleep.  Eric and Simon got home and right after Simon went upstairs, Eric answered the door to meet his neighbor who asked if Eric had seen his chimp.  It dawned on Eric that Ruthie really had been seeing a monkey and they both headed upstairs to her room.  He asked Ruthie about the chimp and Ruthie pointed to the top bunk where Eisenhower got out from under the covers wearing a pair of Ruthie's pajamas.  Ruthie finally got the ball back before Eisenhower left and Eric finally said he believed her.

Matt went to Shana's with flowers and apologized for something Shana had no idea about.  Shana then played with Matt's mind to get him to want to see her exclusively.  Annie got home to find the girls feeding the twins in their room.  Annie then told them they could work at the country club.  She had found Corrie's mom and talked to her that evening.  As Annie went in her room and talked with Eric and Simon, the phone rang and Eric found out that there was an accident at school that Rudy was involved in.  Simon demanded to go and Eric agreed.  At the school, Rudy had been found by security to be on top of the bleachers working.  When police went up after him, the bleachers all collapsed.  The vice principal planned to press charges against Rudy for vandalism.  When an officer said that it was a miracle that this happened when it did rather than the next day when all the people filled the stadium for the marching band competition, the vice principal finally understood after he absently said, "Thank God." and decided not to press charges against Rudy.  Then Rudy finally felt like it was time for him to retire.

64.All dogs Go to Heaven

Lucy was bummed because she had no plans for Friday night.  Mary had a date with Michael Towner, Matt was going to ride around as an observer with Sgt. Michaels for one of his classes, Simon was taking Deena out to dinner for her birthday, and Ruthie had a rich play date coming over to the house.  The night seemed to become a total disaster when Ruthie's play date, Donovan, heard one of the twins crying upstairs and told Ruthie that he detested babies.  When Michael and Mary walked upon Sgt. Michaels car in front of Michael's place with the back door open, they decided to make out in the cop car, but were soon caught by Matt and eventually Sgt. Michaels got involved, having to separate Mary and Matt when Mary knocked her brother to the ground.  Simon got upset when Deena's older brother who was chaperoning the evening asked Lucy to come as his date.  The night turned out well when Annie got Donovan to hold a baby and he found out he liked them, after admitting to Annie that his mom was expecting her second child.  Lucy saved Simon embarrassment at the expensive French restaurant by making sure their meal was in Simon's budget.  With some advice from Sgt. Michaels, Matt started to back off from being a big brother to Mary and started to become her friend.  Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie all had memorable nights as they were each kissed by their dates (Ruthie just on her cheeks).

Meanwhile, Eric was called to the home of some church members who told them that Mom was dying.  When he got there, trying to figure out if it was the husband's or wife's mom, he found out that Mom was the name of their dog.  She had a broken foot and was too old for it to heal.  The family just couldn't take her to the vet to have her put down, so they called Eric and asked him to take her.  Eric tried, but didn't have the heart either, so he took Mom to her favorite place, the park.  While there, Mom's friend Huck showed up.  Huck was a dog everyone knew had run away from his abusive owner and refused to go near any human and any dog other than Mom.  Mom died peacefully in the park and Eric took Huck home.  When Annie saw the dog, she told Eric they couldn't keep it.  Eric got up and took the dog back to the people's house to tell them about Mom and asked them if they would take in Huck.  They agreed to take the dog in.

65.there goes the bride[Pt1}

Heather was getting married and Shana had lied to Matt that she wanted to go, feeling he still had feelings for Heather.  She got even angrier when he told her that he was an usher for the wedding.  When Matt forget to go to Shana's because he picked up Heather earlier, she got even more upset.  When Ruthie wasn't allowed to be flower girl for Heather's wedding, she put a hex on the wedding.

Annie told Eric she saw his sister Julie come out of Dr. Hank Hastings office.  Eric sought out Hank for answers but found none.  Julie called later to say she was coming over for dinner to tell them something important.  When she got there, she introduced her boyfriend, Hank, to Eric and Annie, who she had been dating for 6 months.  The next day, Hank proposed to Julie and she accepted.

Mary was sneaking out of the house to see a guy.  Mary told Lucy she was seeing Michael Towner but in fact she was seeing Jordan.  Annie found out when she caught the two kissing outside the house.

Lucy was hanging out with her two new best friends, Shelby and Joe, telling her parents they were like the three musketeers.  Joe, however, felt differently and showed up at Lucy's house and gave her a kiss.  Lucy got upset and Joe left.  Shelby told Lucy to go for it, but Lucy didn't want to, but found out that Shelby liked him and Lucy gave Shelby a make-over in an attempt to get Joe to notice her.

Simon got permission to bring Deena's cousin Cindy along with them to the wedding.  When Simon met her, she gave him a totally negative attitude.  When Simon and Cindy were alone in the living room, she kissed him.

At the bachelor's party Matt found out that Heather's fiancé, Mason, had a girlfriend on the side.  He went to Heather's to tell her, but she got upset and refused to listen and told him to stay away from her.  He kissed her and she closed the door on him.  Matt showed up at the wedding and told Heather not to get married and she ran out the door and hopped in his car as they drove away.

66.There goes The bride{pt2}

Heather's mom asked people to stay at the church in case Heather came back. Matt took Heather back to the church where she told everyone, including Mason, to leave her alone.  Matt then left the church to make it up to Shana.  When she saw him, she through water on him and slammed the door.  Meanwhile, someone approached Annie at the church to tell her the truth about Mason.  When Shana left her apartment with some trash, she found Matt waiting for her and she told him why she was so mad at him and broke up with him.  Annie brought the young lady who told her about Mason to Heather.  Matt called Shana and left a message on her answering machine.  Heather broke up with Mason.

Jordan went to the church and told Lucy about him and Mary.  Mary bragged to Lucy about dating Jordan and Lucy called up Joe to come over to make it a contest with Mary.  Julie and Hank walked in to find the girls making out with the guys and they sent the guys home and the girls to their rooms.  Lucy called Shelby to find moral support an Shelby got upset and hung up on her.  Mary broke up with Jordan and Lucy overheard it and they made up.  Mary worked to help Lucy mend her friendships and the three musketeers were re-united.

Deena told Simon that the kiss her cousin gave him was a relationship test and was sorry about it.  Simon got advice from Jordan to think less and kiss more.  Simon and Deena got in big trouble when Eric and Annie found them kissing in Simon's room.

Eric found out about Ruthie's hex and told her to go look if she could find the quarter and Ruthie found it on the floor under her bed.

After Julie told Hank she didn't want to get engaged, he sought Eric out and told him the whole story and Eric left with Hank to talk to Julie.  Hank then went in and talked with her.  After everyone got home, Hank and Julie announced that they were getting married and right away.  Eric didn't want to marry them, but Annie talked him into it.  Shana came to the church for Hank and Julie's wedding and made up with Matt.  Ruthie finally got to be a flower girl.  That night it came out that Julie was pregnant.



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